3,409 research outputs found

    Long-range ballistic propagation of carriers in methylammonium lead iodide perovskite thin films

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    © 2019, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Limited. The performance of semiconductor devices is fundamentally governed by charge-carrier dynamics within the active materials1–6. Although advances have been made towards understanding these dynamics under steady-state conditions, the importance of non-equilibrium phenomena and their effect on device performances remains elusive7,8. In fact, the ballistic propagation of carriers is generally considered to not contribute to the mechanism of photovoltaics (PVs) and light-emitting diodes, as scattering rapidly disrupts such processes after carrier generation via photon absorption or electric injection9. Here we characterize the spatiotemporal dynamics of carriers immediately after photon absorption in methylammonium lead iodide perovskite films using femtosecond transient absorption microscopy (fs-TAM) with a 10 fs temporal resolution and 10 nm spatial precision. We found that non-equilibrium carriers propagate ballistically over 150 nm within 20 fs of photon absorption. Our results suggest that in a typical perovskite PV device operating under standard conditions, a large fraction of carriers can reach the charge collection layers ballistically. The ballistic transport distance appears to be limited by energetic disorder within the materials, probably due to disorder-induced scattering. This provides a direct route towards optimization of the ballistic transport distance via improvements in materials and by minimizing the energetic disorder. Our observations reveal an unexplored regime of carrier transport in perovskites, which could have important consequences for device performance

    A Proposal for a Near Detector Experiment on the Booster Neutrino Beamline: FINeSSE: Fermilab Intense Neutrino Scattering Scintillator Experiment

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    219 pages219 pagesUnderstanding the quark and gluon substructure of the nucleon has been a prime goal of both nuclear and particle physics for more than thirty years and has led to much of the progress in strong interaction physics. Still the flavor dependence of the nucleon's spin is a significant fundamental question that is not understood. Experiments measuring the spin content of the nucleon have reported conflicting results on the amount of nucleon spin carried by strange quarks. Quasi-elastic neutrino scattering, observed using a novel detection technique, provides a theoretically clean measure of this quantity. The optimum neutrino beam energy needed to measure the strange spin of the nucleon is 1 GeV. This is also an ideal energy to search for neutrino oscillations at high Δm2\Delta m^2 in an astrophysically interesting region. Models of the r-process in supernovae which include high-mass sterile neutrinos may explain the abundance of neutron-rich heavy metals in the universe. These high-mass sterile neutrinos are outside the sensitivity region of any previous neutrino oscillation experiments. The Booster neutrino beamline at Fermilab provides the world's highest intensity neutrino beam in the 0.5-1.0 GeV energy range, a range ideal for both of these measurements. A small detector located upstream of the MiniBooNE detector, 100 m from the recently commissioned Booster neutrino source, could definitively measure the strange quark contribution to the nucleon spin. This detector, in conjunction with the MiniBooNE detector, could also investigate νμ\nu_{\mu} disappearance in a currently unexplored, cosmologically interesting region

    Electric Field-Tuned Topological Phase Transition in Ultra-Thin Na3Bi - Towards a Topological Transistor

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    The electric field induced quantum phase transition from topological to conventional insulator has been proposed as the basis of a topological field effect transistor [1-4]. In this scheme an electric field can switch 'on' the ballistic flow of charge and spin along dissipationless edges of the two-dimensional (2D) quantum spin Hall insulator [5-9], and when 'off' is a conventional insulator with no conductive channels. Such as topological transistor is promising for low-energy logic circuits [4], which would necessitate electric field-switched materials with conventional and topological bandgaps much greater than room temperature, significantly greater than proposed to date [6-8]. Topological Dirac semimetals(TDS) are promising systems in which to look for topological field-effect switching, as they lie at the boundary between conventional and topological phases [3,10-16]. Here we use scanning probe microscopy/spectroscopy (STM/STS) and angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy (ARPES) to show that mono- and bilayer films of TDS Na3Bi [3,17] are 2D topological insulators with bulk bandgaps >400 meV in the absence of electric field. Upon application of electric field by doping with potassium or by close approach of the STM tip, the bandgap can be completely closed then re-opened with conventional gap greater than 100 meV. The large bandgaps in both the conventional and quantum spin Hall phases, much greater than the thermal energy kT = 25 meV at room temperature, suggest that ultrathin Na3Bi is suitable for room temperature topological transistor operation

    Cmr1/WDR76 defines a nuclear genotoxic stress body linking genome integrity and protein quality control

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    DNA replication stress is a source of genomic instability. Here we identify ​changed mutation rate 1 (​Cmr1) as a factor involved in the response to DNA replication stress in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and show that ​Cmr1—together with ​Mrc1/​Claspin, ​Pph3, the chaperonin containing ​TCP1 (CCT) and 25 other proteins—define a novel intranuclear quality control compartment (INQ) that sequesters misfolded, ubiquitylated and sumoylated proteins in response to genotoxic stress. The diversity of proteins that localize to INQ indicates that other biological processes such as cell cycle progression, chromatin and mitotic spindle organization may also be regulated through INQ. Similar to ​Cmr1, its human orthologue ​WDR76 responds to proteasome inhibition and DNA damage by relocalizing to nuclear foci and physically associating with CCT, suggesting an evolutionarily conserved biological function. We propose that ​Cmr1/​WDR76 plays a role in the recovery from genotoxic stress through regulation of the turnover of sumoylated and phosphorylated proteins

    Childhood socioeconomic position and objectively measured physical capability levels in adulthood: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    <p><b>Background:</b> Grip strength, walking speed, chair rising and standing balance time are objective measures of physical capability that characterise current health and predict survival in older populations. Socioeconomic position (SEP) in childhood may influence the peak level of physical capability achieved in early adulthood, thereby affecting levels in later adulthood. We have undertaken a systematic review with meta-analyses to test the hypothesis that adverse childhood SEP is associated with lower levels of objectively measured physical capability in adulthood.</p> <p><b>Methods and Findings:</b> Relevant studies published by May 2010 were identified through literature searches using EMBASE and MEDLINE. Unpublished results were obtained from study investigators. Results were provided by all study investigators in a standard format and pooled using random-effects meta-analyses. 19 studies were included in the review. Total sample sizes in meta-analyses ranged from N = 17,215 for chair rise time to N = 1,061,855 for grip strength. Although heterogeneity was detected, there was consistent evidence in age adjusted models that lower childhood SEP was associated with modest reductions in physical capability levels in adulthood: comparing the lowest with the highest childhood SEP there was a reduction in grip strength of 0.13 standard deviations (95% CI: 0.06, 0.21), a reduction in mean walking speed of 0.07 m/s (0.05, 0.10), an increase in mean chair rise time of 6% (4%, 8%) and an odds ratio of an inability to balance for 5s of 1.26 (1.02, 1.55). Adjustment for the potential mediating factors, adult SEP and body size attenuated associations greatly. However, despite this attenuation, for walking speed and chair rise time, there was still evidence of moderate associations.</p> <p><b>Conclusions:</b> Policies targeting socioeconomic inequalities in childhood may have additional benefits in promoting the maintenance of independence in later life.</p&gt

    Comparison of results from tests of association in unrelated individuals with uncollapsed and collapsed sequence variants using tiled regression

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    Tiled regression is an approach designed to determine the set of independent genetic variants that contribute to the variation of a quantitative trait in the presence of many highly correlated variants. In this study, we evaluate the statistical properties of the tiled regression method using the Genetic Analysis Workshop 17 data in unrelated individuals for traits Q1, Q2, and Q4. To increase the power to detect rare variants, we use two methods to collapse rare variants and compare the results with those from the uncollapsed data. In addition, we compare the tiled regression method to traditional tests of association with and without collapsed rare variants. The results show that collapsing rare variants generally improves the power to detect associations regardless of method, although only variants with the largest allelic effects could be detected. However, for traditional simple linear regression, the average estimated type I error is dependent on the trait and varies by about three orders of magnitude. The estimated type I error rate is stable for tiled regression across traits

    Intertwined αβ Spectrin Meeting Helical Actin Protofilament in the Erythrocyte Membrane Skeleton: Wrap-Around vs. Point-Attachment

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    Our 3-D model for a junctional complex (JC) in the erythrocyte membrane skeleton proposed that the helical actin protofilament functions as a mechanical axis for three pairs of αβ spectrin (Sp), and each pair wraps around the protofilament in a back-to-back fashion. The distal end of each Sp is further associated with the lipid bilayer by a suspension complex (SC). Here, we detail how splitting and rejoining of αβ Sp around a protofilament may form a loop that sustains and equilibrates tension. Sequential association of β and α Sp solves the challenge of constructing multiple loops along the protofilament, and topological connection facilitates their re-association. The wrap-around model minimizes the strain of the actin binding site on β Sp due to tension, redirection, or sliding of intertwined Sp. Pairing Sp balances the opposing forces and provides a mechanism for elastic recovery. The wrap-around junction thus provides mechanical advantages over a point-attachment junction in maintaining the integrity and functionality of the network. Severing α or β Sp may convert a wrapping-around junction to a point-attachment junction. In that case, a “bow up” motion of JC during deformation may disturb or flip the overlaid lipid bilayer, and mark stressed erythrocytes for phagocytosis

    Microfluidic cell sorter with integrated piezoelectric actuator

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    We demonstrate a low-power (<0.1 mW), low-voltage (<10 Vp-p) on-chip piezoelectrically actuated micro-sorter that can deflect single particles and cells at high-speed. With rhodamine in the stream, switching of flow between channels can be visualized at high actuation frequency (~1.7 kHz). The magnitude of the cell deflection can be precisely controlled by the magnitude and waveform of input voltage. Both simulation and experimental results indicate that the drag force imposed on the suspended particle/cell by the instantaneous fluid displacement can alter the trajectory of the particle/cell of any size, shape, and density of interest in a controlled manner. The open-loop E. Coli cell deflection experiment demonstrates that the sorting mechanism can produce a throughput of at least 330 cells/s, with a promise of a significantly higher throughput for an optimized design. To achieve close-loop sorting operation, fluorescence detection, real-time signal processing, and field-programmable-gate-array (FPGA) implementation of the control algorithms were developed to perform automated sorting of fluorescent beads. The preliminary results show error-free sorting at a sorting efficiency of ~70%. Since the piezoelectric actuator has an intrinsic response time of 0.1–1 ms and the sorting can be performed under high flowrate (particle speed of ~1–10 cm/s), the system can achieve a throughput of >1,000 particles/s with high purity

    Role for the Mammalian Swi5-Sfr1 Complex in DNA Strand Break Repair through Homologous Recombination

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    In fission yeast, the Swi5-Sfr1 complex plays an important role in homologous recombination (HR), a pathway crucial for the maintenance of genomic integrity. Here we identify and characterize mammalian Swi5 and Sfr1 homologues. Mouse Swi5 and Sfr1 are nuclear proteins that form a complex in vivo and in vitro. Swi5 interacts in vitro with Rad51, the DNA strand-exchange protein which functions during HR. By generating Swi5−/− and Sfr1−/− embryonic stem cell lines, we found that both proteins are mutually interdependent for their stability. Importantly, the Swi5-Sfr1 complex plays a role in HR when Rad51 function is perturbed in vivo by expression of a BRC peptide from BRCA2. Swi5−/− and Sfr1−/− cells are selectively sensitive to agents that cause DNA strand breaks, in particular ionizing radiation, camptothecin, and the Parp inhibitor olaparib. Consistent with a role in HR, sister chromatid exchange induced by Parp inhibition is attenuated in Swi5−/− and Sfr1−/− cells, and chromosome aberrations are increased. Thus, Swi5-Sfr1 is a newly identified complex required for genomic integrity in mammalian cells with a specific role in the repair of DNA strand breaks