503 research outputs found

    The Concept of Time in 2D Quantum Gravity

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    We show that the ``time'' t_s defined via spin clusters in the Ising model coupled to 2d gravity leads to a fractal dimension d_h(s) = 6 of space-time at the critical point, as advocated by Ishibashi and Kawai. In the unmagnetized phase, however, this definition of Hausdorff dimension breaks down. Numerical measurements are consistent with these results. The same definition leads to d_h(s)=16 at the critical point when applied to flat space. The fractal dimension d_h(s) is in disagreement with both analytical prediction and numerical determination of the fractal dimension d_h(g), which is based on the use of the geodesic distance t_g as ``proper time''. There seems to be no simple relation of the kind t_s = t_g^{d_h(g)/d_h(s)}, as expected by dimensional reasons.Comment: 14 pages, LaTeX, 2 ps-figure

    4D Quantum Gravity Coupled to Matter

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    We investigate the phase structure of four-dimensional quantum gravity coupled to Ising spins or Gaussian scalar fields by means of numerical simulations. The quantum gravity part is modelled by the summation over random simplicial manifolds, and the matter fields are located in the center of the 4-simplices, which constitute the building blocks of the manifolds. We find that the coupling between spin and geometry is weak away from the critical point of the Ising model. At the critical point there is clear coupling, which qualitatively agrees with that of gaussian fields coupled to gravity. In the case of pure gravity a transition between a phase with highly connected geometry and a phase with very ``dilute'' geometry has been observed earlier. The nature of this transition seems unaltered when matter fields are included. It was the hope that continuum physics could be extracted at the transition between the two types of geometries. The coupling to matter fields, at least in the form discussed in this paper, seems not to improve the scaling of the curvature at the transition point.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures (available as PS-files by request). Late

    Order parameters in spin-spin and plaquette lattice theories

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    We present some basic properties of the gauge theories in the lattice formulation. We discuss the possible order parameters of the theory and their usefulness from the point of view of the numerical calculations. We study the properties of the low coupling constant expansion, i.e. the continuum limit of the theory. Finally we show the results of the numerical calculations for various lattice systems

    Random walks on combs

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    We develop techniques to obtain rigorous bounds on the behaviour of random walks on combs. Using these bounds we calculate exactly the spectral dimension of random combs with infinite teeth at random positions or teeth with random but finite length. We also calculate exactly the spectral dimension of some fixed non-translationally invariant combs. We relate the spectral dimension to the critical exponent of the mass of the two-point function for random walks on random combs, and compute mean displacements as a function of walk duration. We prove that the mean first passage time is generally infinite for combs with anomalous spectral dimension.Comment: 42 pages, 4 figure

    Lattice Gauge Theory -- Present Status

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    Lattice gauge theory is our primary tool for the study of non-perturbative phenomena in hadronic physics. In addition to giving quantitative information on confinement, the approach is yielding first principles calculations of hadronic spectra and matrix elements. After years of confusion, there has been significant recent progress in understanding issues of chiral symmetry on the lattice. (Talk presented at HADRON 93, Como, Italy, June 1993.)Comment: 11 pages, BNL-4946

    A new perspective on matter coupling in 2d quantum gravity

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    We provide compelling evidence that a previously introduced model of non-perturbative 2d Lorentzian quantum gravity exhibits (two-dimensional) flat-space behaviour when coupled to Ising spins. The evidence comes from both a high-temperature expansion and from Monte Carlo simulations of the combined gravity-matter system. This weak-coupling behaviour lends further support to the conclusion that the Lorentzian model is a genuine alternative to Liouville quantum gravity in two dimensions, with a different, and much `smoother' critical behaviour.Comment: 24 pages, 7 figures (postscript

    Grand-Canonical Ensemble of Random Surfaces with Four Species of Ising Spins

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    The grand-canonical ensemble of dynamically triangulated surfaces coupled to four species of Ising spins (c=2) is simulated on a computer. The effective string susceptibility exponent for lattices with up to 1000 vertices is found to be γ=0.195(58)\gamma = - 0.195(58). A specific scenario for c>1c > 1 models is conjectured.Comment: LaTeX, 11 pages + 1 postscript figure appended, preprint LPTHE-Orsay 94/1

    Ising Model Coupled to Three-Dimensional Quantum Gravity

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    We have performed Monte Carlo simulations of the Ising model coupled to three-dimensional quantum gravity based on a summation over dynamical triangulations. These were done both in the microcanonical ensemble, with the number of points in the triangulation and the number of Ising spins fixed, and in the grand canoncal ensemble. We have investigated the two possible cases of the spins living on the vertices of the triangulation (``diect'' case) and the spins living in the middle of the tetrahedra (``dual'' case). We observed phase transitions which are probably second order, and found that the dual implementation more effectively couples the spins to the quantum gravity.Comment: 11 page

    Smooth Random Surfaces from Tight Immersions?

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    We investigate actions for dynamically triangulated random surfaces that consist of a gaussian or area term plus the {\it modulus} of the gaussian curvature and compare their behavior with both gaussian plus extrinsic curvature and ``Steiner'' actions.Comment: 7 page