1,078 research outputs found

    Resolving confusions about jarrah dieback - don’t forget the plants

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    The name jarrah dieback has been used for two different disorders, leading to considerable confusion. It was coined in the 1940s to describe the sudden death of groups of jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) trees in south western Western Australia, which occurred on poorly drained sites, following exceptionally heavy rainfall. In the 1960s these sites were shown to be infested by Phytophthora cinnamomi and jarrah deaths were attributed to it, even though it was only isolated from 5 % of sampled trees. Also the definition of jarrah dieback was expanded to include deaths of many other plants on infested sites, from which P. cinnamomi was more readily isolated. Jarrah trees die from severe water deficiency, indicating problems with water conduction through roots. Xylem vessel diameters vary along roots, being narrow at the root collar, while distally they are larger, providing water storage. Jarrah transpires vigorously during summer, accessing water at depth on sites with deep soil, but being more dependent on internally stored water when root systems are shallower. Following waterlogging, sapwood vessels become blocked with tyloses, reducing both conductivity and potential water storage; such trees may have insufficient water reserves for summer survival. In jarrah P. cinnamomi is unlikely to cause water deficiency because sapwood invasion is rapidly contained in healthy roots. Recent investigations into P. cinnamomi invasion and host responses in other plants show that it can potentially cause a vascular wilt in Banksia spp. and chronic, symptomless infections in herbaceous plants. Susceptibility to waterlogging damage, and/or mortality resulting from infection by P. cinnamomi can only be clarified by detailed knowledge of the hosts and their vulnerabilities. This is essential for making diagnoses, devising management strategies, and avoiding the confusions of the past

    The switch between acute and persistent paramyxovirus infection caused by single amino acid substitutions in the RNA polymerase P subunit

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    Paramyxoviruses can establish persistent infections both in vitro and in vivo, some of which lead to chronic disease. However, little is known about the molecular events that contribute to the establishment of persistent infections by RNA viruses. Using parainfluenza virus type 5 (PIV5) as a model we show that phosphorylation of the P protein, which is a key component of the viral RNA polymerase complex, determines whether or not viral transcription and replication becomes repressed at late times after infection. If the virus becomes repressed, persistence is established, but if not, the infected cells die. We found that single amino acid changes at various positions within the P protein switched the infection phenotype from lytic to persistent. Lytic variants replicated to higher titres in mice than persistent variants and caused greater infiltration of immune cells into infected lungs but were cleared more rapidly. We propose that during the acute phases of viral infection in vivo, lytic variants of PIV5 will be selected but, as the adaptive immune response develops, variants in which viral replication can be repressed will be selected, leading to the establishment of prolonged, persistent infections. We suggest that similar selection processes may operate for other RNA viruses

    Targeted Disruption of the Low-Affinity Leukemia Inhibitory Factor-Receptor Gene Causes Placental, Skeletal, Neural and Metabolic Defects and Results in Perinatal Death

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    The low-affinity receptor for leukemia inhibitory factor (LIFR)* interacts with gp130 to induce an intracellular signal cascade, The LIFR-gp130 heterodimer is implicated in the function of diverse systems, Normal placentation is disrupted in LIFR mutant animals, which leads to poor intrauterine nutrition but allows fetuses to continue to term. Fetal bone volume is reduced greater than three-fold and the number of osteoclasts is increased six-fold, resulting in severe osteopenia of perinatal bone. Astrocyte numbers are reduced in the spinal cord and brain stem. Late gestation fetal livers contain relatively high stores of glycogen, indicating a metabolic disorder. Hematologic and primordial germ cell compartments appear normal. Pleiotropic defects in the mutant animals preclude survival beyond the day of birth

    Comparative Analysis of Viral Gene Expression Programs during Poxvirus Infection: A Transcriptional Map of the Vaccinia and Monkeypox Genomes

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    Poxviruses engage in a complex and intricate dialogue with host cells as part of their strategy for replication. However, relatively little molecular detail is available with which to understand the mechanisms behind this dialogue.We designed a specialized microarray that contains probes specific to all predicted ORFs in the Monkeypox Zaire (MPXV) and Vaccinia Western Reserve (VACV) genomes, as well as >18,000 human genes, and used this tool to characterize MPXV and VACV gene expression responses in vitro during the course of primary infection of human monocytes, primary human fibroblasts and HeLa cells. The two viral transcriptomes show distinct features of temporal regulation and species-specific gene expression, and provide an early foundation for understanding global gene expression responses during poxvirus infection.The results provide a temporal map of the transcriptome of each virus during infection, enabling us to compare viral gene expression across species, and classify expression patterns of previously uncharacterized ORFs

    Comparative genome analysis of lignin biosynthesis gene families across the plant kingdom

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>As a major component of plant cell wall, lignin plays important roles in mechanical support, water transport, and stress responses. As the main cause for the recalcitrance of plant cell wall, lignin modification has been a major task for bioenergy feedstock improvement. The study of the evolution and function of lignin biosynthesis genes thus has two-fold implications. First, the lignin biosynthesis pathway provides an excellent model to study the coordinative evolution of a biochemical pathway in plants. Second, understanding the function and evolution of lignin biosynthesis genes will guide us to develop better strategies for bioenergy feedstock improvement.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We analyzed lignin biosynthesis genes from fourteen plant species and one symbiotic fungal species. Comprehensive comparative genome analysis was carried out to study the distribution, relatedness, and family expansion of the lignin biosynthesis genes across the plant kingdom. In addition, we also analyzed the comparative synteny map between rice and sorghum to study the evolution of lignin biosynthesis genes within the <it>Poaceae </it>family and the chromosome evolution between the two species. Comprehensive lignin biosynthesis gene expression analysis was performed in rice, poplar and <it>Arabidopsis</it>. The representative data from rice indicates that different fates of gene duplications exist for lignin biosynthesis genes. In addition, we also carried out the biomass composition analysis of nine <it>Arabidopsis </it>mutants with both MBMS analysis and traditional wet chemistry methods. The results were analyzed together with the genomics analysis.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The research revealed that, among the species analyzed, the complete lignin biosynthesis pathway first appeared in moss; the pathway is absent in green algae. The expansion of lignin biosynthesis gene families correlates with substrate diversity. In addition, we found that the expansion of the gene families mostly occurred after the divergence of monocots and dicots, with the exception of the C4H gene family. Gene expression analysis revealed different fates of gene duplications, largely confirming plants are tolerant to gene dosage effects. The rapid expansion of lignin biosynthesis genes indicated that the translation of transgenic lignin modification strategies from model species to bioenergy feedstock might only be successful between the closely relevant species within the same family.</p

    Cystic mucinous adenocarcinoma of the lung: a case report

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    Mucinous cystic tumors of the lung are uncommon, the preoperative pathologic diagnosis is difficult and their biological behavior is still controversial. We report the case of a patient with a clinically benign cystic lesion that post-operatively showed to be consistent with an invasive adenocarcinoma arising in a mucinous cystadenoma of the lung

    Preeclampsia: a gestational cardiorenal syndrome.

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    It is generally accepted today that there are two different types of preeclampsia: an early-onset or placental type and a late-onset or maternal type. In the latent phase, the first one presents with a low output/high resistance circulation eventually leading in the late second or early third trimester to an intense and acutely aggravating systemic disorder with an important impact on maternal and neonatal mortality and morbidity; the other type presents initially as a high volume/low resistance circulation, gradually evolving to a state of circulatory decompensation usually in the later stages of pregnancy, with a less severe impact on maternal and neonatal outcome. For both processes, numerous dysfunctions of the heart, kidneys, arteries, veins and interconnecting systems are reported, most of them presenting earlier and more severely in early- than in late-onset preeclampsia; however, some very specific dysfunctions exist for either type. Experimental, clinical and epidemiological observations before, during and after pregnancy are consistent with gestation-induced worsening of subclinical pre-existing chronic cardiovascular dysfunction in early-onset preeclampsia, and thus sharing the pathophysiology of cardiorenal syndrome type II, and with acute volume overload decompensation of the maternal circulation in late-onset preeclampsia, thus sharing the pathophysiology of cardiorenal syndrome type 1. Cardiorenal syndrome type V is consistent with the process of preeclampsia superimposed upon clinical cardiovascular and/or renal disease, alone or as part of a systemic disorder. This review focuses on the specific differences in haemodynamic dysfunctions between the two types of preeclampsia, with special emphasis on the interorgan interactions between heart and kidneys, introducing the theoretical concept that the pathophysiological processes of preeclampsia can be regarded as the gestational manifestations of cardiorenal syndromes

    Effects of intragastric infusion of inosine monophosphate and l-glutamate on vagal gastric afferent activity and subsequent autonomic reflexes

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    In this study we investigated the effects of intragastric infusion of palatable basic taste substances (umami, sweet, and salty) on the activity of the vagal gastric afferent nerve (VGA), the vagal celiac efferent nerve (VCE), and the splanchnic adrenal efferent nerve (SAE) in anesthetized rats. To test the three selected taste groups, rats were infused with inosine monophosphate (IMP) and l-glutamate (GLU) for umami, with glucose and sucrose for sweet, and with sodium chloride (NaCl) for salty. Infusions of IMP and GLU solutions significantly increased VGA activity and induced the autonomic reflex, which activated VCE and SAE; these reflexes were abolished after sectioning of the VGA. Infusions of glucose, sucrose and NaCl solutions, conversely, had no significant effects on VGA activity. These results suggest that umami substances in the stomach send information through the VGA to the brain and play a role in the reflex regulation of visceral functions