568 research outputs found

    Discharge In the Law of Arbitration

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    The vast majority of arbitrators will refuse to find just cause unless the discharge penalty bears some reasonable relation to the seriousness of the grievant\u27s offense. They believe it to be their responsibility to determine whether the punishment fits the crime by realistically appraising the wrongful act\u27s deleterious effects on the industrial community. If the grievant\u27s proven offense appears to merit discipline short of discharge, the arbitrator usually will feel compelled to modify the discharge penalty in favor of some lesser degree of discipline. Since this amounts to a review of the penalty imposed by management, there is a substantial question as to whether the arbitrator has this authority. Generally, arbitrators have not been too concerned with this problem, and they consistently assert jurisdiction to reduce the discharge penalty on the ground that the power is implied in their authority to decide and adjust the dispute submitted by the parties.The courts, in actions to vacate or enforce awards, have shown a general tendency to favor the arbitrator\u27s assertion of power to modify the penalty imposed unless this power is clearly denied him by the collective agreement or submission. This tendency indicates that arbitrators will be given some leeway in formulating adequate remedies for the breach of collective bargaining agreements. Looking to the future, one wonders whether arbitrators will be allowed to formulate additional and more controversial remedies under the implied authority rationale. It is reasonable to assume, however, that there will be a corresponding development in the arbitral remedy power as the arbitration process increasingly becomes the principal means for resolving labor disputes

    The Amphibians and Reptiles of Chilhowee Mountain

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    Introduction: In the past some reptiles and amphibians have been reported from the general area of Chilhowee Mountain (i.e., within the counties through which the mountain extends). However, no one has ever made an exhaustive study of these two groups of vertebrates on the mountain itself. The neighboring Great Smoky Mountains National Park offers one of the most interesting and extensively studied areas of the Southeast. The purpose of the present study has been to gather enough evidence for a comparison of the reptiles and amphibians of Chilhowee Mountain (more specifically, a representative part of the mountain most easily reached from the University of Tennessee) with those of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. The most useful reference for this comparison has been Willis King\u27s survey of the herpetology of the Park (1939). In addition to the occurrence of particular species, the possibility of altitudinal limits in distribution was kept in mind during the study. Finally, it was desirable to compare the abundance of the two classes of vertebrates of the two areas in relation to the habitats available

    The Representative Republic, by Ferdinand A. Hermens

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    Decision at Law, by David W. Peck

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    Las políticas de gestión de cobranza y su incidencia en la situación económica y financiera de la sociedad de Beneficencia Pública de Trujillo, La Libertad, año 2017

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    La Sociedad de Beneficencia Pública de Trujillo, dedicada a brindar servicios de apoyo a las personas de escasos recursos económicos, no viene realizando un buen control sobre la gestión de cobranza. Por este motivo se planteó el presente trabajo de investigación titulado: Las políticas de gestión de cobranza y su incidencia en la situación económica y financiera de la Sociedad de Beneficencia Pública de Trujillo, La Libertad, año 2017; el cual, tiene como objetivo principal demostrar, si existe incidencia positiva en la situación económica y financiera de la institución. Se realizó una evaluación al área de cobranza, aplicando los instrumentos: entrevista y un cuestionario al personal del área, a su vez se realizó un diagnóstico a los estados financieros, mediante ratios, y análisis financieros. Se obtuvo como resultado que esta no cuenta con políticas de gestión de cobranza, pero realizan su gestión de cobro mediante un proceso empírico. Económicamente tiene una alta liquidez y rentabilidad. Se aplicó mejoras en el proceso de gestión de cobranza, así mismo se evaluó y se comparó la situación económica y financiera del periodo 2017 de la entidad con la implementación que se hizo, obteniendo resultados favorables; ejemplo de esto, la disminución de las cuentas por cobrar y una efectiva gestión de cobranza.The Society of Public Charity of Trujillo, dedicated to provide support services to people with limited economic resources, does not immediately perform a good control over collection management. For this reason, the present research work entitled: The collection management policies and their impact on the economic and financial situation of the Public Charity Society of Trujillo, La Libertad, year 2017; which, its main objective is to demonstrate, if there is a positive introduction in the economic and financial situation of the institution. An evaluation was made to the collection area, application of the instruments: interview and a questionnaire to the personnel of the area, in turn a diagnosis was made to the financial statements, through relationships, and financial analysis. It was obtained as a result that it does not have collection management policies, but it did manage its collection through an empirical process. Economically it has a high liquidity and profitability. Improvements were applied to the collection management process, likewise, the economic and financial situation of the entity's 2017 period was evaluated and compared with the implementation that was made, obtaining favorable results; example of this, the decrease in accounts receivable and a possible collection management.Tesi