26 research outputs found

    Deep neural network configuration sensitivity analysis in wind power forecasting

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    The trend toward increasing integration of wind farms into the power system is a challenge for transmission and distribution system operators and electricity market operators. The variability of electricity generation from wind farms increases the requirements for flexibility needed for the reliable and stable operation of the power system. Operating a power system with a high share of renewables requires advanced generation and consumpti-on forecasting methods to ensure the reliable and economical operation of the system. Installed wind power capacities require advanced techniques to monitor and control such data-rich power systems. The rapid development of advanced artificial neural networks and data processing capabilities offers numerous potential applications. The effectiveness of advanced deep recurrent neural networks with long-term memory is constantly being demonstrated for learning complex temporal sequence-to-sequence dependencies. This paper presents the application of deep learning methods to wind power production forecasting. The models are trained using historical wind farm generation measurements and NWP weather forecasts for the areas of Croatian wind farms. Furthermore, a comparison of the accuracy of the proposed models with currently used forecasting tools is presented


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    The Spent Fuel Pool (SFP) in a nuclear power plant is a robust structure designed to withstand large seismic loads. After the terrorist attacks on September 11 and the accident in the Fukushima nuclear power plant, special attention was focused on safety assessments and taking measures to mitigate possible accidents related to the spent fuel pool. This paper will provide an insight into spent fuel pool loss of coolant phenomenology and consequence mitigation strategies. Model of NPP KrŔko SFP was presented in MELCOR code which has been used as a case-study for evaluating accident propagation. The calculations were carried out using the latest version of MELCOR code which was updated for the analysis of severe accidents in nuclear spent fuel pools

    Effectiveness of SFP Spray Cooling during Loss of Coolant Accidents

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    For a large Spent Fuel Pool (SFP) loss of coolant accidents, properly sized SFP spray can slowdown or possibly preclude fast heat-up of spent fuel. The MELCOR 2.1 model of NPP Krsko pool was developed and tested for cases of loss of cooling accidents. The simple spray system with spray nozzles distributed at specified location at the top of the pool was added to the model. Different loss of coolant rates where studied for different fuel heat loadings, and different openings and flow rates of the spray nozzles. Traditionally, spray nozzles able to produce larger diameter droplets are used close to the fuel locations with higher heat loadings. According to preliminary results, spray nozzles that will be installed are able to limit or delay long-term heat-up of the spent fuel, but in the case of late actuation it is possible to have temporary high oxidation rates and corresponding production of hydrogen

    Prevalence of antibodies against Toxoplasma gondii in patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus in Croatia

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    Toxoplasma gondii jedan je od glavnih oportunistički patogena u bolesnika zaraženih HIV-om. Prevalencija zaraze parazitom T. gondii u HIV-bolesnika u Hrvatskoj do sada nije poznata. Cilj rada bio je utvrditi seroprevalenciju toksoplazmoze u HIV-bolesnika u Hrvatskoj. Uključeno je 166 HIV-bolesnika i 219 dobrovoljnih davatelja krvi (DDK) kao zdrava kontrola. Enzimskim imunotestom određena su protutijela IgM, IgG i IgA na T. gondii. Seroprevalencija toksoplazmoze u HIV-bolesnika iznosi 51,8 %, a u DDK 52,5 %. Protutijela IgM bila su reaktivna samo u 2 HIV-bolesnika i 2 DDK, a IgA u 2 HIV-bolesnika i 1 DDK. Prema rizičnom ponaÅ”anju za HIV-infekciju utvrđeno je da muÅ”karci koji imaju spolne odnose s drugim muÅ”karcima imaju statistički značajno viÅ”u prevalenciju (66,7 %) i 2,4 puta veću Å”ansu za toksoplazmozu nego drugi HIV-bolesnici (OR 2,37; 95 % IP 1,12ā€“5,13). Rezultati su analizirani prema dobi, spolu, geografskom podrijetlu i za HIV-bolesnike broju CD4+ limfocita T i nisu nađene statistički značajne razlike ni za jedan parametar. Ovo je prvo istraživanje u kojem je utvrđena seroprevalencija toksoplazmoze u HIV-bolesnika u Hrvatskoj.Toxoplasma gondii is one of the main opportunistic agents in HIV-infected patients. The prevalence of T. gondii infection in HIV-infected patients in Croatia is unknown. The aim of the study was to determine the seroprevalence of toxoplasmosis in HIV-infected patients in Croatia. Included in the study were 166 HIV-infected patients and 219 blood donors (BD) as healthy control. Anti-toxoplasma IgM, IgG and IgA antibodies were determined with enzyme immunoassay respectively. Seroprevalence of toxoplasmosis in HIV-patients was 51.8 % and in BD 52.5 %. IgM antibodies were found in 2 HIV-patients and 2 BD, and IgA in 2 HIV-patients and 1 BD. According to HIV risk behaviour men who have sex with other men had significantly higher prevalence rate (66.7 %) and 2.4 higher risk for toxoplasma infection than other HIV-infected patients (OR 2.37; 95 % CI 1.12ā€“5.13). Results were analyzed according to age, gender, geographic origin and for HIV-infected patients also according to CD4+ T-cell count number, and no statistically significant differences were found. This is the first study that presents seroprevalence of toxoplasmosis in HIV-infected patients in Croatia

    Imaging Techniques and Multidiciplinary Approach to the Vertebral Osteomyelitis

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    Dijagnoza osteomijelitisa kraljeÅ”nice jest teÅ”ka i često zakaÅ”njela ili čak propuÅ”tena. Napredak u radioloÅ”kim metodama oslikavanja (kompjutoriziranoj tomografiji-CT i magnetskoj rezonanciji-MR), poboljÅ”ao je prognozu u bolesnika s ovom boleŔću. CT predstavlja najbolju metodu za detekciju koÅ”tanih promjena, osobito za destrukciju pokrovnih ploha kraljeÅ”aka u ranoj fazi upale. MR je superiornija slikovna metoda u ovoj indikaciji jer kombinira visoku osjetljivost sa zadovoljavajućom specifičnoŔću. Predstavlja metodu izbora u prikazu izravnog Å”irenja infekcije, osobito epiduralnog apscesa i flegmone te posljedične neuralne kompresije. MR-om je također moguće i bolje praćenje terapijske učinkovitosti.The diagnosis of vertebral spondylodiscitis is difficult and often delayed or missed. The development of radiological techniques (Computerized Tomography-CT and Magnetic Resonance Imaging-MRI) have improved the outcome for patients with this condition. CT is the best method for the detection of bone changes, especially vertebral end-plate destruction. The MRI is the preferred imaging method because it combines high sensitivity with satisfactory specificity. It is the method of choice for direct demonstration of extension of infection, especially epidural abscess or phlegmon and consecutive neural compression. In addition, MRI enables good monitoring of therapeutic efficiency


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    Hrvatske konsenzus konferencije o virusnim hepatitisima održane su 2005. i 2009. g. (1). S obzirom na brojne nove spoznaje o epidemiologiji, dijagnostici i liječenju virusnih hepatitisa (poglavito kroničnog hepatitisa C genotipa 1) u protekle četiri godine, 28. veljače 2013. g. održana je nova Hrvatska konsensus konferencija o virusnim hepatitisima u Zagrebu. Sažeti tekst ove Hrvatske konsenzus konferencije o virusnim hepatitisima sadrži prikaz novih spoznaja o epidemiologiji virusnih hepatitisa, seroloÅ”koj i moĀ¬lekularnoj dijagnostici virusnih hepatitisa, određivanju polimorfizma promotora gena za IL-28, procjeni stadija fibroze, algoritmu dijagnostičkog praćenja bolesnika, liječenju kroničnog hepatitisa C (genotipovi 1-6) i hepatitisa B, liječenju specijalnih populacija (djeca, bolesnici na dijalizi, bolesnici liječeni transplantacijom, osobe s HIV/HCV koinfekcijom) i nuspojavama liječenja.Croatian Consensus Conferences on Viral Hepatitis took place in 2005 and 2009. Considering the numerous novel concepts on the epidemiology, diagnosis and management of viral hepatitis (chronic hepatitis C genotype 1 in particular) that have emerged in the past four years, a new Croatian Consensus Conference on Viral Hepatitis was held in Zagreb on February 28, 2013. The abridged text of the Croatian Consensus Conference on Viral Hepatitis 2013 presents the new concepts on the epidemiology of viral hepatitis, serologic and molecular diagnosis of viral hepatitis, determination of the IL-28 gene promoter polymorphism, fiĀ¬brosis grading, algorithm for patient diagnostic follow up, treatment of chronic hepatitis C (genotypes 1-6) and hepatitis B, treatĀ¬ment of special populations (children, dialysis patients, transplanted patients, individuals with HIV/HCV co-infection), and therapy side effects