23 research outputs found

    Ultrasound combined with microwave hydrodiffusion and gravity for enhancement of caffeine extraction from guarana powder

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    Abstract The extraction of valuable compounds from dried fruits and vegetables by microwave hydrodiffusion and gravity (MHG) requires previous hydration of the plant material. In this work, ultrasound was used to speed up the hydration of guarana powder before MHG extraction and increase caffeine recovery. The humidification step was speeded up with ultrasound taking only 15 min over 60 min without ultrasound. Water and 50% (v/v) ethanol were evaluated as green solvents for humidification, with a higher concentration of caffeine obtained for the hydroalcoholic solution. Ultrasound pretreatment allowed guarana extracts from MHG with two times more caffeine for both solvents evaluated. Therefore, ultrasound can be used in the hydration step before MHG extraction to reduce time and increase caffeine recovery from guarana powder

    Aplicação da Calorimetria Exploratória Diferencial (DSC) para Determinação da Pureza de Fármacos

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    O trabalho aborda um estudo comparativo entre a técnica de Cromatografia a Líquido de Alta Eficiência e a técnica de Calorimetria Exploratória Diferencial, visando avaliar a aplicação desta para a determinação direta da pureza de fármacos candidatos a materiais de referência certificados

    Seasonal variation, chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of essential oil of achyrocline satureoides (Lam.) D.C.

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    Seasonal variation of the oil composition and biological activities from aerial parts of Achyrocline satureoides were investigated. Essential oils were analysed by gas crhromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) after hydrodestillation. Results exhibited maximum amounts of hydrodistilled essential oils in spring (0.10 %; m/m). The compounds α-pinene (28.5-41.7 %) and (E)-caryophyllene (29.8-38.5 %) were the most abundant component in all seasons. Antimicrobial activity measurement of minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) varied significantly (p < 0.05). It was more significant in autumn (37.9 μg/mL) and winter (38.4 μg/mL) than other seasons against bacterial strains Staphylococcus epidermidis ATCC11228. MIC against bacterial strains Bacillus cereus ATCC11778 was 37.9 μg/mL (autumn) and 76.8 μg/mL (winter) and 37.9 μg/mL (autumn) and 76.8 μg/mL (winter) against bacterial strains Klebsiella pneumoniae ATCC13883. The results showed that yield, chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of essential oil of Achyrocline satureoides (Lam) D.C changed according to the plant collection period.Colegio de Farmacéuticos de la Provincia de Buenos Aire

    A Fast Microwave-Assisted Procedure for Loss on Drying Determination in Saccharides

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    Um procedimento rápido para determinação de perda por dessecação (LOD) foi desenvolvido empregando aquecimento por radiação micro-ondas. Amostras de sacarídeos foram utilizadas e diferentes parâmetros foram avaliados, tais como a posição da amostra na cavidade do micro-ondas, massa de amostra e tempo de irradiação. Massas de amostra de 1 g e tempo de irradiação entre 15 e 25 min foram suficientes para a determinação da perda por dessecação de todos sacarídeos. Os resultados obtidos para perda por dessecação assistida por micro-ondas (MALOD) foram comparados com os resultados obtidos por LOD convencional em estufa e não apresentaram diferença significativa. O tempo de análise foi reduzido de 2,4 a 15 vezes, quando comparado ao sistema convencional de LOD e o desvio padrão relativo das medidas foi inferior a 1%. Até 16 amostras podem ser processadas simultaneamente, tornando o procedimento MALOD apropriado para análise de rotina. A fast procedure for loss on drying (LOD) determination was developed using microwave radiation. Samples of commercial saccharides were dried and the influence of sample position inside the microwave cavity, sample mass and irradiation time were evaluated. Sample mass of 1 g and irradiation time between 15 to 25 min were enough to LOD determination for all saccharides. Results obtained using the proposed microwave-assisted loss on drying (MALOD) procedure were compared with those obtained by conventional LOD determination using an oven and no statistical difference was found among results of these techniques. Using MALOD procedure the relative standard deviation was below 1%. The time for analysis was reduced from 2.4 to 15 times when compared to conventional LOD determination and up to 16 samples could be simultaneously processed making MALOD procedure suitable for routine analysis. Keywords: loss on drying, saccharides, microwave, food and pharmaceutical samples Introduction Loss on drying (LOD) determination is a parameter often evaluated to access the quality of products. Several applications of LOD can be found in industry, in special for food and pharmaceutical industries, which currently use LOD to determine the amount of volatile matter (in general, water) that is driven off under specific conditions. 1-3 The LOD determination is relatively simple to be performed and results with relatively good precision can be obtained resulting in a widespread use. For example, in the 30 th edition of The United States Pharmacopeia more than one thousand monographs recommended the use of LOD in their tests that makes it a parameter that must be routinely evaluated in current quality control. 14,15 Several papers dealing with microwave radiation for pharmaceuticals drying are available in the literature. Therefore, in this work the application of microwaves for LOD determination is proposed using simple and inexpensive instrumentation. Saccharide samples of pharmaceutical grade were chosen as examples in order to evaluate the feasibility of the proposed procedure and results were compared with those obtained by LOD using conventional heating in an oven described in The United States Pharmacopeia. Experimental Samples Commercially available saccharide samples of pharmaceutical grade (potato starch, maize starch, guar, agar, microcrystalline cellulose and hypromellose) were used in this work. Samples were maintained in their original package before LOD determinations in an environment with controlled temperature (22 ± 2 °C) and humidity (less than 50% of air relative humidity). All samples had particle size lower than 150 mm. Instrumentation Microwave-assisted loss on drying (MALOD) determination was performed using a domestic microwave oven (model BMK38ABBNA, 38 L, 2450 MHz, Brastemp, Brazil), with 950 W of nominal power. In order to allow a continuous microwave irradiation of samples and prevent damages to magnetron a polyethylene coil (1 m length and 5 mm i.d.) was fitted inside the cavity in the opposite side of the wave-guide. Water was passed within the coil in a constant flow rate (700 mL min -1 ). The polyethylene coil was passed through the microwave oven using the holes originally designed for air circulation in order to avoid changes in the metallic cavity cover and minimize the risk of microwave losses. For safety reasons, a microwave spill detector was periodically used during the experiments in order to check eventual microwave loss (model LT-2D, 2450 MHz, maximum limit of 5 mW cm -2 , Milestone S.R.L., Sorisole, Italy). For conventional LOD determination a drying oven (model 400/2ND, Nova Ética, Brazil) was used. Samples were dried in a weighing bottle of 25 mm of internal diameter and volume of 30 mL. Samples were accurately weighed using an analytical balance (model AY 220, max. 220 g, 0.1 mg of resolution, Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan). Determination of microwave power output and distribution of microwave radiation within the oven cavity Ultrapure water (Milli-Q, 18.2 MW cm) was used for both determination of microwave power output and distribution of microwave radiation experiments. The power output of magnetron (real power) was indirectly determined by measuring the increase of temperature of water after microwave irradiation. In this work 1,000 g of water was heated at full power for 2 min and the power output of the microwave oven was evaluated using a general relationship where the power output (P), in Watts, was calculated according to equation 1: P = k cp m ΔT/t, where k is the conversion factor (from thermal chemical calories s -1 to Watts, 4.184 J cal ), m is the sample mass (g), ΔT is the temperature change (°C) after microwave heating, and t is the time of irradiation (s). 24 A Fast Microwave-Assisted Procedure for Loss on Drying Determination in Saccharides J. Braz. Chem. Soc. 378 In order to evaluate the influence of sample position inside the microwave cavity on the heating of samples, twenty one glass beakers (25 mm diameter and 20 mL capacity) each one containing 15 g of ultrapure water were symmetrically positioned on the turntable of the microwave cavity. The oven was operated at maximum power for 60 s of irradiation. The temperature increase of water was measured with a thermocouple device (digital thermometer, model AF0806, Incoterm, Brazil). This procedure was performed by measuring the temperature, each run, of four beakers positioned at the same distance from the center. Further, for all the beakers, water was replaced by a new amount of cold water and the same procedure was performed for beakers positioned in other distances from the center. This procedure was repeated up to the water temperature has been determined in all the 20 beakers. Therefore, microwave distribution inside the oven was determined using this procedure. This procedure was repeated four-times and the mean absorbed power for each position was calculated according to equation 1. LOD and MALOD determination The LOD determination in conventional oven was performed by introduction of 1 g of each sample in a weighing bottle previously dried under the recommended conditions (130 °C for potato and maize starch and 100 to 105 °C for the other samples) up to constant mass. For MALOD determination the influence of microwave irradiation time and sample amount were evaluated from 1 to 30 min and from 0.5 to 2.0 g of saccharide samples, respectively. Samples were dried in weighing bottles, which were previously prepared under the same conditions described for LOD determination in an oven. The kinetics of drying for the MALOD procedure was evaluated by means of relative dielectric loss factor determination. 14 For this study, 4.0 ± 0.1 g of sample were dried in the microwave oven at the maximum power for 30 s. The temperature increase was determined using a thermocouple device with digital display for both dried and non dried samples. Each experiment was repeated four times. Results and Discussion Determination of microwave power output and distribution of microwave radiation within the oven cavity Considering that domestic microwave ovens are not originally designed for analytical purposes the evaluation of total irradiated microwave power and microwave distribution inside the cavity was necessary. Influence of microwave irradiation time for MALOD As can be seen in 14,27,33 Thus, an indication of the relative magnitude of the dielectric characteristics may be obtained by measuring the temperature variation induced when the sample was irradiated with microwaves. In the present work, the drying profile of saccharides could be considered as a function of relative dielectric loss factor, as shown in 14 During the first falling-rate period, a higher amount of free water was present. Therefore, in view of the higher dielectric loss factor of water, microwaves could be selectively absorbed by these molecules thus facilitating a high drying-rate. During the drying process, the solid content becomes more significant and therefore the solid sample begins to absorb a greater proportion of microwave energy. Therefore, the initial amount of water present in the samples had great influence on the microwave drying profile of saccharides samples. The necessary time to achieve a constant mass was 15 min for maize starch, guar, hypromellose and microcrystalline cellulose, and 20 to 25 min for potato starch and agar, respectively as shown in Influence of sample mass The influence of sample mass on MALOD determination was evaluated using the previously selected time of irradiation observed for each saccharyde (before section). With the increase of mass the loss on A Fast Microwave-Assisted Procedure for Loss on Drying Determination in Saccharides J. Braz. Chem. Soc. 380 drying was constant as shown in 2 Therefore, it was not considered a limitation for LOD determination using the proposed procedure. Comparison of proposed MALOD with LOD An advantage of the drying oven process is related to the fact that this simple technique can be carried out in practically every analytical laboratory. In spite that this technique provides reproducible results, the LOD using an oven cannot be regarded as a rapid determination method due to the excessive time for determination. It could reduce the throughput for routine analysis. The recommended time for LOD determination using an oven described in pharmacopeias ranges from 90 min (e.g. maize and potato starch) to 300 min (e.g. guar and agar samples). 2 Using the proposed MALOD procedure, the time for drying all the samples was between 15 and 25 min resulting in a time reduction up to 15 times (for guar sample) as can be seen in Furthermore, the results obtained with proposed procedure were in agreement (t-Test, 95% of confidence level) to those obtained by conventional LOD determination using an oven as shown in Conclusions The proposed MALOD procedure provided results comparable to conventional LOD for evaluated samples in a faster way. For some saccharides, carbonized spots were observed when the time was increased beyond 20 min (microcrystalline cellulose) and with masses higher than 1.5 g (guar and microcrystalline cellulose) or 2.0 g (potato starch, maize starch, agar and hypromellose). In addition, the relative standard deviations for MALOD were considered suitable for routine LOD determination. Reduced time for analysis can be cited as the mainly advantage of MALOD when compared to conventional LOD determination. Therefore, MALOD procedure can be recommended as an alternative method to LOD determination in saccharides samples. To the best of our knowledge, the present work describes the first application of microwaves for LOD determination in pharmaceutical products related to the specifications of pharmacopeias

    Smartphone-based miniaturized, green and rapid methods for the colorimetric determination of sugar in soft drinks

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    Total sugar content of soft drinks was determined in a 3D-printed chamber equipped with an USB camera attached to the smartphone to take pictures directly from the vessels used for the reaction of monosaccharides with cupric ion from Benedict's reagent. The freely available PhotoMetrix UVC application was used to control the device and process images. Reaction time, total volume of solution and illumination were evaluated. Images were captured before and after centrifugation and the results were compared with official method (AOAC 923.09, Lane-Eynon titration). Partial least squares calibration was used reaching suitable values (R2 above 0.99; Root mean square error of calibration (RMSEC) and Root mean square error in cross-validation (RMSECV) values lower than 0.07 and 0.23 mg mL−1, respectively). The proposed methods presented agreements from 95.3 to 108.7% to the official one. Hundreds of samples can be analyzed in one hour and reductions in energy expenditure by 5.5 times and waste volume by 78 times were obtained in relation to the AOAC method

    Aplicação da Calorimetria Exploratória Diferencial (DSC) para Determinação da Pureza de Fármacos

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    O trabalho aborda um estudo comparativo entre a técnica de Cromatografia a Líquido de Alta Eficiência e a técnica de Calorimetria Exploratória Diferencial, visando avaliar a aplicação desta para a determinação direta da pureza de fármacos candidatos a materiais de referência certificados