107 research outputs found

    Reversible control of spin-polarized supercurrents in ferromagnetic Josephson junctions.

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    Magnetic inhomogeneity at a superconductor (S)-ferromagnet (F) interface converts spin-singlet Cooper pairs into spin-one triplet pairs. These pairs are immune to the pair-breaking exchange field in F and support a long-range proximity effect. Although recent experiments have confirmed the existence of spin-polarized triplet supercurrents in S-F-S Josephson junctions, reversible control of the supercurrent has been impossible because of the robust preconfigured nature of the inhomogeneity. Here, we use a barrier comprising three F layers whose relative magnetic orientation, and hence the interfacial inhomogeneity, can be controlled by small magnetic fields; we show that this enables full control of the triplet supercurrent and, by using finite element micromagnetic simulations, we can directly relate the experimental data to the theoretical models which provide a general framework to understand the role played by magnetic states in long-range supercurrent modulation.This is the author's accepted manuscript. It will be under embargo until the 26th of February 2015. The final version is published by NPG in Nature Communications here: http://www.nature.com/ncomms/2014/140826/ncomms5771/full/ncomms5771.html

    Evidence for spin selectivity of triplet pairs in superconducting spin valves.

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    Spin selectivity in a ferromagnet results from a difference in the density of up- and down-spin electrons at the Fermi energy as a consequence of which the scattering rates depend on the spin orientation of the electrons. This property is utilized in spintronics to control the flow of electrons by ferromagnets in a ferromagnet (F1)/normal metal (N)/ferromagnet (F2) spin valve, where F1 acts as the polarizer and F2 the analyser. The feasibility of superconducting spintronics depends on the spin sensitivity of ferromagnets to the spin of the equal spin-triplet Cooper pairs, which arise in superconductor (S)-ferromagnet (F) heterostructures with magnetic inhomogeneity at the S-F interface. Here we report a critical temperature dependence on magnetic configuration in current-in-plane F-S-F spin valves with a holmium spin mixer at the S-F interface providing evidence of a spin selectivity of the ferromagnets to the spin of the triplet Cooper pairs.This work was funded by the Royal Society through a University Research Fellowship “Superconducting Spintronics” held by J.W.A.R. M.G.B acknowledges funding from the UK EPSRC and the European Commission through an ERC Advanced Investigator Grant "Superspin". C.B.S. and R.G.J.S were supported by the Erasmus exchange programme and the Leiden Outbound Grant. C.B.S. acknowledges Prof. Jan Aarts’ for scientific input. The work of F.S.B and A. O. have been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under Project FIS2011-28851-C02-02. The work of A. O. have also been supported by the CSIC and the European Social Fund under JAE-Predoc program and the EU-FP 7 MICROKELVIN project (Grant No. 228464).This is the accepted version of an article originally published in Nature Communications. The final version is available at http://www.nature.com/ncomms/2014/140109/ncomms4048/full/ncomms4048.html. © Nature Publishing Group. Reuse rights are available at http://www.nature.com/authors/policies/license.html

    Andreev bound states in superconductor/ferromagnet point contact Andreev reflection spectra

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    As charge carriers traverse a single superconductor ferromagnet interface, they experience an additional spin-dependent phase angle that results in spin mixing and the formation of a bound state called the Andreev bound state. Here we explore whether point contact Andreev reflection can be used to detect the Andreev bound state and, within the limits of our experiment, we extract the resulting spin mixing angle. By examining spectra taken from L a 1.15 S r 1.85 M n 2 O 7 − Pb junctions, together with a compilation of literature data on highly spin polarized systems, we suggest that the existence of the Andreev bound state would resolve a number of long standing controversies in the literature of Andreev reflection, as well as defining a route to quantify the strength of spin mixing at superconductor-ferromagnet interfaces. Intriguingly, we find that for high transparency junctions, the spin mixing angle appears to take a relatively narrow range of values across all the samples studied. The ferromagnets we have chosen to study share a common property in terms of their spin arrangement, and our observations may point to the importance of this property in determining the spin mixing angle under these circumstances

    Fraunhofer patterns in magnetic Josephson junctions with non-uniform magnetic susceptibility.

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    The development of superconducting memory and logic based on magnetic Josephson junctions relies on an understanding of junction properties and, in particular, the dependence of critical current on external magnetic flux (i.e. Fraunhofer patterns). With the rapid development of Josephson junctions with various forms of inhomogeneous barrier magnetism, Fraunhofer patterns are increasingly complex. In this paper we model Fraunhofer patterns for magnetic Josephson junctions in which the barrier magnetic susceptibility is position- and external-magnetic-field dependent. The model predicts anomalous Fraunhofer patterns in which local minima in the Josephson critical current can be nonzero and non-periodic with external magnetic flux due to an interference effect between magnetised and demagnetised regions

    Spin-Pumping-Induced Inverse Spin Hall Effect in Nb/Ni80Fe20 Bilayers and its Strong Decay Across the Superconducting Transition Temperature

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    We quantify the spin Hall angle ΞSH and spin-diffusion length lsd of Nb from inverse spin Hall effect (ISHE) measurements in Nb/Ni80Fe20 bilayers under ferromagnetic resonance. By varying the Nb thickness tNb and comparing to a Ni80Fe20/Pt reference sample, room temperature values of ΞSH and lsd for Nb are estimated to be approximately -0.001 and 30 nm, respectively. We also investigate the ISHE as a function of temperature T for different tNb. Above the superconducting transition temperature Tc of Nb, a clear tNb-dependent T evolution of the ISHE is observed whereas below Tc, the ISHE voltage drops rapidly and is below the sensitivity of our measurement setup at a lower T. This suggests the strong decay of the quasiparticle (QP) charge-imbalance relaxation length across Tc, as supported by an additional investigation of the ISHE in a different sample geometry along with model calculation. Our finding suggests careful consideration should be made when developing superconductor spin Hall devices that intend to utilize QP-mediated spin-to-charge interconversion.This work is supported by EPSRC Programme Grant EP/N017242/1

    Exchange-field enhancement of superconducting spin pumping

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    A recent ferromagnetic resonance study [Jeon et al., Nat. Mater. 17, 499 (2018)] has reported that spin pumping into a singlet superconductor (Nb) can be greatly enhanced over the normal state when the Nb is coupled to a large spin-orbit-coupling (SOC) spin sink such as Pt. This behavior has been explained in terms of the generation of spin-polarized triplet supercurrents via SOC at the Nb/Pt interface, acting in conjunction with a nonlocally induced magnetic exchange field. Here we report the effect of adding a ferromagnet (Fe) to act as an internal source of an additional exchange field to the adjacent Pt spin sink. This dramatically enhances the spin pumping efficiency in the superconducting state compared with either Pt and Fe separately, demonstrating the critical role of the exchange field in generating superconducting spin currents in the Nb

    Structural properties of thin-film ferromagnetic topological insulators

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    We present a comprehensive study of the crystal structure of the thin-film, ferromagnetic topological insulator (Bi, Sb)2 xVxTe3 .The dissipationless quantum anomalous Hall edge states it manifests are of particular interest for spintronics, as a natural spin filter or pure spin source, and as qubits for topological quantum computing. For ranges typically used in experiments, we investigate the effect of doping, substrate choice and film thickness on the (Bi, Sb)2Te3 unit cell using high-resolution X-ray diffractometry. Scanning transmission electron microscopy and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy measurements provide local structural and interfacial information. We find that the unit cell is unaffected in-plane by vanadium doping changes, and remains unchanged over a thickness range of 4–10 quintuple layers (1 QL 1 nm). The in-plane lattice parameter (a) also remains the same in films grown on different substrate materials. However, out-of-plane the c-axis increases with the doping level and thicknesses >10 QL, and is potentially reduced in films grown on Si (1 1 1).This work was financially supported by the Leverhulme Trust (RPG-2013-337), the European Commission through a Marie Curie Grant (MSCA-IFEF-ST No. 656485-Spin3), the Royal Society, and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EP/P026311/1).C.-Z.C. and J.S.M. acknowledge support from from the NSF (DMR-1207469, DMR-1700137), ONR (N00014-13-1-0301, N00014-16-1-2657), and the STC Center for Integrated Quantum Materials under NSF grant DMR-1231319
