14 research outputs found

    Visión de jóvenes Costarricenses, de zonas rurales, en un programa de rehabilitación, sobre el consumo de drogas

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    Este estudio cualitativo tuvo como objetivo investigar la visión de jóvenes Costarricenses, institucionalizados en dos organizaciones no gubernamentales de Costa Rica, sobre el consumo de drogas ilícitas. Se aplicó la técnica de grupo focal para que los adolescentes expresasen sus sentimientos y sus vivencias acerca del consumo de drogas ilícitas. Entre los resultados se obtuvo que la percepción de los adolescentes sobre sí mismo tiene como enfoque un proceso de cambio y de desarrollo de la identidad y experimentación que los hace tomar decisiones negativas, como es el consumo de drogas. También, se encontró que las relaciones que tienen con sus padres son conflictivas debido a que provienen de hogares disfuncionales y de comunidades marginales. Los amigos representan el apoyo a sus vicisitudes y la inducción del consumo. Se concluye que es necesario que Costa Rica modifique y cree nuevas políticas públicas para mejorar la calidad de vida de este grupo poblacional.Trata-se de estudo qualitativo que teve como objetivo investigar a visão de jovens costarriquenhos, institucionalizados em duas organizações não-governamentais de Costa Rica, sobre o consumo de drogas ilícitas. A técnica de grupo focal foi aplicada para que os adolescentes expressassem seus sentimentos e suas vivências sobre o processo de consumo de drogas ilícitas. Entre os resultados, obteve-se que a percepção que os adolescentes têm de si mesmos está focada em processo de mudança e de desenvolvimento da identidade e experimentação que os faz tomar decisões negativas, como o consumo de drogas. As relações que têm com seus pais são conflitantes por virem de lares disfuncionais e de comunidades marginalizadas. Os amigos representam o apoio às suas vicissitudes e à indução do consumo. Há necessidade de o Estado de Costa Rica delimitar políticas públicas para melhorar a qualidade de vida dessa população.This qualitative study aimed to investigate the view of adolescents following rehabilitation programs about the consumption of illicit drugs. It was carried out in two Non-Governmental Organizations in Costa Rica. The focus group technique was applied, aiming to allow adolescents to express their feelings and experiences regarding illicit drug consumption. Results showed that the perception adolescents have of themselves is focused on a process of change and development of their identity and experimentation, which influence them in taking negative decisions like drug consumption. The relationships they have with their parents are conflicting, as they come from dysfunctional homes and marginal communities. Friends represent support for their difficulties and lead to drug consumption. The state of Costa Rica needs to define public policies to improve the lives of this population

    Counteracting Age-related Loss of Skeletal Muscle Mass: a clinical and ethnological trial on the role of protein supplementation and training load (CALM Intervention Study): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    Independent directors, large shareholders and firm performance: the generational stage of family businesses and the socioemotional wealth approach

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    Biological control of cacao diseases

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    This chapter discusses the advances in biological control of cacao diseases over the last 15 years. Most attention has been focused on biological control of frosty pod rot (Moniliophthora roreri), witches' broom (Moniliophthora perniciosa) and black pod disease (Phytophthora spp.). Research on biocontrol of other diseases in the cacao phyllosphere or rhizosphere is scarce or in its infancy. There is, however, a steady increase in information regarding the factors influencing and the mechanisms underlying biological control of cacao diseases as well as practical aspects such as inoculum production, formulation and application. There has been a clear shift away from inundative approaches using epiphytic BCAs towards more classical biocontrol approaches using bacterial and fungal endophytes as well as vesicular arbuscular mycorrhiza. These have the advantage that they can permanently establish themselves in the cacao tree. Moreover, besides direct competition for space and nutrients, antibiosis and mycoparasitism, through induced resistance and growth promotion, endophytes have a larger arsenal of mechanisms through which they can help protect their host. Endophytic BCAs could thus provide more effective and sustainable disease control. Recent advances in our understanding of the mechanisms through which endophytic biocontrol agents can reduce pest and disease impact provide possibilities for innovative disease control strategies, including combination therapies together with natural or chemical products. Continued work on production, formulation and application is also necessary in order for biocontrol to become economically interesting. However, biological control will not become a stand-alone solution for disease control but should become part of integrated pest management strategies, with cultural management as a central and reinforcing pillar. (Résumé d'auteur