6 research outputs found

    Wide field-of-view, multi-region, two-photon imaging of neuronal activity in the mammalian brain

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    Two-photon calcium imaging provides an optical readout of neuronal activity in populations of neurons with subcellular resolution. However, conventional two-photon imaging systems are limited in their field of view to ~1 mm(2), precluding the visualization of multiple cortical areas simultaneously. Here, we demonstrate a two-photon microscope with an expanded field of view (>9.5 mm(2)) for rapidly reconfigurable simultaneous scanning of widely separated populations of neurons. We custom designed and assembled an optimized scan engine, objective, and two independently positionable, temporally multiplexed excitation pathways. We used this new microscope to measure activity correlations between two cortical visual areas in mice during visual processing

    Fluorescent bicolour sensor for low-background neutrinoless double β decay experiments

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    Observation of the neutrinoless double β decay is the only practical way to establish that neutrinos are their own antiparticles. Because of the small masses of neutrinos, the lifetime of neutrinoless double β decay is expected to be at least ten orders of magnitude greater than the typical lifetimes of natural radioactive chains, which can mimic the experimental signature of neutrinoless double β decay. The most robust identification of neutrinoless double β decay requires the definition of a signature signal—such as the observation of the daughter atom in the decay—that cannot be generated by radioactive backgrounds, as well as excellent energy resolution. In particular, the neutrinoless double β decay of Xe could be established by detecting the daughter atom, Ba, in its doubly ionized state. Here we demonstrate an important step towards a ‘barium-tagging’ experiment, which identifies double β decay through the detection of a single Ba ion. We propose a fluorescent bicolour indicator as the core of a sensor that can detect single Ba ions in a high-pressure xenon gas detector. In a sensor made of a monolayer of such indicators, the Ba dication would be captured by one of the molecules and generate a Ba-coordinated species with distinct photophysical properties. The presence of such a single Ba-coordinated indicator would be revealed by its response to repeated interrogation with a laser system, enabling the development of a sensor able to detect single Ba ions in high-pressure xenon gas detectors for barium-tagging experiments.We also acknowledge support from the following agencies and institutions: the European Research Council (ERC) under Advanced Grant 339787-NEXT; the Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain and FEDER under grants FIS2014-53371-C04, FIS2016-76163-R, MAT2016-78293-C6-5-R, MINECO/FEDER CT2016-80955-P, CTQ2016-80375-P and CTQ2014-51912-REDC; Interred PCTEFA V-A Spain/France/Andorra Program (EFA 194/16/TNSI); the Basque Government (GV/EJ) under grants IT-1346-19 and IT-1180-19; andAgencia de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Región de Murcia (19897/GERM/15). The authors also thank the SGI/IZO-SGIker UPV/EHU, Fundación Séneca and DIPC for computational and analytical resources