604 research outputs found

    The Relationship Between The Mississippi Adequate Education Program And Student Achievement In Mississippi Schools

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    The dissertation research examined the effects of school funding upon student achievement in Mississippi public schools from 2011-2012, 2012-2013, and 2013-2014. The detailed description of the MAEP and its relationship to revenues derived from ad valorem taxes and how they explain the primary basis for revenues that support public education in Mississippi. Hence, a secondary problem in this study identified a prediction equation based upon selected school characteristics and derived funding levels (using MAEP data) to predict student achievement. Six hypotheses were examined in the study to determine the effects of school funding upon academic achievement

    The evolution of tail joint stiffness in oviraptorosaur dinosaurs and its consequences for tail fucntion

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    Poster Session 3: no. 36Oviraptorosaurs preserve distal tail fronds that are sometimes articulated with a fused pygostyle-like structure. This similarity with birds has led to speculation that they used their tails for display purposes, as in peacocks. The prezygapophyseal morphology and craniocaudally short centra of oviraptorosaur tails indicate a high degree of flexibility per unit of absolute tail length. Their prezygapophyses permitted a large range of motion per joint, which increased tail mobility because the craniocaudally shorter centra allowed the tail to accommodate more joints per unit length. The large muscle volumes reconstructed for oviraptorosaur tails presumably helped to actively stiffen or move them. We predict high passive joint stiffness in their tails because their great depth and breadth created longer moment arms for tissue to leverage its resistance against dorsally/ventrally or laterally directed joint rotation respectively. Shorter tails that evolved via craniocaudally shorter centra also lead to the same prediction because centrum length affects the ...postprin

    Station WSUI and the Early Days of Instructional Radio

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    This report analyzes consumer demand and nutritional issues associated with nonalcoholic beverages purchased for at-home use by looking at demographic variables such as household size, household income, education level, and region. The beverages include milk, carbonated soft drinks, bottled water, fruit juices, fruit drinks, coffee, tea, and isotonics (sports drinks). The report's focus is on the impact of nutritional quality from beverage purchase choices that a household makes, looking at the household's availability of calories, calcium, vitamin C, and caffeine from these beverage choices. Using the Daily Values on the Nutrition Facts portion of the food label as a reference, we find that nonalcoholic beverages purchased for at-home consumption provided, on a per-person basis: 10 percent of daily value for calories; 20 percent of the daily value for calcium; 70 percent of daily value for vitamin C. Statistical analyses included the use of descriptive cross-tabulations and regression analyses, with profiles of households that were more or less likely to purchase the beverages, as well as key determinants associated with the probability of purchasing selected beverages.nonalcoholic beverages, nutrient intake, cross-tabulations, regression analyses, probit analyses, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety,

    Configuration Factors for Exchange of Radiant Energy Between Axisymmetrical Sections of Cylinders, Cones, and Hemispheres and Their Bases

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    Radiation-interchange configuration factors are derived for axisymmetrical sections of cylinders, cones, and hemispheres radiating internally to annular and circular sections of their bases and to other axisymmetrical sections. The general procedure of obtaining configuration factors is outlined and the results are presented in the form of equations, tables, and figures

    Relationship of the Effectiveness of School Board Members to Certain Socioeconomic Factors

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    Educational Administratio

    Accurate Player Modeling and Cheat-Proof Gameplay in Peer-to-Peer Based Multiplayer Online Games

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    We present the first detailed measurement study and models of the virtual populations in popular Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games (MMORPGs). Our results show that, amongst several MMORPGs with very different play styles, the patterns of behaviors are consistent and can be described using a common set of models. In addition, we break down actions common to Trading Card Games (TCGs) and explain how they can be executed between players without the need for a third party referee. In each action, the player is either prevented from cheating, or if they do cheat, the opponent will be able to prove they have done so. We show these methods are secure and may be used in many various styles of TCGs. We measure moves in a real TCG to compare to our implementation of Match+Guardian (M+G), our secure Peer-to-Peer (P2P) protocol for implementing online TCGs. Our results, based on an evaluation of M+G\u27s performance on the Android (TM) platform, show that M+G can be used in a P2P fashion on mobile devices. Finally, we introduce and outline a HYbrid P2P ARchitecture for Trading Card Games, HYPAR-TCG. The system utilizes Distributed Hash Tables (DHTs) and other P2P overlays to store cached game data and to perform game matchmaking. This helps reduce the network and computational load to the central servers. We describe how a centralized server authority can work in concert with a P2P gameplay protocol, while still allowing for reputation and authoritative account management

    Gender, Sex Role Orientation, and Attitudes toward Animals

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    To examine the relationship among gender, sex role orientation, and attitudes toward the treatment of animals, 144 male and 222 female college students were administered the Bem Sex Role Inventory, a Likert-scale questionnaire designed to assess attitudes toward animal welfare issues, and a measure of perceived comfort touching animals of a variety of species. There were significant gender differences on all of the animal-related measures with the exception of self-reported comfort touching positively perceived animals. Gender and the expressive (feminine) dimension of sex role orientation accounted for a significant proportion of the variation in attitudes toward animal welfare issues and comfort with other species. Correlations between the masculine and feminine dimensions of sex role orientation were related in opposite directions on all animal attitude measures

    Thermal performance of a mechanically attached ablator tile for on-orbit repair of shuttle TPS

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    The reusable surface insulation (RSI) material used in the shuttle thermal protection system is susceptible to damage. If any RSI tiles are damaged or lost during ascent, they must be repaired or replaced prior to entry. One approach to replacing a damaged or missing RSI tile consists of mechanically attaching a tile of ablation material in the place of the RSI tile. The thermal performance of this type of repair tile was evaluated in a simulated entry heating environment. The test specimen consisted of the ablator repair tile mechanically fastened to the strain isolation pad and surrounded by RSI tiles. The evaluation of the thermal performance was based on temperature response, surface integrity, and predicted flight performance. When the ablator tile protruded 1/8 inch above the surrounding RSI tiles, the forward facing steps caused significant inflow of hot gas down the ablator RSI joints and this inflow caused greatly increased back surface temperatures