43 research outputs found

    Ectopic Cdx2 Expression in Murine Esophagus Models an Intermediate Stage in the Emergence of Barrett's Esophagus

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    Barrett's esophagus (BE) is an intestinal metaplasia that occurs in the setting of chronic acid and bile reflux and is associated with a risk for adenocarcinoma. Expression of intestine-specific transcription factors in the esophagus likely contributes to metaplasia development. Our objective was to explore the effects of an intestine-specific transcription factor when expressed in the mouse esophageal epithelium. Transgenic mice were derived in which the transcription factor Cdx2 is expressed in squamous epithelium using the murine Keratin-14 gene promoter. Effects of the transgene upon cell proliferation and differentiation, gene expression, and barrier integrity were explored. K14-Cdx2 mice express the Cdx2 transgene in esophageal squamous tissues. Cdx2 expression was associated with reduced basal epithelial cell proliferation and altered cell morphology. Ultrastructurally two changes were noted. Cdx2 expression was associated with dilated space between the basal cells and diminished cell-cell adhesion caused by reduced Desmocollin-3 mRNA and protein expression. This compromised epithelial barrier function, as the measured trans-epithelial electrical resistance (TEER) of the K14-Cdx2 epithelium was significantly reduced compared to controls (1189 Ohm*cm2 ±343.5 to 508 Ohm*cm2±92.48, p = 0.0532). Secondly, basal cells with features of a transitional cell type, intermediate between keratinocytes and columnar Barrett's epithelial cells, were observed. These cells had reduced keratin bundles and increased endoplasmic reticulum levels, suggesting the adoption of secretory-cell features. Moreover, at the ultrastructural level they resembled “Distinctive” cells associated with multilayered epithelium. Treatment of the K14-Cdx2 mice with 5′-Azacytidine elicited expression of BE-associated genes including Cdx1, Krt18, and Slc26a3/Dra, suggesting the phenotype could be advanced under certain conditions. We conclude that ectopic Cdx2 expression in keratinocytes alters cell proliferation, barrier function, and differentiation. These altered cells represent a transitional cell type between normal squamous and columnar BE cells. The K14-Cdx2 mice represent a useful model to study progression from squamous epithelium to BE

    Atopic dermatitis : a cutaneous or systemic disease? The search for answers in the history of Dermatology

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    A dermatite atópica é doença inflamatória cutânea associada à atopia, predisposição a produzir resposta IgE a alérgenos ambientais, constituindo uma das manifestações das doenças atópicas, junto com a asma e a rinite alérgica. A dermatite atópica é caracterizada por episódios recorrentes de eczema associado a prurido, acometendo superfície cutânea geneticamente alterada, induzindo, por fenômenos imunológicos, a presença de inflamação. Trata-se de doença multifatorial, com enfoque nas alterações sistêmicas e alérgicas ou nas manifestações cutâneas, de acordo com diferentes visões da doença. A conceituação da dermatite atópica é importante, porque a conduta terapêutica pode variar segundo essas duas formas diferentes de analisá-la. Autores modernos discutem extensivamente esses aspectos sem, contudo, alcançar uma conclusão sobre a dermatite atópica como doença sistêmica ou cutânea. A procura dos conceitos sobre a doença, desde os primeiros relatos, associada à evolução do pensamento na dermatologia, poderia esclarecer a origem dessas dúvidas. Uma análise histórica demonstra que a dermatite atópica tem seus conceitos atuais oriundos dos estudos de diversos pensadores, que, em diferentes momentos históricos, descreveram a doença, e que muito do que acreditamos atualmente tem, nesses escritos, seus fundamentos.Atopic dermatitis is an inflammatory disease associated to atopy, which is a predisposition to produce an IgE response to environmental allergens and considered one of the manifestations of the atopic diseases, including asthma and allergic rhinitis. Atopic dermatitis is characterized by recurrent eczema flares, associated to pruritus, affecting a genetically disrupted skin surface, inducing, by immunological phenomena, the onset of inflammation. It is a multifactorial disease, with an emphasis on systemic and allergic alterations or skin manifestations, according to different concepts. The definition of atopic dermatitis is important, since its management may vary according to these two different points of view. Modern authors have extensively discussed these concepts, though with no conclusion as to its nature - systemic or cutaneous disease. The search for concepts about the disease, since its first descriptions, associated to the evolution of the dermatology rationale through history, may help understand the origin of these doubts. A historical analysis demonstrates that the currently accepted concepts of atopic dermatitis have their background from different researchers, who, at different historical moments, described the disease, and a great part of our beliefs about atopic dermatitis are related to these ancient writings


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