3,405 research outputs found

    Marcas sensoriais na moda

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    A comunicação na indústria da moda encontra-se massificada por meios publicitários convencionais. Esta indústria vem investindo bilhões somente em comunicação persuasiva para diferenciar a sua marca de seus concorrentes. Entretanto, as formas de comunicação actuais encontram-se saturadas, visto que com a quantidade de informações recebidas através do campo audiovisual, muitas vezes acabam por passar despercebidas devido à grande variedade de produtos e serviços existentes no mercado, o que acaba por tornar algumas marcas “invisíveis” na mente dos consumidores. Assim surgiram as marcas sensoriais que tem por objectivo conquistar e fidelizar consumidores a partir da interacção entre marca, produto e consumidor, utilizando outros sentidos humanos além da visão e audição

    Monetary policy during Brazil´s Real Plan: estimating the Central Bank´s reaction function

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    This paper uses a Threshold Autoregressive (TAR) model with exogenous variables to explain a change in regime in Brazilian nominal interest rates. By using an indicator of currency crises -which is chosen endogenously - the model tries to explain the difference in the dynamics of nominal interest rates during and out of a currency crises. The paper then compares the performance of the nonlinear model to a modified Taylor Rule adjusted to Brazilian interest rates, and shows that the former performs considerably better than the latter.

    ¿Pueden los MOOC cerrar la brecha de oportunidades?: La contribución del diseño pedagógico social inclusivo

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    Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are open courses made available online at no cost to the user and designed to scale up, allowing for a large number of participants. As such, they are a disruptive new development which has the potential to widen access to higher education since they contribute to social inclusion, the dissemination of knowledge and pedagogical innovation. However, assuring quality learning opportunities to all cannot be simply reduced to allowing free access to higher education. On the contrary, it implies assuring equitable opportunities for every participant to succeed in their learning experience. This goal depends on the quality of the learning design. To be successful, a massive open online learning experience has to empower learners and to facilitate a networked learning environment. In fact, MOOCs are designed to serve a high heterogeneity of profiles, with many differences regarding learning needs and preferences, prior knowledge, contexts of participation and diversity of online platforms. Personalization can play a key role in this process. In this article, the authors describe the iMOOC pedagogical model and its later derivative, the sMOOC model, and explain how they contributed to the introduction of the principles of diversity and learner equity to MOOC design, allowing for a clear differentiation of learning paths and also of virtual environments, while empowering participants to succeed in their learning experiences. Using a design-based research approach, a comparative analysis of two course iterations each representing each model is also presented and discussed.Los cursos en línea abiertos y masivos (MOOC) son cursos abiertos disponibles en línea sin costo para el usuario y diseñados para ampliarse, permitiendo un gran número de participantes. Como tales, son un nuevo desarrollo disruptivo que tiene el potencial de ampliar el acceso a la educación superior, ya que contribuyen a la inclusión social, la difusión del conocimiento y la innovación pedagógica. Sin embargo, garantizar oportunidades de aprendizaje de calidad para todos no puede reducirse simplemente a permitir el acceso gratuito a la educación superior. Por el contrario, implica asegurar oportunidades equitativas para que cada participante tenga éxito en su experiencia de aprendizaje. Este objetivo depende de la calidad del diseño de aprendizaje. Para tener éxito, una experiencia de aprendizaje en línea abierta y masiva debe empoderar a los alumnos y facilitar un entorno de aprendizaje en red. De hecho, los MOOC están diseñados para servir a una gran heterogeneidad de perfiles, con muchas diferencias con respecto a las necesidades y preferencias de aprendizaje, conocimiento previo, contextos de participación y diversidad de plataformas en línea. La personalización puede jugar un papel clave en este proceso. En este artículo, los autores describen el modelo pedagógico iMOOC y su derivada posterior, el modelo sMOOC, y explican cómo contribuyeron a la introducción de los principios de diversidad y equidad en el diseño MOOC, lo que permite una clara diferenciación de las rutas de aprendizaje y también de entornos virtuales, al tiempo que permite a los participantes tener éxito en sus experiencias de aprendizaje. Usando un enfoque de design-based research, también se presenta y discute un análisis comparativo de dos iteraciones del curso, cada una representando cada modelo

    The construction of an odour brand for children clothing

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    ISBN 978-2-7466-2858This research present the construction of an odour brand for a children clothing brand. Therefore, this study had the goal to verify the acceptance of an odour brand by children’s and based on this data´s, conceive an odour brand for this specific brand. The author’s analysed the children´s perception through inquiries to discover the adequate scent to apply on the children´s garment, having in consideration the concept of the brand. The results were based on inquiries realised in store environment. The survey was conducted in two phases, with two groups of children with ages between 7 and 10 years and another group from 11 to 14 years. These groups comprised children of both genders. The results of this research show that the garments and advertising material finished with the selected odours in the first part of this study has positive acceptation by the target audience. We also determine an odour brand for the studied brand and it was found that they have a specific odour that differentiates them from other clothing brands. Finally, we built a R & D procedure for the creation of an odour brand, applicable to any market segment that pretend to use a personalised odour

    Modelling Noise and Imprecision in Individual Decisions

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    When individuals take part in decision experiments, their answers are typically subject to some degree of noise / error / imprecision. There are different ways of modelling this stochastic element in the data, and the interpretation of the data can be altered radically, depending on the assumptions made about the stochastic specification. This paper presents the results of an experiment which gathered data of a kind that has until now been in short supply. These data strongly suggest that the 'usual' (Fechnerian) assumptions about errors are inappropriate for individual decision experiments. Moreover, they provide striking evidence that core preferences display systematic departures from transitivity which cannot be attributed to any 'error' story.Error Imprecision Preferences Transitivity

    Cyberbullying sobre professores : uma realidade escondida

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    As extraordinárias virtualidades disponibilizadas pelas tecnologias da informação e comunicação trazem consigo potenciais riscos, se usadas de forma abusiva ou indevida. O estudo a que nos reportamos neste texto insere-se nesse potencial de riscos e conflitos focalizando-se na análise do fenómeno do cyberbullying sobre os professores. O tema apresentou-se como relevante e inovador, no contexto português, pela gravidade das repercussões no quotidiano emocional e social dos professores e na organização escolar onde estão inseridos. Com o presente estudo, de caráter exploratório e descritivo, pretendemos contribuir para desocultar o fenómeno, fazer uma aproximação à sua dimensão e características, perceber qual é o seu impacto sobre a vítimas e percecionar o interesse que suscita. Os dados foram recolhidos através dum inquérito por questionário, online, ao qual responderam 3426 professores. Para além da clarificação de múltiplos aspetos do fenómeno, registe-se, como principal conclusão, o facto de cerca de um terço dos professores ter declarado já ter sido alvo de cyberbullying.The extraordinary virtues of Information and Communication Technology bring potential risks, if used improperly. Our research analyses part of these risks and social conflicts which teachers are exposed to. The topic - "Cyberbullying against teachers - a hidden reality" – is both relevant and innovative in the Portuguese background because of its impact in the teachers’ everyday emotional and social development and in the school organization where they are inserted. With this exploratory descriptive and quantitative study, we intend to contribute to uncover the problem of cyberbullying and analyse its dimension and characteristics, realize its impact on the victims and understand the interest raised by this phenomenon. The data of this study was collected through a questionnaire survey online responded by 3426 teachers. A third of teachers said they had already been targeted by cyberbullying

    Perceções dos profissionais e pais/acompanhantes relativamente à intervenção dos palhaços de hospital em contexto pediátrico

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    A hospitalização pediátrica constitui uma experiência potencialmente stressante. De forma gradual, foram criadas condições facilitadoras do processo de adaptação a esta situação, proporcionando vivências positivas, enquadradas num paradigma holístico e de humanização da saúde. Um paradigma salutogénico e holístico, no qual os Palhaços de Hospital (PH) adquiriram relevância, pela transformação do espaço hospitalar. Para perceber o efeito dos Doutores Palhaços (DP), a Operação Nariz Vermelho (ONV) e a Universidade do Minho criaram uma parceria, ao abrigo da qual a primeira autora desenvolve a tese de doutoramento sobre as perceções dos profissionais de saúde e pais acerca dos PH. Neste póster são apresentados alguns dados do estudo.Fundos nacionais da FCT, através do projeto UI/CED/1661/2016info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The U.S. and European M&A cycles: a Markov switching and state space approach

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    A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Finance from the NOVA – School of Business and EconomicsMergers and Acquisitions’ cycles have been, over the past decades, an extremely interesting field of research, raising numerous questions concerning its length, triggers or even its relationship with the economic cycle. In this Work Project I intent to contribute with new evidence, mainly for European merger waves, but also to support previous studies in what regards to merger waves. I have chosen nonlinear models, such as the Markov Switching and the State Space models, to characterize the merger data, due to the advantage of identifying structural changes. I have concluded that there is evidence of merger waves, both in the U.S. and in Europe, and the possible surge of a new merger wave in Europe

    Assessing music ontologies for the development of a complex database

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    UID/EAT/00472/2019The increasing volume and diversity of musical information has been creating a challenge for the uniform creation, reuse and sharing of this kind of information. As part of addressing this challenge there has been a growing interest in musical ontologies, as a technique to support the sharing of heterogeneous musical information, both for commercial and cultural dissemination purposes. Motivated by a specific objective, in the context of the development of an information system on musicians and respective artistic production and professional career, existing ontologies for the music domain, in general, were surveyed. The purpose of this study is to support the hypothesis that this approach can not only support the specific requirement of that objective, but also facilitate the interoperability with other existing systems, with databases and catalogs built with multiple technical solutions. So far, three ontologies that were found closer to the study object of the project were analyzed, reflecting three different models: (1) The Musical Ontology framework, developed by the Center for Digital Music of Queen Mary University, London, under the direction of Prof Mark Sandler, within the scope of the projects OMRAS - Online music recognition and searching (NSF / JISC Digital Libraries Initiative, 1999-2002) and OMRAS2 - A Distributed Research Environment for Music Informatics and Computational Musicology (EPSRC grant EP / E017614 / 1, 2007-2010), and that uses the FRBR model as a reference; (2) the DOREMUS ontology, which resulted from the DOREMUS project, funded in 2014 by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche, France and that brought together three major cultural institutions: the National Library of France, the Philharmonie de Paris and Radio France, and that is based on the FRBRoo model; and (3) the Performed Music Ontology, an extension of the BIBFRAME ontology, first released in April 2017, as a result of a project funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation for Linked Data for Production (LD4P), led by the Stanford University Libraries, in collaboration with five other libraries: Columbia, Cornell, Harvard, Princeton and the Library of Congress. This paper presents the purpose of the motivating project for the research, aggregation and consolidation of information on musicians and respective artistic production and professional career, and the assessment of these three significant music ontologies as relevant sources of inspiration for the design of the knowledge base for that project.publishersversionpublishe

    Stakeholder engagement for knowledge sharing across networks and beyond the project level

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    Calls for innovation have become increasingly frequent as people begin to recognize the need for change and transformation in the way human beings relate to each other and to the environment and the dramatic effects of climate change and environmental degradation, which is causing disasters in agriculture and human health, such as the current Covid-19 pandemic. Therefore, innovation, particularly in agriculture and food systems is key to find viable, resilient and sustainable solutions to many of the world’s most complex problems. This extended abstract focuses on the growing phase of the co-innovation process, whereby the innovation and knowledge that has resulted from the co-creation process is embedded and disseminated outside the partnership to achieve greater impact and transformation. We use an innovation systems perspective as it provides an analytical framework to study transformation and change in agriculture as a process of actions and interactions among a diverse set of actors engaged in generating, exchanging, and using knowledge (Hall et al., 2003; Spielman et al., 2008). In fact, transformation occurs when some of the rules that govern the system change in response to a novelty (Watzlawick et al. 1974), hence spreading its impact. This transformation is a type of change that alters relationships at different scales (Moore and Wesley, 2011). Scaling refers to the adaptation, uptake and use of innovations such as practices, technologies, and market or policy arrangements across broader communities of actors and/or geographies (Eastwood et al., 2017; Glover et al., 2017). Rising popularity has contributed to the perception that “scaling” is something one can do and should aspire to when pursuing Sustainable Development Goals (Wigboldus et al., 2016; (Schut et al., 2020). The scaling of innovation, although often interpreted along the lines of adoption, diffusion or extension, refers to more sophisticated and holistic approaches and strategies whereby innovations contribute to and become embedded in broader processes of systemic change in society (Wigboldus et al., 2016; Schut et al., 2020). Through this extended abstract we support the fact that the process of scaling social innovations to achieve systemic impacts involves three different types of scaling—scaling out, scaling up, and scaling deep—and that in order to achieve large systems change (LSC)a combination of these types will most likely be required Moore et al., (2015). And that there are certain strategies that can be associated with each type of scaling process. The aim of this extended abstract is therefore to analyse the position and strategies of the different European multi-actor innovation partnerships towards scaling (up, out and deep) and generating impact and transformative change