3,515 research outputs found

    A Pilot Study for Enhancing Postpartum Discharge Instructions for Incision Care: Assessment of Comprehension

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    Literacy and Health Care • 14.5% of United States is illiterate 1 • Reading level of most medical forms is 10th grade 2 Improving Outcomes with a Visual Aid • Cesarean Surgical Site Infection (SSI) rate is 5% 3 • A patient with a SSI can be 2 times as expensive 4 • Visual aids improve information recall 8 and confidence in wound care 5 Study Objectives 1. To evaluate the readability of the cesarean wound care discharge instructions relative to the patient population’s reading level 2. To conduct a pilot Randomized Control Trial (RCT) to evaluate the effectiveness of a visual aid on improving comprehension of the cesarean wound care instructionshttps://jdc.jefferson.edu/cwicposters/1034/thumbnail.jp

    Immunization Dynamics on a 2-layer Network Model

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    We introduce a 2-layer network model for the study of the immunization dynamics in epidemics. Spreading of an epidemic is modeled as an excitatory process in a small-world network (body layer) while immunization by prevention for the disease as a dynamic process in a scale-free network (head layer). It is shown that prevention indeed turns periodic rages of an epidemic into small fluctuation. The study also reveals that, in a certain situation, prevention actually plays an adverse role and helps the disease survive. We argue that the presence of two different characteristic time scales contributes to the immunization dynamics observed.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figure

    Time Management Strategies for Research Productivity

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    Researchers function in a complex environment and carry multiple role responsibilities. This environment is prone to various distractions that can derail productivity and decrease efficiency. Effective time management allows researchers to maintain focus on their work, contributing to research productivity. Thus, improving time management skills is essential to developing and sustaining a successful program of research. This article presents time management strategies addressing behaviors surrounding time assessment, planning, and monitoring. Herein, the Western Journal of Nursing Research editorial board recommends strategies to enhance time management, including setting realistic goals, prioritizing, and optimizing planning. Involving a team, problem-solving barriers, and early management of potential distractions can facilitate maintaining focus on a research program. Continually evaluating the effectiveness of time management strategies allows researchers to identify areas of improvement and recognize progress

    Effects of Visual, Seat, and Platform Motion During Flight Simulator Air Transport Pilot Training and Evaluation

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    Access to affordable and effective flight-simulation training devices (FSTDs) is critical to safely train airline crews in aviating, navigating, communicating, making decisions, and managing flightdeck and crew resources. This paper provides an overview of the Federal Aviation Administration- Volpe Center Flight Simulator Human Factors Program examining the requirements for the qualification and use of FSTDs. We will summarize past research investigating the need for a full hexapod-platform motion system, describe regulatory and industry developments, and report on current activities

    Genre, sexe et sexualités dans les travaux américains et canadiens sur les années 68

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    Cet article sur l’état de la recherche sur le genre et la (les) sexualité(s) dans les études sur les années 68 fait suite à une année de colloques et de rétrospectives médiatiques célébrant le quarantième anniversaire, ainsi qu’à une élection présidentielle américaine où les deux candidats, avec chacun leur mode d’autorité charismatique genrée – l’un héros militaire du Vietnam, l’autre jeune homme dynamique proposant « un nouveau Camelot » –, se sont implicitement situés par rapport à la rupt..

    Effective Vortex Pinning in MgB2 thin films

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    We discuss pinning properties of MgB2 thin films grown by pulsed-laser deposition (PLD) and by electron-beam (EB) evaporation. Two mechanisms are identified that contribute most effectively to the pinning of vortices in randomly oriented films. The EB process produces low defected crystallites with small grain size providing enhanced pinning at grain boundaries without degradation of Tc. The PLD process produces films with structural disorder on a scale less that the coherence length that further improves pinning, but also depresses Tc
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