11 research outputs found

    Chaperone use during intimate examinations in primary care: postal survey of family physicians

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    BACKGROUND: Physicians have long been advised to have a third party present during certain parts of a physical examination; however, little is known about the frequency of chaperone use for those specific intimate examinations regularly performed in primary care. We aimed to determine the frequency of chaperone use among family physicians across a variety of intimate physical examinations for both male and female patients, and also to identify the factors associated with chaperone use. METHODS: Questionnaires were mailed to a randomly selected sample of 500 Ontario members of the College of Family Physicians of Canada. Participants were asked about their use of chaperones when performing a variety of intimate examinations, namely female pelvic, breast, and rectal exams and male genital and rectal exams. RESULTS: 276 of 500 were returned (56%), of which 257 were useable. Chaperones were more commonly used with female patients than with males (t = 9.09 [df = 249], p < 0.001), with the female pelvic exam being the most likely of the five exams to be attended by a chaperone (53%). As well, male physicians were more likely to use chaperones for examination of female patients than were female physicians for the examination of male patients. Logistic regression analyses identified two independent factors – sex of physician and availability of a nurse – that were significantly associated with chaperone use. For female pelvic exam, male physicians were significantly more likely to report using a chaperone (adjusted Odds Ratio [OR] 40.62, 95% confidence interval [CI] 16.91–97.52). Likewise, having a nurse available also significantly increased the likelihood of a chaperone being used (adjusted OR 6.92, 95% CI 2.74–17.46). This pattern of results was consistent across the other four exams. Approximately two-thirds of respondents reported using nurses as chaperones, 15% cited the use of other office staff, and 10% relied on the presence of a family member. CONCLUSION: Clinical practice concerning the use of chaperones during intimate exams continues to be discordant with the recommendations of medical associations and medico-legal societies. Chaperones are used by only a minority of Ontario family physicians. Chaperone use is higher for examinations of female patients than of male patients and is highest for female pelvic exams. The availability of a nurse in the clinic to act as a chaperone is associated with more frequent use of chaperones

    Rearrangement processes and structural variations show evidence of selection in oesophageal adenocarcinomas

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    Oesophageal adenocarcinoma (OAC) provides an ideal case study to characterize large-scale rearrangements. Using whole genome short-read sequencing of 383 cases, for which 214 had matched whole transcriptomes, we observed structural variations (SV) with a predominance of deletions, tandem duplications and inter-chromosome junctions that could be identified as LINE-1 mobile element (ME) insertions. Complex clusters of rearrangements resembling breakage-fusion-bridge cycles or extrachromosomal circular DNA accounted for 22% of complex SVs affecting known oncogenes. Counting SV events affecting known driver genes substantially increased the recurrence rates of these drivers. After excluding fragile sites, we identified 51 candidate new drivers in genomic regions disrupted by SVs, including ETV5, KAT6B and CLTC. RUNX1 was the most recurrently altered gene (24%), with many deletions inactivating the RUNT domain but preserved the reading frame, suggesting an altered protein product. These findings underscore the importance of identification of SV events in OAC with implications for targeted therapies

    Structuring for innovative responses to human resource challenges: a skunk works approach

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    Increasingly, organizations find that they need to be more flexible and innovative in responding to unexpected and emergent human resource (HR) issues affecting their members, such as outbreaks of infectious diseases (e.g., COVID-19) forcing massive transition to remote work, changes in industry landscape altering learning and development, and politically-driven global mobility regulations restricting people flow. Organizations have long utilized informal structures known as "skunk works", flexible groups empowered to work rapidly with minimal management constraints, to address technological challenges. In this article, we aim to better understand when and how organizations similarly employ skunk works-like structures to help them deal with rapidly evolving HR-related challenges. We discuss three examples of organizations that have utilized this approach. We then integrate the learning insights from these examples to develop a framework supported by a set of research questions to guide future scholarship into HR skunk works. We emphasize that there are both benefits and drawbacks of innovative organizational structures for addressing HR challenges alongside regular, established ways of working

    Fish oil and the prevention and regression of atherosclerosis

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    Epidemiological studies in the seventies have put forward that dietary rather than genetic factors are responsible for the lower incidence of ischemic heart disease in Greenland Inuit and have generated a large body of both in vitro and in vivo experimental studies, exploring the putative favorable effects of fish (oil) on atherogenesis and its risk factors. The first part of this report reviews the in vivo animal studies, concentrating on the hypercholesterolemic models and the arterialized vein graft model. In the hypercholesterolemic animal studies, the results are inconclusive as the studies reporting a protective effect are matched by the number of studies showing no effect or an adverse effect. The diversity in species, dose of fish oil, duration of study, type of vessel studied and type of fish oil preparation (content of n-3 fatty acids, unesterified n-3 fatty acids, ethylesters or triglycerides) could all contribute. Furthermore, the definitions and criteria used in the literature to evaluate atherogenesis are diverse and it appears that while one parameter is affected, another is not necessarily modified in the same direction, stressing the importance of extending the analysis of the effects on atherogenesis to more than one parameter. We also believe that it is time to reach a consensus as to which animal model mimicks most closely a particular human situation. Only in appropriate models, investigating more than one atherosclerosis variable, can the effects of a putative anti-atherogenic drug or diet be verified. In the veno-arterial autograft model, mimicking the patient after coronary bypass grafting, dietary fish oil has been consistently effective in preventing accelerated graft intima proliferation. It could therefore be of interest to evaluate the effects of fish oil on graft patency in patients after coronary bypass surgery after a period of years. The results from studies on restenosis after percutaneous transluminal angioplasty are also reviewed and it is concluded that the two large scale trials, that are currently underway, might reliably answer the question whether fish oil is effective as a non-pharmacological adjuvants in the prevention of restenosis. Lastly, the studies on the effects of fish oil on the regression of experimental atherosclerosis are reviewed. In view of the small number of studies (i.e., four) investigating the effects of fish oil on the regression of atherosclerosis, it is premature to draw any conclusion, and therefore further experimental work is required

    Use of Antipsychotic Drugs in the Elderly

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    Lasers and Coherent Light Sources

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