9 research outputs found

    Mapping the global potential for marine aquaculture

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    Marine aquaculture presents an opportunity for increasing seafood production in the face of growing demand for marine protein and limited scope for expanding wild fishery harvests. However, the global capacity for increased aquaculture production from the ocean and the relative productivity potential across countries are unknown. Here, we map the biological production potential for marine aquaculture across the globe using an innovative approach that draws from physiology, allometry and growth theory. Even after applying substantial constraints based on existing ocean uses and limitations, we find vast areas in nearly every coastal country that are suitable for aquaculture. The development potential far exceeds the space required to meet foreseeable seafood demand; indeed, the current total landings of all wild-capture fisheries could be produced using less than 0.015% of the global ocean area. This analysis demonstrates that suitable space is unlikely to limit marine aquaculture development and highlights the role that other factors, such as economics and governance, play in shaping growth trajectories. We suggest that the vast amount of space suitable for marine aquaculture presents an opportunity for countries to develop aquaculture in a way that aligns with their economic, environmental and social objectives

    Assessing risks and mitigating impacts of harmful algal blooms on mariculture and marine fisheries

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    26 pages, 2 figures, 3 tables.-- This is the pre-peer reviewed version of the following article: Brown, A.R., Lilley, M., Shutler, J., Lowe, C., Artioli, Y., Torres, R., Berdalet, E. and Tyler, C.R. (2020), Assessing risks and mitigating impacts of harmful algal blooms on mariculture and marine fisheries. Rev Aquacult, 12: 1663-1688. doi:10.1111/raq.12403, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1111/raq.12403. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived VersionsAquaculture is the fastest growing food sector globally and protein provisioning from aquaculture now exceeds that from wild capture fisheries. There is clear potential for the further expansion of marine aquaculture (mariculture), but there are associated risks. Some naturally occurring algae can proliferate under certain environmental conditions, causing deoxygenation of seawater, or releasing toxic compounds (phycotoxins), which can harm wild and cultured finfish and shellfish, and also human consumers. The impacts of these so-called harmful algal blooms (HABs) amount to approximately 8 $billion/yr globally, due to mass mortalities in finfish, harvesting bans preventing the sale of shellfish that have accumulated unsafe levels of HAB phycotoxins and unavoided human health costs. Here, we provide a critical review and analysis of HAB impacts on mariculture (and wild capture fisheries) and recommend research to identify ways to minimise their impacts to the industry. We examine causal factors for HAB development in inshore versus offshore locations and consider how mariculture itself, in its various forms, may exacerbate or mitigate HAB risk. From a management perspective, there is considerable scope for strategic siting of offshore mariculture and holistic Environmental Approaches for Aquaculture, such as offsetting nutrient outputs from finfish farming, via the co-location of extractive shellfish and macroalgae. Such pre-emptive, ecosystem-based approaches are preferable to reactive physical, chemical or microbiological control measures aiming to remove or neutralise HABs and their phycotxins. To facilitate mariculture expansion and long-term sustainability, it is also essential to evaluate HAB risk in conjunction with climate changeThis review was funded by the European Martime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) grant ENG2360: Assessing and mitigating the future risks of harmful algal blooms (HABs) to wild fisheries and aquaculture. [
]With the funding support of the ‘Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence’ accreditation (CEX2019-000928-S), of the Spanish Research Agency (AEI