527 research outputs found

    Cation distribution in manganese cobaltite spinels Co3−xMnxO4 (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) determined by thermal analysis

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    Thermogravimetric analysis was used in order to study the reduction in air of submicronic powders of Co3−x Mn x O4 spinels, with 0 ≤ x ≤ 1. For x = 0 (i.e. Co3O4), cation reduction occurred in a single step. It involved the CoIII ions at the octahedral sites, which were reduced to Co2+ on producing CoO. For 0 < x ≤ 1, the reduction occurred in two stages at increasing temperature with increasing amounts of manganese. The first step corresponded to the reduction of octahedral CoIII ions and the second was attributed to the reduction of octahedral Mn4+ ions to Mn3+. From the individual weight losses and the electrical neutrality of the lattice, the CoIII and Mn4+ ion concentrations were calculated. The distribution of cobalt and manganese ions present on each crystallographic site of the spinel was determined. In contrast to most previous studies that took into account either CoIII and Mn3+ or Co2+, CoIII and Mn4+ only, our thermal analysis study showed that Co2+/CoIII and Mn3+/Mn4+ pairs occupy the octahedral sites. These results were used to explain the resistivity measurements carried out on dense ceramics prepared from our powders sintered at low temperature (700–750 °C) in a Spark Plasma Sintering apparatus

    Transkingdom Networks: A Systems Biology Approach to Identify Causal Members of Host-Microbiota Interactions

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    Improvements in sequencing technologies and reduced experimental costs have resulted in a vast number of studies generating high-throughput data. Although the number of methods to analyze these "omics" data has also increased, computational complexity and lack of documentation hinder researchers from analyzing their high-throughput data to its true potential. In this chapter we detail our data-driven, transkingdom network (TransNet) analysis protocol to integrate and interrogate multi-omics data. This systems biology approach has allowed us to successfully identify important causal relationships between different taxonomic kingdoms (e.g. mammals and microbes) using diverse types of data

    Ferroelectricity in a quasiamorphous ultrathin BaTiO3 film

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    Until now, the quasiamorphous (QA) phase in BaTiO3 (BTO), SrTiO3 (STO), and BaZrO3 was achieved by pulling a thick film through a steep temperature gradient. Here, we show that a room-temperature deposited ultrathin film, subsequently annealed in O-2 can also produce a QA phase. The atomic, electronic, and ferroelectric (FE) structure of a QA, ultrathin BTO grown on STO were studied by x-ray diffraction (XRD), x-ray photoelectron diffraction (XPD), x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and piezoforce microscopy (PFM). The absence of long-range order is confirmed by in-and out-of-plane XRD as well as Ti 2p XPD. FE polarized domains with good retention have been successfully written into the QA film and exhibit a clear P-E hysteresis loop. Substrate clamping frustrates volume expansion during annealing leading to a QA film. Photoelectron spectroscopy confirms a similar overall electronic structure as for thicker films but with some significant differences. Simple charge-transfer arguments are not sufficient to explain the high-resolution core-level spectra. Ba, Ti, and O all show components associated with a surface region. We suggest that the observation of such a component in the Ti 2p spectrum is linked with the high dynamic charge tensor induced by the large off-center displacement of the Ti ion.8420French National Research Agency (ANR) [ANR-10-BLAN-1012]CEAFrench National Research Agency (ANR) [ANR-10-BLAN-1012

    Correction to: The novel compound PBT434 prevents iron mediated neurodegeneration and alpha-synuclein toxicity in multiple models of Parkinson's disease.

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    Following publication of the original article [1], the author identified an error in Fig. 4E. The data and statistics were correct, but the synaptophysin blot was incorrect. The incorrect (Fig. 1) and correct figure (Fig. 2) are shown in this correction article. (Figure presented.)

    The novel compound PBT434 prevents iron mediated neurodegeneration and alpha-synuclein toxicity in multiple models of Parkinson's disease

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    Elevated iron in the SNpc may play a key role in Parkinson's disease (PD) neurodegeneration since drug candidates with high iron affinity rescue PD animal models, and one candidate, deferirpone, has shown efficacy recently in a phase two clinical trial. However, strong iron chelators may perturb essential iron metabolism, and it is not yet known whether the damage associated with iron is mediated by a tightly bound (eg ferritin) or lower-affinity, labile, iron pool. Here we report the preclinical characterization of PBT434, a novel quinazolinone compound bearing a moderate affinity metal-binding motif, which is in development for Parkinsonian conditions. In vitro, PBT434 was far less potent than deferiprone or deferoxamine at lowering cellular iron levels, yet was found to inhibit iron-mediated redox activity and iron-mediated aggregation of α-synuclein, a protein that aggregates in the neuropathology. In vivo, PBT434 did not deplete tissue iron stores in normal rodents, yet prevented loss of substantia nigra pars compacta neurons (SNpc), lowered nigral α-synuclein accumulation, and rescued motor performance in mice exposed to the Parkinsonian toxins 6-OHDA and MPTP, and in a transgenic animal model (hA53T α-synuclein) of PD. These improvements were associated with reduced markers of oxidative damage, and increased levels of ferroportin (an iron exporter) and DJ-1. We conclude that compounds designed to target a pool of pathological iron that is not held in high-affinity complexes in the tissue can maintain the survival of SNpc neurons and could be disease-modifying in PD

    A soccer player with idiopathic osteonecrosis of the complete lateral talar dome: a case report

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    We report a 13-year-old soccer player with osteonecrosis of the talus and a large carticular fragment. The defect was revitalized with curettage and drilling and filled with autologous bone graft followed by the fixation of the carticular fragment with two conventional lag screws. Screw placement was such that they could be removed arthroscopically. Healing was uneventful. Eighteen months postoperative hardware was indeed removed arthroscopically. He returned to his former competitive level without restrictions or complaints

    Deciphering Heterogeneity in Pig Genome Assembly Sscrofa9 by Isochore and Isochore-Like Region Analyses

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    Background: The isochore, a large DNA sequence with relatively small GC variance, is one of the most important structures in eukaryotic genomes. Although the isochore has been widely studied in humans and other species, little is known about its distribution in pigs. Principal Findings: In this paper, we construct a map of long homogeneous genome regions (LHGRs), i.e., isochores and isochore-like regions, in pigs to provide an intuitive version of GC heterogeneity in each chromosome. The LHGR pattern study not only quantifies heterogeneities, but also reveals some primary characteristics of the chromatin organization, including the followings: (1) the majority of LHGRs belong to GC-poor families and are in long length; (2) a high gene density tends to occur with the appearance of GC-rich LHGRs; and (3) the density of LINE repeats decreases with an increase in the GC content of LHGRs. Furthermore, a portion of LHGRs with particular GC ranges (50%–51 % and 54%–55%) tend to have abnormally high gene densities, suggesting that biased gene conversion (BGC), as well as time- and energy-saving principles, could be of importance to the formation of genome organization. Conclusion: This study significantly improves our knowledge of chromatin organization in the pig genome. Correlations between the different biological features (e.g., gene density and repeat density) and GC content of LHGRs provide a uniqu

    Effect of solution saturation state and temperature on diopside dissolution

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    Steady-state dissolution rates of diopside are measured as a function of solution saturation state using a titanium flow-through reactor at pH 7.5 and temperature ranging from 125 to 175°C. Diopside dissolved stoichiometrically under all experimental conditions and rates were not dependent on sample history. At each temperature, rates continuously decreased by two orders of magnitude as equilibrium was approached and did not exhibit a dissolution plateau of constant rates at high degrees of undersaturation. The variation of diopside dissolution rates with solution saturation can be described equally well with a ion exchange model based on transition state theory or pit nucleation model based on crystal growth/dissolution theory from 125 to 175°C. At 175°C, both models over predict dissolution rates by two orders of magnitude indicating that a secondary phase precipitated in the experiments. The ion exchange model assumes the formation of a Si-rich, Mg-deficient precursor complex. Lack of dependence of rates on steady-state aqueous calcium concentration supports the formation of such a complex, which is formed by exchange of protons for magnesium ions at the surface. Fit to the experimental data yields [Formula: see text] where the Mg-H exchange coefficient, n = 1.39, the apparent activation energy, E(a )= 332 kJ mol(-1), and the apparent rate constant, k = 10(41.2 )mol diopside cm(-2 )s(-1). Fits to the data with the pit nucleation model suggest that diopside dissolution proceeds through retreat of steps developed by nucleation of pits created homogeneously at the mineral surface or at defect sites, where homogeneous nucleation occurs at lower degrees of saturation than defect-assisted nucleation. Rate expressions for each mechanism (i) were fit to [Formula: see text] where the step edge energy (α) for homogeneously nucleated pits were higher (275 to 65 mJ m(-2)) than the pits nucleated at defects (39 to 65 mJ m(-2)) and the activation energy associated with the temperature dependence of site density and the kinetic coefficient for homogeneously nucleated pits (E(b-homogeneous )= 2.59 × 10(-16 )mJ K(-1)) were lower than the pits nucleated at defects (E(b-defect assisted )= 8.44 × 10(-16 )mJ K(-1))

    High-resolution haplotype block structure in the cattle genome

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The Bovine HapMap Consortium has generated assay panels to genotype ~30,000 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) from 501 animals sampled from 19 worldwide taurine and indicine breeds, plus two outgroup species (Anoa and Water Buffalo). Within the larger set of SNPs we targeted 101 high density regions spanning up to 7.6 Mb with an average density of approximately one SNP per 4 kb, and characterized the linkage disequilibrium (LD) and haplotype block structure within individual breeds and groups of breeds in relation to their geographic origin and use.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>From the 101 targeted high-density regions on bovine chromosomes 6, 14, and 25, between 57 and 95% of the SNPs were informative in the individual breeds. The regions of high LD extend up to ~100 kb and the size of haplotype blocks ranges between 30 bases and 75 kb (10.3 kb average). On the scale from 1–100 kb the extent of LD and haplotype block structure in cattle has high similarity to humans. The estimation of effective population sizes over the previous 10,000 generations conforms to two main events in cattle history: the initiation of cattle domestication (~12,000 years ago), and the intensification of population isolation and current population bottleneck that breeds have experienced worldwide within the last ~700 years. Haplotype block density correlation, block boundary discordances, and haplotype sharing analyses were consistent in revealing unexpected similarities between some beef and dairy breeds, making them non-differentiable. Clustering techniques permitted grouping of breeds into different clades given their similarities and dissimilarities in genetic structure.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This work presents the first high-resolution analysis of haplotype block structure in worldwide cattle samples. Several novel results were obtained. First, cattle and human share a high similarity in LD and haplotype block structure on the scale of 1–100 kb. Second, unexpected similarities in haplotype block structure between dairy and beef breeds make them non-differentiable. Finally, our findings suggest that ~30,000 uniformly distributed SNPs would be necessary to construct a complete genome LD map in <it>Bos taurus </it>breeds, and ~580,000 SNPs would be necessary to characterize the haplotype block structure across the complete cattle genome.</p

    Galileo Probe Measurements of D/H and 3He/4He in Jupiter's Atmosphere

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    The Galileo Probe Mass Spectrometer measurements in the atmosphere of Jupiter give D/H = (2.6 ± 0.7) × 10-5 3He/4He = (1.66 ± 0.05) × 10-4Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/43784/1/11214_2004_Article_184084.pd