7 research outputs found

    Deutscher Beitrag zum internationalen Makrelen(Scomber scombrus) und Stöcker- (Trachurus trachurus) Eier-Survey

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    Based on the results from egg and larvae surveys, mackerel and horse mackerel are thought to form three more or less distinct stocks each in the North Sea and in the waters west of the British Isles. These are firstly the southern stocks in the southern part of the English Channel, Celtic Sea and Bay of Biscay, secondly the North Sea and finally the western stocks of both species, loeated between the Shetlands and southern Norway. It is argued here that in view of the high mobility and the extended seasonal migrations of both species a c1ear separation of the stocks can hardly be maintained. In this context the results of the 1995 mackerel and horse mackerel egg survey to the southern spawning location is presented

    Enzymatisk avskinning av sild (Clupea harengus)

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    I denne oppgaven er undersøkt muligheten for bruk av enzymer til avskinning av sild. Målet er å øke utbyttet og bevare filetens sølvhinne på skinnsiden