3,627 research outputs found
Millimeter-wave antenna system
Parabolic reflectors fabricated from Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic (CFRP) composite material will not distort their shape by more than 3 percent of millimeter wavelength, despite large temperature differences on reflector surfaces. CFRP has zero thermal expansion. It is derived from charred polyacrylonitrite plastic filaments that are combined with epoxy resin
Diseases of Cultivated Lupines
The cultivation of lupines has been practiced in Europe for over a thousand years. Impoverished Greeks and Romans used lupine meal in their bread and farmers have long grown the plants for forage and green manure. Extensive cultivation of these plants would be expected because the seed, which consists of from 30 to 40 per cent protein, is high in food value and because relatively high yields can be obtained even under unfavorable conditions. Stock poisoning, however, has frequently resulted from consumption of these plants owing to the presence of harmful alkaloids. Such substances could be removed from the seeds, but only by soaking in water. Since this procedure required considerable time and energy and since the other parts of the plant could not be treated in this way, lupines have not been grown extensively in the past
The Home Range and Habitat Preferences of Swamp Rabbits Along a Shell Road in the Intermediate Marsh of Southwestern Louisiana
The objective of this study was to determine the home range and habitat preferences of swamp rabbits in the intermediate (between brackish and fresh) marsh of southwestern Louisiana. A total of 12 instrumented rabbits provided data for home range estimates. Four rabbits were fol lowed during the falI, winter and spring. Average home range for males was 10.60 acres and 5.14 acres for females on an area which had a population density of 7.74 rabbits per acre The most preferred habitat components were wiregrass with baccharis Iess than four feet taII IightIy interspersed. Baccharis over four feet tall with moderately in interspersed wireqrass was second, with roseau cane and baccharls over four foot talI lightly interspersed with wire grass third. Solid wiregrass stands were the least preferred habitat type Weights of 21 adult males averaged 1831 grams, 27 adult females averaged 1965 grams, 9 immature females averaged 1472 grams and immature males averaged 1601 grams. Swamp rabbits were generally crepuscular
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