494 research outputs found

    Towards Clone Detection in UML Domain Models

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    Non-perturbative Interband Response of InSb Driven Off-resonantly by Few-cycle Electromagnetic Transients

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    Intense multi-THz pulses are used to study the coherent nonlinear response of bulk InSb by means of field-resolved four-wave mixing spectroscopy. At amplitudes above 5 MV/cm the signals show a clear temporal substructure which is unexpected in perturbative nonlinear optics. Simulations based on a two-level quantum system demonstrate that in spite of the strongly off-resonant character of the excitation the high-field pulses drive the interband resonances into a non-perturbative regime of Rabi flopping.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Cost optimization of biofuel production – The impact of scale, integration, transport and supply chain configurations

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    This study uses a geographically-explicit cost optimization model to analyze the impact of and interrelation between four cost reduction strategies for biofuel production: economies of scale, intermodal transport, integration with existing industries, and distributed supply chain configurations (i.e. supply chains with an intermediate pre-treatment step to reduce biomass transport cost). The model assessed biofuel production levels ranging from 1 to 150 PJ a−1 in the context of the existing Swedish forest industry. Biofuel was produced from forestry biomass using hydrothermal liquefaction and hydroprocessing. Simultaneous implementation of all cost reduction strategies yielded minimum biofuel production costs of 18.1–18.2 € GJ−1 at biofuel production levels between 10 and 75 PJ a−1. Limiting the economies of scale was shown to cause the largest cost increase (+0–12%, increasing with biofuel production level), followed by disabling integration benefits (+1–10%, decreasing with biofuel production level) and allowing unimodal truck transport only (+0–6%, increasing with biofuel production level). Distributed supply chain configurations were introduced once biomass supply became increasingly dispersed, but did not provide a significant cost benefit (<1%). Disabling the benefits of integration favors large-scale centralized production, while intermodal transport networks positively affect the benefits of economies of scale. As biofuel production costs still exceeds the price of fossil transport fuels in Sweden after implementation of all cost reduction strategies, policy support and stimulation of further technological learning remains essential to achieve cost parity with fossil fuels for this feedstock/technology combination in this spatiotemporal context

    Biowaiver monographs for immediate release solid oral dosage forms: Doxycycline hyclate

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    Literature data relevant to the decision to allow a waiver of in vivo bioequivalence (BE) testing for the approval of immediate release (IR) solid oral dosage forms containing doxycycline hyclate are reviewed. According to the Biopharmaceutics Classification System (BCS), doxycycline hyclate can be assigned to BCS Class I. No problems with BE of IR doxycycline formulations containing different excipients and produced by different manufacturing methods have been reported and hence the risk of bio in equivalence caused by these factors appears to be low. Doxycycline has a wide therapeutic index. Further, BCS-based dissolution methods have been shown to be capable of identifying formulations which may dissolve too slowly to generate therapeutic levels. It is concluded that a biowaiver is appropriate for IR solid oral dosage forms containing doxycycline hyclate as the single Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) provided that (a) the test product contains only excipients present in doxycycline hyclate IR solid oral drug products approved in the International Conference on Harmonization (ICH) or associated countries; and (b) the comparator and the test products comply with the BCS criteria for “very rapidly dissolving” or, alternatively, when similarity of the dissolution profiles can be demonstrated and the two products are “rapidly dissolving.”. © 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc. and the American Pharmacists Association J Pharm Sci 99: 1639–1653, 2010Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/64911/1/21954_ftp.pd

    Biowaiver monographs for immediate release solid oral dosage forms: prednisolone.

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    Literature data relevant to the decision to allow a waiver of in vivo bioequivalence (BE) testing for the approval of immediate release (IR) solid oral dosage forms containing prednisolone are reviewed. Data on its solubility, oral absorption, and permeability are not totally conclusive, but strongly suggest a BCS Class 1 classification. Prednisolone's therapeutic indications and therapeutic index, pharmacokinetics, and the possibility of excipient interactions were also taken into consideration. Available evidence indicates that a biowaiver for IR solid oral dosage forms formulated with the excipients tabulated in this article would be unlikely to expose patients to undue risks

    Biowaiver monographs for immediate release solid oral dosage forms: acetaminophen (paracetamol).

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    Literature data are reviewed on the properties of acetaminophen (paracetamol) related to the biopharmaceutics classification system (BCS). According to the current BCS criteria, acetaminophen is BCS Class III compound. Differences in composition seldom, if ever, have an effect on the extent of absorption. However, some studies show differences in rate of absorption between brands and formulations. In particular, sodium bicarbonate, present in some drug products, was reported to give an increase in the rate of absorption, probably caused by an effect on gastric emptying. In view of Marketing Authorizations (MAs) given in a number of countries to acetaminophen drug products with rapid onset of action, it is concluded that differences in rate of absorption were considered therapeutically not relevant by the Health Authorities. Moreover, in view of its therapeutic use, its wide therapeutic index and its uncomplicated pharmacokinetic properties, in vitro dissolution data collected according to the relevant Guidances can be safely used for declaring bioequivalence (BE) of two acetaminophen formulations. Therefore, accepting a biowaiver for immediate release (IR) acetaminophen solid oral drug products is considered scientifically justified, if the test product contains only those excipients reported in this paper in their usual amounts and the test product is rapidly dissolving, as well as the test product fulfils the criterion of similarity of dissolution profiles to the reference product

    Symptoms associated with victimization in patients with schizophrenia and related disorders

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    Background: Patients with psychoses have an increased risk of becoming victims of violence. Previous studies have suggested that higher symptom levels are associated with a raised risk of becoming a victim of physical violence. There has been, however, no evidence on the type of symptoms that are linked with an increased risk of recent victimization. Methods: Data was taken from two studies on involuntarily admitted patients, one national study in England and an international one in six other European countries. In the week following admission, trained interviewers asked patients whether they had been victims of physical violence in the year prior to admission, and assessed symptoms on the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS). Only patients with a diagnosis of schizophrenia or related disorders (ICD-10 F20–29) were included in the analysis which was conducted separately for the two samples. Symptom levels assessed on the BPRS subscales were tested as predictors of victimization. Univariable and multivariable logistic regression models were fitted to estimate adjusted odds ratios. Results: Data from 383 patients in the English sample and 543 patients in the European sample was analysed. Rates of victimization were 37.8% and 28.0% respectively. In multivariable models, the BPRS manic subscale was significantly associated with victimization in both samples. Conclusions: Higher levels of manic symptoms indicate a raised risk of being a victim of violence in involuntary patients with schizophrenia and related disorders. This might be explained by higher activity levels, impaired judgement or poorer self-control in patients with manic symptoms. Such symptoms should be specifically considered in risk assessments

    Biowaiver monographs for immediate release solid oral dosage forms: Aciclovir

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    Literature data relevant to the decision to allow a waiver of in vivo bioequivalence (BE) testing (biowaiver) for the approval of immediate release (IR) solid oral dosage forms containing aciclovir are reviewed. Aciclovir therapeutic use and therapeutic index, pharmacokinetic properties, data related to the possibility of excipient interactions and reported BE/bioavailability (BA) studies were also taken into consideration in order to ascertain whether a biowaiver can be recommended. According to the Biopharmaceutics Classification System (BCS) and considering tablet strengths up to 400 mg, aciclovir would be BCS Class III. However, in some countries also 800 mg tablets are available which fall just within BCS Class IV. Aciclovir seems not to be critical with respect to a risk for bio in equivalence, as no examples of bio in equivalence have been identified. It has a wide therapeutic index and is not used for critical indications. Hence, if: (a) the test product contains only excipients present in aciclovir solid oral IR drug products approved in ICH or associated countries, for instance as presented in this article; and (b) the comparator and the test product both are very rapidly dissolving , a biowaiver for IR aciclovir solid oral drug products is considered justified for all tablet strengths. © 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc. and the American Pharmacists Association J Pharm Sci 97:5061–5073, 2008Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/61316/1/21392_ftp.pd

    Superconducting properties of PEO coatings containing MgB2 on niobium

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    A study has been carried out of superconductivity in coatings formed on niobium by plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO) in an electrolyte containing different concentrations of MgB2. From preliminary experiments, a suitable PEO condition was selected. The coatings were examined by analytical scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. Superconductivity was assessed using magnetic moment-field measurements. At 6 K, superconductivity of the niobium dominated, which revealed strong flux pinning and sudden release. The latter was more gradual following PEO, indicating pinning was a surface effect. Between the critical temperature of niobium (9.25 K) and MgB2 (about 39 K), the diamagnetic behaviour of superconducting MgB2 was present, with earlier flux penetration the closer the temperature to 39 K. The hysteresis loop indicated stronger flux pinning for lower temperatures, as expected for a superconductor

    Modern Sedimentation and Authigenic Mineral Formation in the Chew Bahir Basin, Southern Ethiopia:Implications for Interpretation of Late Quaternary Paleoclimate Records

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    We present new mineralogical and geochemical data from modern sediments in the Chew Bahir basin and catchment, Ethiopia. Our goal is to better understand the role of modern sedimentary processes in chemical proxy formation in the Chew Bahir paleolake, a newly investigated paleoclimatic archive, to provide environmental context for human evolution and dispersal. Modern sediment outside the currently dry playa lake floor have higher SiO2 and Al2O3 (50-70 wt.%) content compared to mudflat samples. On average, mudflat sediment samples are enriched in elements such as Mg, Ca, Ce, Nd, and Na, indicating possible enrichment during chemical weathering (e.g., clay formation). Thermodynamic modeling of evaporating water in upstream Lake Chamo is shown to produce an authigenic mineral assemblage of calcite, analcime, and Mg-enriched authigenic illitic clay minerals, consistent with the prevalence of environments of enhanced evaporative concentration in the Chew Bahir basin. A comparison with samples from the sediment cores of Chew Bahir based on whole-rock MgO/Al2O3, Ba/Sr and authigenic clay mineral delta O-18 values shows the following: modern sediments deposited in the saline mudflats of the Chew Bahir dried out lake bed resemble paleosediments deposited during dry periods, such as during times of the Last Glacial Maximum and Younger Dryas stadial. Sediments from modern detrital upstream sources are more similar to sediments deposited during wetter periods, such as the early Holocene African Humid Period
