3,434 research outputs found

    A visualisation and simulation framework for local and remote HRI experimentation

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    In this text, we will present work on the design and development of a ROS-based (Robot Operating System) remote 3D visualisation, control and simulation framework. This architecture has the purpose of extending the usability of a system devised in previous work by this research team during the CASIR (Coordinated Attention for Social Interaction with Robots) project. The proposed solution was implemented using ROS, and designed to attend the needs of two user groups – local and remote users and developers. The framework consists of: (1) a fully functional simulator integrated with the ROS environment, including a faithful representation of a robotic platform, a human model with animation capabilities and enough features for enacting human robot interaction scenarios, and a virtual experimental setup with similar features as the real laboratory workspace; (2) a fully functional and intuitive user interface for monitoring and development; (3) a remote robotic laboratory that can connect remote users to the framework via a web browser. The proposed solution was thoroughly and systematically tested under operational conditions, so as to assess its qualities in terms of features, ease-of-use and performance. Finally, conclusions concerning the success and potential of this research and development effort are drawn, and the foundations for future work will be proposed

    Touch attention Bayesian models for robotic active haptic exploration of heterogeneous surfaces

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    This work contributes to the development of active haptic exploration strategies of surfaces using robotic hands in environments with an unknown structure. The architecture of the proposed approach consists two main Bayesian models, implementing the touch attention mechanisms of the system. The model πper perceives and discriminates different categories of materials (haptic stimulus) integrating compliance and texture features extracted from haptic sensory data. The model πtar actively infers the next region of the workspace that should be explored by the robotic system, integrating the task information, the permanently updated saliency and uncertainty maps extracted from the perceived haptic stimulus map, as well as, inhibition-of-return mechanisms. The experimental results demonstrate that the Bayesian model πper can be used to discriminate 10 different classes of materials with an average recognition rate higher than 90%. The generalization capability of the proposed models was demonstrated experimentally. The ATLAS robot, in the simulation, was able to perform the following of a discontinuity between two regions made of different materials with a divergence smaller than 1cm (30 trials). The tests were performed in scenarios with 3 different configurations of the discontinuity. The Bayesian models have demonstrated the capability to manage the uncertainty about the structure of the surfaces and sensory noise to make correct motor decisions from haptic percepts

    A Bayesian hierarchy for robust gaze estimation in human–robot interaction

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    In this text, we present a probabilistic solution for robust gaze estimation in the context of human–robot interaction. Gaze estimation, in the sense of continuously assessing gaze direction of an interlocutor so as to determine his/her focus of visual attention, is important in several important computer vision applications, such as the development of non-intrusive gaze-tracking equipment for psychophysical experiments in neuroscience, specialised telecommunication devices, video surveillance, human–computer interfaces (HCI) and artificial cognitive systems for human–robot interaction (HRI), our application of interest. We have developed a robust solution based on a probabilistic approach that inherently deals with the uncertainty of sensor models, but also and in particular with uncertainty arising from distance, incomplete data and scene dynamics. This solution comprises a hierarchical formulation in the form of a mixture model that loosely follows how geometrical cues provided by facial features are believed to be used by the human perceptual system for gaze estimation. A quantitative analysis of the proposed framework's performance was undertaken through a thorough set of experimental sessions. Results show that the framework performs according to the difficult requirements of HRI applications, namely by exhibiting correctness, robustness and adaptiveness

    Integration of touch attention mechanisms to improve the robotic haptic exploration of surfaces

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    This text presents the integration of touch attention mechanisms to improve the efficiency of the action-perception loop, typically involved in active haptic exploration tasks of surfaces by robotic hands. The progressive inference of regions of the workspace that should be probed by the robotic system uses information related with haptic saliency extracted from the perceived haptic stimulus map (exploitation) and a “curiosity”-inducing prioritisation based on the reconstruction's inherent uncertainty and inhibition-of-return mechanisms (exploration), modulated by top-down influences stemming from current task objectives, updated at each exploration iteration. This work also extends the scope of the top-down modulation of information presented in a previous work, by integrating in the decision process the influence of shape cues of the current exploration path. The Bayesian framework proposed in this work was tested in a simulation environment. A scenario made of three different materials was explored autonomously by a robotic system. The experimental results show that the system was able to perform three different haptic discontinuity following tasks with a good structural accuracy, demonstrating the selectivity and generalization capability of the attention mechanisms. These experiments confirmed the fundamental contribution of the haptic saliency cues to the success and accuracy of the execution of the tasks
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