8,881 research outputs found

    Bread board float zone experiment system for high purity silicon

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    A breadboard float zone experimental system has been established at Westech Systems for use by NASA in the float zone experimental area. A used zoner of suitable size and flexibility was acquired and installed with the necessary utilities. Repairs, alignments and modifications were made to provide for dislocation free zoning of silicon. The zoner is capable of studying process parameters used in growing silicon in gravity and is flexible to allow trying of new features that will test concepts of zoning in microgravity. Characterizing the state of the art molten zones of a growing silicon crystal will establish the data base against which improvements of zoning in gravity or growing in microgravity can be compared. 25 mm diameter was chosen as the reference size, since growth in microgravity will be at that diameter or smaller for about the next 6 years. Dislocation free crystals were growtn in the 100 and 111 orientations, using a wide set of growth conditions. The zone shape at one set of conditions was measured, by simultaneously aluminum doping and freezing the zone, lengthwise slabbing and delineating by etching. The whole set of crystals, grown under various conditions, were slabbed, polished and striation etched, revealing the growth interface shape and the periodic and aperiodic natures of the striations

    Messages From Earth: Nature and the Human Prospect in Alaska, by Robert B. Weeden

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    Flow and acoustic characteristics of subsonic and supersonic jets from convergent nozzle

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    Acoustic and flow characteristics of subsonic and supersonic jets from convergent nozzle

    The importance of the unsteady Kutta condition when modelling gust-aerofoil interaction

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    The Kutta condition is applied to aerofoils with sharp trailing edges to allow for viscous effects to be considered within a simplified system of equations that are inviscid. This paper discusses in detail the inclusion of an unsteady Kutta condition at a sharp trailing edge during gust-aerofoil interaction, and illustrates how the analytic solution for the far-field noise generated by this interaction changes if the unsteady Kutta condition is neglected, or more precisely, if the unsteady pressure is permitted to be singular at the trailing edge. The analytic solution, both with and without the unsteady Kutta condition, is compared with numerical results that have no imposed unsteady Kutta condition. Importantly the results agree well only when the unsteady Kutta condition is neglected in the analytic solution. This paper highlights where the far-field acoustics are most affected by neglecting the unsteady Kutta condition for a variety of singularities that can occur in the unsteady pressure at the trailing edge, and shows that results permitting different behaviour in the unsteady surface pressure at the trailing edge could give significantly different far-field noise predictions, even though the surface pressure elsewhere along the aerofoil surface agrees with benchmark solutions.This is the accepted manuscript. The final version is available at http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022460X16301729

    Introductory Remarks

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    Wayward Youth: Trans-Beringian Movement and Differential Southward Migration by Juvenile Sharp-tailed Sandpipers

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    The sharp-tailed sandpiper (Calidris acuminata) is a long-distance migrant that travels each year from breeding grounds in the Russian Arctic to nonbreeding areas in Australasia. Most adults migrate rapidly from breeding grounds along a largely inland route through Asia. Here we report on the highly unusual migratory strategy of this species in which some juveniles, but virtually no adults, take a pronounced detour to western Alaska before proceeding on southward migration. We analyzed data from our own studies in this region and published and unpublished observations and specimen records of sharptailed sandpipers from the entire Pacific Basin. Each autumn, sharp-tailed sandpipers began arriving on coastal graminoid meadows and intertidal habitats throughout western Alaska during the last half of August and the last sandpipers departed from southwestern Alaska during October and November. Body mass of birds banded or collected across multiple years and sites in western Alaska (n = 330) increased by an average of 0.57 ± 0.06 g per day between mid-August and late October. Records suggest a small, regular movement of juveniles (and a very few adults) along the Asiatic coast, but we estimate from surveys that a few tens of thousands of juveniles stage in western Alaska each autumn. The distribution of sight and specimen records from the Pacific Basin during autumn suggests strongly age-segregated migration routes, with the principal migration of juveniles crossing central and western Oceania in a possible nonstop trans-Pacific flight from Alaska. This is only the second well-documented case of differential migration among birds that involves different routes for adults and juveniles, and it raises intriguing questions about how and why this system has evolved.  Le bécasseau à queue pointue (Calidris acuminata) est un migrant de longue distance qui se déplace chaque année depuis les zones de reproduction de l’Arctique russe jusqu’aux zones de non-reproduction de l’Australasie. La plupart des adultes migrent rapidement à partir des zones de reproduction le long d’un corridor largement situé à l’intérieur qui traverse l’Asie. Ici, nous faisons état de la stratégie migratoire grandement inhabituelle de cette espèce dans le cadre de laquelle certains juvéniles, mais quasiment aucun adulte, font une déviation prononcée vers l’ouest de l’Alaska avant de migrer vers le Sud. Nous avons analysé les données dérivées de nos propres études dans la région de même que des observations publiées et inédites et des enregistrements de spécimens de bécasseaux à queue pointue de tout le bassin du Pacifique. Chaque automne, les bécasseaux à queue pointue commençaient à arriver sur les prés côtiers de graminoïdes et dans les habitats intertidaux de l’ouest de l’Alaska pendant la deuxième moitié du mois d’août. Les derniers bécasseaux quittaient le sud-ouest de l’Alaska aux mois d’octobre et de novembre. La masse corporelle des oiseaux en bandes ou recueillis au cours de plusieurs années et à plusieurs emplacements de l’ouest de l’Alaska (n = 330) a augmenté en moyenne de 0,57 ± 0,06 g par jour entre la mi-août et la fin octobre. Les données laissent voir la présence d’un petit mouvement régulier de juvéniles (et très peu d’adultes) le long de la côte asiatique, mais nous avons estimé d’après les dénombrements que quelques dizaines de milliers de juvéniles passent un certain temps dans l’ouest de l’Alaska chaque automne. La répartition d’enregistrements d’observations et de spécimens du bassin du Pacifique à l’automne laisse entrevoir des routes migratoires fortement ségrégées en fonction de l’âge et que la migration principale de juvéniles traversant le centre et l’ouest de l’Océanie dans le cadre d’un vol transpacifique est susceptible d’être sans escale depuis l’Alaska. Il s’agit seulement du deuxième cas bien répertorié de migration différentielle d’oiseaux dont les trajets diffèrent chez les adultes et les juvéniles, et cela soulève des questions à savoir comment et pourquoi ce système a évolué

    Use of Nearshore and Estuarine Areas of the Southeastern Bering Sea by Gray Whales (Eschrichtius robustus)

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    During spring aerial surveys of the coast of the southeastern Bering Sea significant numbers of gray whales were seen in nearshore waters along the north side of the Alaska Peninsula. Many (50-80%) of these animals were observed surfacing with mud trails or lying on their sides, characteristics both associated with feeding. A migration route close to shore (within 1-2 km) was used until whales neared Egegik Bay, where they began to head west 5-8 km offshore, across northern Bristol Bay. Smaller numbers of gray whales were present throughout summer in nearshore waters and estuaries along the north side of the Alaska Peninsula. At Nelson Lagoon gray whales normally used the lagoon in spring, were absent during early summer, returned in mid-summer, and then were present until late November when they departed for the wintering grounds. Gray whales were present in the lagoon most often during periods of peak tidal flow; those that appeared to be feeding were oriented into the current. Three behaviors that appeared to be associated with feeding were observed: side-feeding from a stationary position within shallow waters of lagoon channels, diving within the lagoon and in nearshore waters, and elliptical side-feeding in the surf zone along the outer coast. Large crustaceans of the genus Crangon were available to and probably eaten by gray whales at Nelson Lagoon.Key words: gray whale, Eschrichtius robustus, feeding, behavior, estuaries, Bering Sea, AlaskaMots clés: baleine grise de Californie, Eschrichtius robustus, alimentation, comportement, estuaires, mer de Béring, Alask
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