39 research outputs found

    The Thermal Design, Characterization, and Performance of the SPIDER Long-Duration Balloon Cryostat

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    We describe the SPIDER flight cryostat, which is designed to cool six millimeter-wavelength telescopes during an Antarctic long-duration balloon flight. The cryostat, one of the largest to have flown on a stratospheric payload, uses liquid helium-4 to deliver cooling power to stages at 4.2 and 1.6 K. Stainless steel capillaries facilitate a high flow impedance connection between the main liquid helium tank and a smaller superfluid tank, allowing the latter to operate at 1.6 K as long as there is liquid in the 4.2 K main tank. Each telescope houses a closed cycle helium-3 adsorption refrigerator that further cools the focal planes down to 300 mK. Liquid helium vapor from the main tank is routed through heat exchangers that cool radiation shields, providing negative thermal feedback. The system performed successfully during a 17 day flight in the 2014-2015 Antarctic summer. The cryostat had a total hold time of 16.8 days, with 15.9 days occurring during flight.Comment: 15 pgs, 17 fig

    Stochastic backgrounds of relic gravitons: a theoretical appraisal

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    Stochastic backgrounds or relic gravitons, if ever detected, will constitute a prima facie evidence of physical processes taking place during the earliest stages of the evolution of the plasma. The essentials of the stochastic backgrounds of relic gravitons are hereby introduced and reviewed. The pivotal observables customarily employed to infer the properties of the relic gravitons are discussed both in the framework of the Λ\LambdaCDM paradigm as well as in neighboring contexts. The complementarity between experiments measuring the polarization of the Cosmic Microwave Background (such as, for instance, WMAP, Capmap, Quad, Cbi, just to mention a few) and wide band interferometers (e.g. Virgo, Ligo, Geo, Tama) is emphasized. While the analysis of the microwave sky strongly constrains the low-frequency tail of the relic graviton spectrum, wide-band detectors are sensitive to much higher frequencies where the spectral energy density depends chiefly upon the (poorly known) rate of post-inflationary expansion.Comment: 94 pages, 32 figure


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    Death tradition is a ceremonial process that is done from generation to generation as the delivery of died people before actually going to another world (immortality).One of death traditions in Indonesia that is still done and well-known to foreign countries is Rambu Solo’ in Toraja. Rambu Solo’ is done as the process of perfecting died people. Death tradition is depicted in Puya Ke Puya novel by Faisal Oddang. Based on that thing, the problem formulation in this research, are (1) how is the representation of death ceremony stages in Puya Ke Puya novel by Faisal Oddang, (2) how are the meanings of death ceremony stages in Puya Ke Puya novel by Faisal Oddang. The method used in this research is descriptive method of analysis using literary anthropology approach. The source of data in this study is Puya Ke Puya novel by Faisal Oddang by concerning data quotations, sentences, as well as units of stories in the novel. Data found in this researh is processed through several stages, such as (1) collecting data, (2) classifying data, (3) data assessment, (4) drawing conclusion. The result of the analysis and discussion shows that in Puya Ke Puya novel by Faisal Oddang, it is found two processes of ceremonial stages and the meaning of process stages as representation of death tradition in Rambu Solo '. Death ceremony stages are (1) before death ceremony process and (2) during death ceremony process. Before the ceremony, there are several things that are need to be done and prepared by the family including holding big family meeting to determine when the Rambu Solo’ ceremony will be held, determining the level of death ceremony, preparing or buying buffaloes and pigs, preparing the necessary equipments. The next stage is the process of death ceremony. In this stage which includes Mappassulu ', Mangriu' Batu, Mapopengkaloa, Ma'pasonglo, Tau-tau, Lantang, Mappasilaga Tedong, Mantunu Tedong and ipalao. The meaning of Rambu Solo’ ceremony stage is a process of completion of died people so that they can get to puya. If it is not celebrated, thw aoul of died people will be stuck between heaven and earth in uncertain fate or become ghosts. It is also believed that it brings misfortune for families of died people. This is the belief of Toraja people


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    We present measurements of secondary cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropies and cosmic infrared background (CIB) fluctuations using data from the South Pole Telescope (SPT) covering the complete 2540 sq.deg. SPT-SZ survey area. Data in the three SPT-SZ frequency bands centered at 95, 150, and 220 GHz, are used to produce six angular power spectra (three single-frequency auto-spectra and three cross-spectra) covering the multipole range 2000 < ell < 11000 (angular scales 5' > \theta > 1'). These are the most precise measurements of the angular power spectra at ell > 2500 at these frequencies. The main contributors to the power spectra at these angular scales and frequencies are the primary CMB, CIB, thermal and kinematic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effects (tSZ and kSZ), and radio galaxies. We include a constraint on the tSZ power from a measurement of the tSZ bispectrum from 800 sq.deg. of the SPT-SZ survey. We measure the tSZ power at 143 GHz to be DtSZ = 4.08 +0.58 -0.67 \mu K^2 and the kSZ power to be DkSZ = 2.9 +- 1.3 \mu K^2. The data prefer positive kSZ power at 98.1% CL. We measure a correlation coefficient of \xi = 0.113 +0.057 -0.054 between sources of tSZ and CIB power, with \xi < 0 disfavored at a confidence level of 99.0%. The constraint on kSZ power can be interpreted as an upper limit on the duration of reionization. When the post-reionization homogeneous kSZ signal is accounted for, we find an upper limit on the duration \Delta z < 5.4 at 95% CL

    Detection of anisotropy in the Cosmic Microwave Background at horizon and sub-horizon scales with the BOOMERanG experiment

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    BOOMERanG has recently resolved structures on the last scattering surface at redshift \sim 1100 with high signal to noise ratio. We review the technical advances which made this possible, and we focus on the current results for maps and power spectra, with special attention to the determination of the total mass-energy density in the Universe and of other cosmological parameters

    Observations of the temperature and polarization anisotropies with BOOMERANG 2003

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    The BOOMERANG experiment completed its final long duration balloon (LDB) flight over Antarctica in January 2003. The focal plane was upgraded to accommodate four sets of 145 GHz polarization sensitive bolometers (PSBs), identical to those to be flown on the Planck HFI instrument. Approximately, 195 hours of science observations were obtained during this flight, including 75 hours distributed over 1.84\% of the sky and an additional 120 hours concentrated on a region covering 0.22\% of the sky. We derive the angular power spectra of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) temperature and polarization anisotropies from these data. The temperature anisotropies are detected with high signal to noise on angular scales ranging from several degrees to {\tilde10 arcminutes. The curl-free (EE) component is detected at \tilde4.8σ\sigma, and a two-sigma upper limit on the curl (BB) component of 8.6 μ\muK2^2 is obtained on scales corresponding to \tilde0.5\deg. Both the temperature and polarization anisotropies are found to be consistent with a concordance Λ\LambdaCDM cosmology that is seeded by adiabatic density perturbations. In addition to the CMB observations, BOOMERANG03 surveyed a \tilde300 square degree region centered on the Galactic plane. These observations represent the first light for polarization sensitive bolometers, which are currently operational in two South-Pole based polarimeters, as well as Planck HFI, at frequencies ranging from 100 to 350 GHz (3 mm to 850 μ\mum).