184 research outputs found

    Towards glass-box CNNs

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    With the substantial performance of neural networks in sensitive fields increases the need for interpretable deep learning models. Major challenge is to uncover the multiscale and distributed representation hidden inside the basket mappings of the deep neural networks. Researchers have been trying to comprehend it through visual analysis of features, mathematical structures, or other data-driven approaches. Here, we work on implementation invariances of CNN-based representations and present an analytical binary prototype that provides useful insights for large scale real-life applications. We begin by unfolding conventional CNN and then repack it with a more transparent representation. Inspired by the attainment of neural networks, we choose to present our findings as a three-layer model. First is a representation layer that encompasses both the class information (group invariant) and symmetric transformations (group equivariant) of input images. Through these transformations, we decrease intra-class distance and increase the inter-class distance. It is then passed through a dimension reduction layer followed by a classifier. The proposed representation is compared with the equivariance of AlexNet (CNN) internal representation for better dissemination of simulation results. We foresee following immediate advantages of this toy version: i) contributes pre-processing of data to increase the feature or class separability in large scale problems, ii) helps designing neural architecture to improve the classification performance in multi-class problems, and iii) helps building interpretable CNN through scalable functional blocks

    Effect of long-term aluminum feeding on lipid/phospholipid profiles of rat brain myelin

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    Effect of long-term (90–100 days) exposure of rats to soluble salt of aluminum (AlCl(3)) on myelin lipid profile was examined. The long-term exposure to AlCl(3 )resulted in a 60 % decrease in the total phospholipid (TPL) content while the cholesterol (CHL) content increased by 55 %. Consequently the TPL / CHL molar ratio decreased significantly by 62 %. The phospholipid composition of the myelin membrane changed drastically; the proportion of practically all the phospholipid classes decreased by 32 to 60 % except for phosphatidylcholine (PC) and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE). Of the latter two, proportion of PC was unchanged while PE increased in proportion by 47 %. Quantitatively, all phospholipid classes decreased by from 42 to 76% with no change in the PE content. However the membrane fluidity was not altered in Al-treated rats. Many of the changes we observe here show striking similarities with the reported phospholipid profiles of Alzheimer brains

    Localization Algorithm for Mobile Sensor Nodes Using 3D Space in Wireless Sensor Network

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    On the problem of wireless sensor network localization; few true three - dimensional (3D) methods have been developed to satisfy the practical needs. In this work we proposed range - based 3D localization algorithm that is accurate, anchor - free, scalable and physical position available. A novel combination of distance and direction measurement techniques introduced to estimate ranges between neighbours. Based on this information local coordinate systems are constructed and then converge to form a global network wide coordinate system ,which finally leads to nodes absolute positions. Simulation results have shown that our algorithm achieves good trade - off between localization percentage and precision

    Transition metal oxide supported on alumina catalysts: a comparative study for the hydrogenation of octanal

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    Monometallic (10 wt.%) Co, Ni and Cu nanoparticles supported on alumina catalysts were prepared using an ultrasonic impregnation- cavitation method and characterized using ICP, XRD, physisorption, chemisorption and temperature programmed techniques. The copper catalyst showed higher metal dispersion and greater hydrogen and CO chemisorption capacity when compared to the nickel and cobalt catalysts. Hydrogenation of octanal carried out in a continuous flow high pressure fixed bed reactor showed that the rate of reaction and turnover number of octanol depended on the amount of hydrogen chemisorbed. The copper catalyst showed the lowest activation energy, as well as best catalytic activity. The Cu-Al catalyst which showed higher metal dispersion and low acidity, showed the highest selectivity towards octanol with no C24 acetal formation, when compared to the Ni-Al and Co-Al catalysts.Keywords: Octanal hydrogenation, octanol, copper, nickel, cobal

    The Concept of Raktamokshana in the management of Badhirya

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    The ear is a complex and sensitive organ in our body. Unfortunately, damage to the organ, whether through any disease, physical insult, long term exposure excessive noise, some drugs or simply the effects of aging, can cause the ear to malfunction. The result of malfunction is usually to produce some degree of deafness. Hearing impairment is affecting more than 360 million persons of the world (5. % of the world’s population). Among them, 328 million (91%) are adult (183 million male and 145 million females) and 32 million (9%) of these are children. In Ayurveda, it can be correlated with Badhirya. Ayurvedic science may help to cure the disease. In Ayurvedic literature, many treatment modalities are mentioned for Badhirya like Snehavirechana, Raktmokshana, Basti Karma, Murdhabasti, Nasya, Dhupana. Raktamokshana is one of the treatment mentioned by Acharyas. According to Acharya Sushruta, vitiated Vatadosha along with Kaphadosha resides in Shabdanu Vaha Sira and leads to Badhirya. Acharya Sushruta has mentioned Rakstmokshana when Vata resides in the Sira and Shirah. So Raktmokshana can play an important role in the management of Badhirya

    Effect of microneedling by dermaroller on acne scars: an observational study at tertiary care hospital

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    Background: Post acne facial scar is very distressing phenomenon. There are many treatment options like laser resurfacing, dermabrasion, microdermabrasion and non-ablative laser resurfacing but it may cause adverse effects and interference with the daily activities of the patient. Microneedling or dermaroller therapy is newer modality in management of acne scars with satisfactory improvement and no significant side effect. Objective of our study was to evaluate efficacy and safety of microneedling in the treatment of atrophic facial acne scars. Methods: Twenty-eight patients of Fitzpatrick skin type IV to V having atrophic facial acne scars and fulfilling inclusion criteria were treated with multiple sittings of microneedling (dermaroller) treatment at monthly interval. Goodman and Baron’s qualitative and quantitative acne scar grading system was used for assessment. Patients were evaluated clinically and by serial photography. Presence of any active infection, active acne, wounds, blisters, keloids, taking some medications like Accutane, antihypertensives, anticoagulants, systemic retinoids, topical retinoids, those undergoing cosmetic procedures, treatment with injecting fillers or ablative or non-ablative laser resurfacing, diabetes, collagen diseases and those who do not agree to participate in study were excluded. Results: Any change in the grading of scars after the end of treatment and follow-up period was noted. Efficacy and improvement of dermaroller treatment was assessed by Goodman and Baron’s global acne scarring system. Out of 18 patients (of total 28) with Goodman and Baron’s qualitative grade-4, 16 (88.90%) patients reduced to grade-1. 21 out of 28 patients achieved ‘excellent’ response. Adverse effects were limited to transient erythema and post inflammatory hyperpigmentation. Conclusions: Microneedling therapy seems to be simple, safe and efficacious for the management of atrophic facial acne scars

    A drug utilization study of analgesics for management of postoperative pain in patients admitted at a tertiary care teaching hospital

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    Background: Postoperative pain is very common and develops naturally as a warning. After surgery, its development can be predicted and should be prevented and treated. Besides the disagreeable aspects and physiological repercussions of postoperative pain, it delays ambulation and hospital discharge. Despite the drugs and anesthetic techniques available, the prevalence of postoperative pain is still high.Methods: Pain assessment was done by BP cuff inflation method and Numerical rating scales both pre and postoperatively.Results: Complain of postoperative pain is more in female patient. Over all complain of postoperative pain was observed more in 31-45 year age group. Complain of postoperative pain was more at 18 hour time interval. Postoperative pain complains was more in patients undergoing general surgery. Postoperatively out of 310 patients 298 patients were received diclofenac only and 18 patients were received diclofenac + tramadol combination of these 112 and 13 patients complained of post-operative pain respectively.Conclusions: 112 patients from diclofenac only received group and 13 patients from diclofenac + tramadol received group complain of post operative pain. Post-operative pain control at 12 hours is sufficient but high post-operative pain scores at 18 hour of post-operative time interval suggesting needs of additional pain control. Majority of study patients received single analgesic (Diclofenac sodium)
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