242 research outputs found

    Asian-Pacific consensus statement on the management of chronic hepatitis B: a 2008 update

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    Large amounts of new data on the natural history and treatment of chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection have become available since 2005. These include long-term follow-up studies in large community-based cohorts or asymptomatic subjects with chronic HBV infection, further studies on the role of HBV genotype/naturally occurring HBV mutations, treatment of drug resistance and new therapies. In addition, Pegylated interferon α2a, entecavir and telbivudine have been approved globally. To update HBV management guidelines, relevant new data were reviewed and assessed by experts from the region, and the significance of the reported findings were discussed and debated. The earlier “Asian-Pacific consensus statement on the management of chronic hepatitis B” was revised accordingly. The key terms used in the statement were also defined. The new guidelines include general management, special indications for liver biopsy in patients with persistently normal alanine aminotransferase, time to start or stop drug therapy, choice of drug to initiate therapy, when and how to monitor the patients during and after stopping drug therapy. Recommendations on the therapy of patients in special circumstances, including women in childbearing age, patients with antiviral drug resistance, concurrent viral infection, hepatic decompensation, patients receiving immune-suppressive medications or chemotherapy and patients in the setting of liver transplantation, are also included

    Lateral Gene Expression in Drosophila Early Embryos Is Supported by Grainyhead-Mediated Activation and Tiers of Dorsally-Localized Repression

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    The general consensus in the field is that limiting amounts of the transcription factor Dorsal establish dorsal boundaries of genes expressed along the dorsal-ventral (DV) axis of early Drosophila embryos, while repressors establish ventral boundaries. Yet recent studies have provided evidence that repressors act to specify the dorsal boundary of intermediate neuroblasts defective (ind), a gene expressed in a stripe along the DV axis in lateral regions of the embryo. Here we show that a short 12 base pair sequence (“the A-box”) present twice within the ind CRM is both necessary and sufficient to support transcriptional repression in dorsal regions of embryos. To identify binding factors, we conducted affinity chromatography using the A-box element and found a number of DNA-binding proteins and chromatin-associated factors using mass spectroscopy. Only Grainyhead (Grh), a CP2 transcription factor with a unique DNA-binding domain, was found to bind the A-box sequence. Our results suggest that Grh acts as an activator to support expression of ind, which was surprising as we identified this factor using an element that mediates dorsally-localized repression. Grh and Dorsal both contribute to ind transcriptional activation. However, another recent study found that the repressor Capicua (Cic) also binds to the A-box sequence. While Cic was not identified through our A-box affinity chromatography, utilization of the same site, the A-box, by both factors Grh (activator) and Cic (repressor) may also support a “switch-like” response that helps to sharpen the ind dorsal boundary. Furthermore, our results also demonstrate that TGF-β signaling acts to refine ind CRM expression in an A-box independent manner in dorsal-most regions, suggesting that tiers of repression act in dorsal regions of the embryo

    What are the roles involved in establishing and maintaining informational continuity of care within family practice? A systematic review

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Central to establishing continuity of care is the development of a relationship between doctor and patient/caregiver. Transfer of information between these parties facilitates the development of continuity in general; and specifically informational continuity of care. We conducted a systematic review of published literature to gain a better understanding of the roles that different parties – specifically doctors, patients, family caregivers, and technology – play in establishing and maintaining informational continuity of care within family practice.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Relevant published articles were sought from five databases. Accepted articles were reviewed and appraised in a consistent way. Fifty-six articles were retained following title and abstract reviews. Of these, 28 were accepted for this review.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>No articles focused explicitly on the roles involved in establishing or maintaining informational continuity of care within family practice. Most informational continuity of care literature focused on the transfer of information between settings and not at the first point of contact. Numerous roles were, however, were interpreted using the data extracted from reviewed articles. Doctors are responsible for record keeping, knowing patients' histories, recalling accumulated knowledge, and maintaining confidentiality. Patients are responsible for disclosing personal and health details, transferring information to other practitioners (including new family doctors), and establishing trust. Both are responsible for developing a relationship of trust. Technology is an important tool of informational continuity of care through holding important information, providing search functions, and providing a space for recorded information. There is a significant gap in our knowledge about the roles that family caregivers play.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The number of roles identified and the interrelationships between them indicates that establishing and maintaining informational continuity of care within family practice is a complex and multifaceted process. This synthesis of roles provided serves as an important resource for continuity of care researchers in general, for the development of continuity of care quality indicators, and for the practice of family medicine.</p

    Influence of quorum sensing signal molecules on biofilm formation in Proteus mirabilis O18

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    The influence of basis of quorum sensing molecules on Proteus strains is much less known as compared to Pseudomonas or Escherichia. We have previously shown that a series of acylated homoserine lactones (acyl-HSL) does not influence the ureolytic, proteolytic, or hemolytic abilities, and that the swarming motility of Proteus mirabilis rods is strain specific. The aim of the presented study was to find out if the presence of a series of acyl-HSL influences biofilm formation of P. mirabilis laboratory strain belonging to O18 serogroup. This serogroup is characterized by the presence of a unique non-carbohydrate component, namely phosphocholine. Escherichia coli and P. mirabilis O18 strains used in this work contains cloned plasmids encoding fluorescent protein genes with constitutive gene expression. In mixed biofilms in stationary and continuous flow conditions, P. mirabilis O18 overgrow whole culture. P. mirabilis O18 strain has genetically proved a presence of AI–2 quorum sensing system. Differences in biofilm structure were observed depending on the biofilm type and culture methods. From tested acylated homoserine lactones (BHL, HHL, OHL, DHL, dDHL, tDHL), a significant influence had BHL on thickness, structure, and the amount of exopolysaccharides produced by biofilms formed by P. mirabilis O18 pDsRed2

    A randomised phase II study of pegylated arginine deiminase (ADI-PEG 20) in Asian advanced hepatocellular carcinoma patients

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    [[abstract]]Background:Human hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) cells are largely deficient of argininosuccinate synthetase and thus auxotrophic for arginine. This study aims to investigate the efficacy and pharmacodynamics of pegylated arginine deiminase (ADI-PEG 20), a systemic arginine deprivation agent, in Asian HCC patients. Methods:Patients with advanced HCC who were not candidates for local therapy were eligible and randomly assigned to receive weekly intramuscular injections of ADI-PEG 20 at doses of 160 or 320 IU m-2. The primary end point was disease-control rate (DCR). Results:Of the 71 accruals, 43.6% had failed previous systemic treatment. There were no objective responders. The DCR and the median overall survival (OS) of the intent-to-treat population were 31.0% (95% confidence interval (CI): 20.5-43.1) and 7.3 (95% CI: 4.7-9.9) months respectively. Both efficacy parameters were comparable between the two study arms. The median OS of patients with undetectable circulating arginine for more than or equal to and <4 weeks was 10.0 (95% CI: 2.1-17.9) and 5.8 (95% CI: 1.4-10.1) months respectively (P=0.251, log-rank test). The major treatment-related adverse events were grades 1-2 local and/or allergic reactions. Conclusions:ADI-PEG 20 is safe and efficacious in stabilising the progression of heavily pretreated advanced HCC in an Asian population, and deserves further exploration.British Journal of Cancer advance online publication, 31 August 2010; doi:10.1038/sj.bjc.6605856 www.bjcancer.com

    Expression of Osteopontin in oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma

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    Osteopontin is a multifunctional 34 kDa extracellular matrix protein with a cell-binding domain. It is involved cell adhesion and cell migration and is therefore considered to influence tumorigenesis and/or metastasis. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the clinical significance of Osteopontin expression in oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC). In the present study, we immunohistochemically investigated the relationship between Osteopontin expression and clinicopathological factors including prognosis in surgical specimens of primary tumours in 175 patients with ESCC. Osteopontin was expressed in 48% of 175 patients. Osteopontin expression was significantly correlated with lymph node metastasis, lymphatic invasion, and stage (P=0.0015, 0.037 and 0.033, respectively). Tumours with expressing Osteopontin exhibited more lymph node metastasis, lymphatic invasion and advanced stage than the tumour with negative Osteopontin expression. Five-year survival rate was better in patients with negative Osteopontin expression than in those with positive Osteopontin expression (P=0.035). However, multivariate analysis revealed that Osteopontin expression was not an independent prognostic factor. As our findings suggest that Osteopontin may play an important role in progress of ESCC, the evaluation of Osteopontin expression is useful for predicting the malignant properties of ESCC

    The effects of an enhanced simulation programme on medical students' confidence responding to clinical deterioration

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    BACKGROUND: Clinical deterioration in adult hospital patients is an identified issue in healthcare practice globally. Teaching medical students to recognise and respond to the deteriorating patient is crucial if we are to address the issue in an effective way. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of an enhanced simulation exercise known as RADAR (Recognising Acute Deterioration: Active Response), on medical students’ confidence. METHODS: A questionnaire survey was conducted; the instrument contained three sections. Section 1 focused on students’ perceptions of the learning experience; section 2 investigated confidence. Both sections employed Likert-type scales. A third section invited open responses. Questionnaires were distributed to a cohort of third-year medical students (n = 158) in the North East of Scotland 130 (82 %) were returned for analysis, employing IBM SPSS v18 and ANOVA techniques. RESULTS: Students’ responses pointed to many benefits of the sessions. In the first section, students responded positively to the educational underpinning of the sessions, with all scores above 4.00 on a 5-point scale. There were clear learning outcomes; the sessions were active and engaging for students with an appropriate level of challenge and stress; they helped to integrate theory and practice; and effective feedback on their performance allowed students to reflect and learn from the experience. In section 2, the key finding was that scores for students’ confidence to recognise deterioration increased significantly (p. < .001) as a result of the sessions. Effect sizes (Eta(2)) were high, (0.68–0.75). In the open-ended questions, students pointed to many benefits of the RADAR course, including the opportunity to employ learned procedures in realistic scenarios. CONCLUSIONS: The use of this enhanced form of simulation with simulated patients and the judicious use of moulage is an effective method of increasing realism for medical students. Importantly, it gives them greater confidence in recognising and responding to clinical deterioration in adult patients. We recommend the use of RADAR as a safe and cost-effective approach in the area of clinical deterioration and suggest that there is a need to investigate its use with different patient groups

    Chronic hepatitis B: whom to treat and for how long? Propositions, challenges, and future directions

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    Recent guidelines of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases, the European Association for the Study of the Liver, and the Asian Pacific Association for the Study of the Liver 2008 update of the “Asian-Pacific consensus statement on the management of chronic hepatitis B” offer comprehensive recommendations for the general management of chronic hepatitis B (CHB). These recommendations highlight preferred approaches to the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of CHB. Nonetheless, the results of recent studies have led to an improved understanding of the disease and a belief that current recommendations on specific therapeutic considerations, including CHB treatment initiation and cessation criteria, particularly in patient populations with special circumstances, can be improved. Twelve experts from the Asia-Pacific region formed the Asia-Pacific Panel Recommendations for the Optimal Management of Chronic Hepatitis B (APPROACH) Working Group to review, challenge, and assess relevant new data and inform future updates of CHB treatment guidelines. The significance of and controversy about reported findings were discussed and debated in an expert meeting of the Working Group in Beijing, China, in November 2008. This review paper attempts to identify areas requiring improved CHB management and provide suggestions for future guideline updates, with special emphasis on treatment initiation and duration

    Probing intermediates in the activation cycle of [NiFe] hydrogenase by infrared spectroscopy: the Ni-SIr state and its light sensitivity

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    The [NiFe] hydrogenase from the sulphate-reducing bacterium Desulfovibrio vulgaris Miyazaki F is reversibly inhibited in the presence of molecular oxygen. A key intermediate in the reactivation process, Ni-SIr, provides the link between fully oxidized (Ni-A, Ni-B) and active (Ni-SIa, Ni-C and Ni-R) forms of hydrogenase. In this work Ni-SIr was found to be light-sensitive (T ≤ 110 K), similar to the active Ni-C and the CO-inhibited states. Transition to the final photoproduct state (Ni-SL) was shown to involve an additional transient light-induced state (Ni-SI1961). Rapid scan kinetic infrared measurements provided activation energies for the transition from Ni-SL to Ni-SIr in protonated as well as in deuterated samples. The inhibitor CO was found not to react with the active site of the Ni-SL state. The wavelength dependence of the Ni-SIr photoconversion was examined in the range between 410 and 680 nm. Light-induced effects were associated with a nickel-centred electronic transition, possibly involving a change in the spin state of nickel (Ni2+). In addition, at T ≤ 40 K the CN− stretching vibrations of Ni-SL were found to be dependent on the colour of the monochromatic light used to irradiate the species, suggesting a change in the interaction of the hydrogen-bonding network of the surrounding amino acids. A possible mechanism for the photochemical process, involving displacement of the oxygen-based ligand, is discussed