11 research outputs found


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    We report on 2 brothers, born to consanguineous parents presenting thin/long face, small ears, blepharophimosis, malar hypoplasia, long neck, pectus excavatum, brachy-camptodactyly, and sacral dimple. We suspect that these patients represent a previously undescribed autosomal recessive syndrome. (C) 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc

    Clinical evaluation of two minimal interventional restorative approaches : 5-year follow-up

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    Objective: To compare the performance of two minimally invasive restorative treatment approaches for managing dental caries. Methods: A total of 50 pregnant women (second trimester of pregnancy), mean age 22±5.30 years, were treated by two previously trained operators. The treatment approaches tested were: chemo-mechanical (Carisolv-MediTeam, Sweden) and mechanical (Atraumatic Restorative Treatment -ART) methods. A parallel-group study design was used in which the two treatments were randomly placed in 50 matched pairs of permanent teeth. The treatments were performed in Public Health Centers located in suburban areas of Bauru city in Brazil. The restorative material used was high strength glass ionomer cement (Ketac Molar, 3M ESPE).The restorations were evaluated by 2 calibrated independent double-blind examiners according to ART criteria. The inter examiner kappa was 0.93. The data were analyzed using 95% confidence interval on the binomial distribution and Fisher Exact test. A difference was statistically significant if p<0.05. Results: In a 5-year follow-up, 34% of the restorations were evaluated. In the chemo-mechanical group 53% (CI=27-77%) of the restorations were considered as successful and in the mechanical group 60% (CI=33-83%). There was no statistically significant difference between the 5-year success rate for both groups (p=0.73). Conclusion: The two minimal interventional restorative approaches showed similar clinical performance after 5 years

    Expression of metalloproteinase 2 in the cell response to porous demineralized bovine bone matrix

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    The purpose of the study was to analyze the involvement of metalloproteinase 2 (MMP-2) and macrophages in the tissue and cell response to the organic graft material produced from bovine cancellous bone. Thirty adult male white Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus) received implants of blocks of demineralized bovine bone matrix between the fasciae of the quadriceps muscle. The specimens collected at 3, 7, 14, 21 and 28 days after implantation (n = 6/period). Sections of 6 mu m thick were stained with hematoxylin and eosin and immunolabeled with anti-MMP-2 and anti-CD68 using standard avidin-biotin-peroxidase method. The tissue response to the material was initially mediated by polymorphonuclear neutrophils, evolving to a mononuclear inflammatory infiltrate with macrophages and few lymphocytes and plasma cells and presence of inflammatory multinucleated giant cells (GC) in contact with the material that exhibited signs of resorption. The number of cells immunolabeled to MMP-2 was highest at day 7 (103.2 +/- 39.1), but significantly decreased (F = 3.67; p = 0.044) until day 28 (45.9 +/- 13.1). CD68 immunostaining also significantly decreased (F = 6.75; p = 0.007) from day 7 (49.5 +/- 10.4) to day 28 (19.5 +/- 8.9). A positive and statistically significant correlation was observed between the evolutions of these two variables. The material had been almost completely resorbed at day 28. Among cells present at the granuloma, anti-MMP-2 immunostaining was predominant and more intense in macrophages, yet lightly immunolabeled multinucleated giant cells were found in close contact with the material. Thus, considering the experimental limitations of this study, we concluded that MMP-2 produced by macrophages participates in the resorption of demineralized bovine bone.36431131

    Histochemistry profile of the biceps brachii muscle fibres of capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella, Linnaeus, 1758)

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    A general analysis of the behaviour of &#8220;Cebus&#8221; shows that when this primate moves position to feed or perform another activity, it presents different ways of locomotion. This information shows that the brachial biceps muscle of this animal is frequently used in their locomotion activities, but it should also be remembered that this muscle is also used for other development activities like hiding, searching for objects, searching out in the woods, and digging in the soil. Considering the above, it was decided to research the histoenzimologic characteristics of the brachial biceps muscle to observe whether it is better adpted to postural or phasic function. To that end, samples were taken from the superficial and deep regions, the inserts proximal (medial and lateral) and distal brachial biceps six capuchin monkeys male and adult, which were subjected to the reactions of m-ATPase, NADH-Tr. Based on the results of these reactions fibres were classified as in Fast Twitch Glycolitic (FG), Fast Twitch Oxidative Glycolitic (FOG) and Slow Twitc (SO). In general, the results, considering the muscle as a whole, show a trend of frequency FOG> FG> SO. The data on the frequency were studied on three superficial regions FOG=FG>SO; the deep regions of the inserts proximal FOG=FG=SO and inserting the distal FOG>FG=SO. In conclusion, the biceps brachii of the capuchin monkey is well adapted for both postural and phasic activities

    Distribution of fluoride and calcium in plaque biofilms after the use of conventional and low-fluoride dentifrices

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    Background: The distribution of fluoride and calcium in plaque after the use of fluoride dentifrices has not yet been determined. Aim: To evaluate fluoride and calcium distribution in sections of biofilms generated in situ after the use of conventional and low-fluoride dentifrices. Design: Children (n = 11, 8-10 years old) brushed with placebo (fluoride-free), low-fluoride (513 mgF/kg), and conventional (1072 mgF/kg) dentifrices twice daily for 1 week, following a double-blind, cross-over protocol. Biofilms were generated using Leeds in situ devices, which were collected 1 and 12 h after brushing, and sectioned through their depth. Sections were grouped (10 × 5 ÎŒm) for fluoride and calcium analysis. Sections 4 ÎŒm thick were used for image analysis and determination of biomass fraction. Results were analysed by anova, Tukey's test, and linear regression analysis (P < 0.05). Results: Fluoride and calcium were mostly located at the outer sections of biofilms for all dentifrices tested, and these ions were directly correlated throughout most of biofilm's sections. Results for conventional dentifrice were significantly higher than for the placebo, but did not differ from those for the low-fluoride dentifrice. Conclusions: The use of a low-fluoride dentifrice did not promote a higher fluoride uptake in inner biofilms' sections, as hypothesized. As plaque fluoride was significantly elevated only after the use of the conventional dentifrice, the recommendation of low-fluoride formulations should be done with caution, considering both risks and benefits

    Histochemistry profile of the biceps brachii muscle fibres of capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella, Linnaeus, 1758)

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    A general analysis of the behaviour of “Cebus” shows that when this primate moves position to feed or perform another activity, it presents different ways of locomotion. This information shows that the brachial biceps muscle of this animal is frequently used in their locomotion activities, but it should also be remembered that this muscle is also used for other development activities like hiding, searching for objects, searching out in the woods, and digging in the soil. Considering the above, it was decided to research the histoenzimologic characteristics of the brachial biceps muscle to observe whether it is better adpted to postural or phasic function. To that end, samples were taken from the superficial and deep regions, the inserts proximal (medial and lateral) and distal brachial biceps six capuchin monkeys male and adult, which were subjected to the reactions of m-ATPase, NADH-Tr. Based on the results of these reactions fibres were classified as in Fast Twitch Glycolitic (FG), Fast Twitch Oxidative Glycolitic (FOG) and Slow Twitc (SO). In general, the results, considering the muscle as a whole, show a trend of frequency FOG> FG> SO. The data on the frequency were studied on three superficial regions FOG=FG>SO; the deep regions of the inserts proximal FOG=FG=SO and inserting the distal FOG>FG=SO. In conclusion, the biceps brachii of the capuchin monkey is well adapted for both postural and phasic activities

    Chemical and Structural Characterization of Glass Ionomer Cements indicated for Atraumatic Restorative Treatment

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