26 research outputs found

    Spontaneous development of Epstein-Barr Virus associated human lymphomas in a prostate cancer xenograft program

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    Prostate cancer research is hampered by the lack of in vivo preclinical models that accurately reflect patient tumour biology and the clinical heterogeneity of human prostate cancer. To overcome these limitations we propagated and characterised a new collection of patient-derived prostate cancer xenografts. Tumour fragments from 147 unsupervised, surgical prostate samples were implanted subcutaneously into immunodeficient Rag2-/-γC-/- mice within 24 hours of surgery. Histologic and molecular characterisation of xenografts was compared with patient characteristics, including androgen-deprivation therapy, and exome sequencing. Xenografts were established from 47 of 147 (32%) implanted primary prostate cancers. Only 14% passaged successfully resulting in 20 stable lines; derived from 20 independent patient samples. Surprisingly, only three of the 20 lines (15%) were confirmed as prostate cancer; one line comprised of mouse stroma, and 16 were verified as human donor-derived lymphoid neoplasms. PCR for Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) nuclear antigen, together with exome sequencing revealed that the lymphomas were exclusively EBV-associated. Genomic analysis determined that 14 of the 16 EBV+ lines had unique monoclonal or oligoclonal immunoglobulin heavy chain gene rearrangements, confirming their B-cell origin. We conclude that the generation of xenografts from tumour fragments can commonly result in B-cell lymphoma from patients carrying latent EBV. We recommend routine screening, of primary outgrowths, for latent EBV to avoid this phenomenon

    Long-term follow-up of Dutch Childhood Leukemia Study Group (DCLSG) protocols for children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, 1984-1991

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    Here we report the long-term results of the DCLSG protocols ALL-6 and -7 with special emphasis on the incidence of CNS relapse after treatment without cranial irradiation. In DCLSG protocol ALL-6 (1984-1988), designed for patients with ALL non-high risk (ALL-NHR) (WB

    Childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia in the Netherlands - Randomized studies and nationwide treatment results from 1972 to 1995

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    The Dutch Childhood Leukemia Study Group (DCLSG) has implemented eight protocols for the treatment of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) (ALL I to VIII) during the period from 1972 to 1995. They were based on St. Jude's Total Therapy (ALL II to VI) and the risk-adapted intensive therapy (ALL VII and VIII) developed by the BFM Group, respectively, and included seven randomized studies. In study ALT, I (N = 43, 1972 to 1973), no effect was observed after the addition of daunorubicin to vincristine/prednisone pulses during maintenance treatment. In study ALL II (N = 143, 1973 to 1975) the addition of cyclophosphamide to maintenance treatment with 6-mercaptopurine/methotrexate increased toxicity and mortality without increasing the event-free survival rate. In study ALL III (N = 148; 1975 to 1979) for non-high-risk patients (defined as initial leukocyte coun

    BFM-oriented treatment for children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia without cranial irradiation and treatment reduction for standard risk patients:results of DCLSG protocol ALL-8 (1991-1996)

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    Modern treatment strategies, consisting of intensive chemotherapy and cranial irradiation, have remarkably improved the prognosis for children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. However, patients with a potential for cure are at risk of severe acute and late adverse effects of treatment. Furthermore, in 25-30% of patients treatment still fails. The objectives of the DCLSG study ALL 8 were to decrease the toxicity and to increase the effectivity of BFM-oriented treatment. Decrease of toxicity was aimed at by confirmation of the results of the previous DCLSG study ALL-7, showing that the majority (94%) of children with ALL can succesfully be treated with BFM-oriented therapy without cranial irradiation, and by reduction of treatment for standard risk (SRG) patients. To increase the cure rate in medium risk (MRG) patients the efficacy of high doses of intravenous 6-mercaptopurine (HD-6MP) during protocol M and in SRG patients the efficacy of high doses Of L-asparaginase (HD-L-ASP) during maintenance treatment was studied in randomized studies. Patient stratification and treatment were identical to protocol ALL-BFM90, with the following differences: no prophylactic cranial irradiation, SRG patients received only phase 1 of protocol 1. Four hundred and sixty-seven patients entered the protocol: 170 SRG, 241 MRG and 56 HRG patients. The 5 years event-free survival rate for all patients was 73% (s.e. 2%); for SRG, MRG and HRG patients 85% (s.e. 3%), 73% (s.e. 3%) and 39% (s.e. 7%), respectively. In patients >1 year of age at diagnosis unfavorable prognostic factors were male sex, >25% blasts in the bone marrow at day 15 and initial white blood cell count (WBC) >50 x 10(9)/l. The cumulative risk of CNS relapse rate was 5% (s.e. 1%) at 5 years. These results confirm that the omission of cranial irradiation in BFM-oriented treatment does not jeopardize the overall good treatment results, nor does early reduction of chemotherapy in SRG patients. No benefit was observed from treatment intensification with HD-L-ASP in SRG patients, nor from HD-6MP in MRG patients

    Intensive treatment of children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia according to ALL-BFM-86 without cranial radiotherapy:Results of Dutch Childhood Leukemia Study Group protocol ALL-7 (1988-1991)

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    In The Netherlands from July 1988 to October 1991, children (0 to 16 years of age) with de novo acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) were treated according to protocol ALL-7 of the Dutch Childhood Leukemia Study Group (DCLSG). In this protocol, chemotherapy and treatment stratification were identical to the ALL-BFM-86 protocol (Reiter et at, Blood 84:3122, 1994), but cranial irradiation was restricted to patients with initial central nervous system (CNS) involvement. Patients were stratified into 3 risk groups, based on leukemia cell mass and response to initial treatment: standard-risk group (SRG), risk group (RG), and experimental group (EG). As in ALL-BFM-86, a randomized study on late intensification (protocol S) was performed in RG patients, and during the study (since October 1990), early reinduction treatment (protocol II) was introduced for SRG patients. Treatment duration for all patients was 18 months. Two hundred eighteen children entered the study: 74 SRG, 127 RG, and 17 EG patients. The overall complete remission (CR) rate was 98%. The 5-year event-free survival (EFS) for all DCLSG ALL-7 patients was 65.3% (standard error [SE] 3.2%), which was significantly different from the 73% (SE 1%) 8-year EFS achieved in the ALL-BFM-86 study (P = .02, Z-test). However, restricting the analysis to SRG patients receiving protocol II with a total duration of treatment of 18 months, the 5-year EFS rates were 64.6% (SE 4.0%) and 67% (SE 4%), respectively, and no significant difference could be established (P = .67, Z-test). The 5-year EFS rates for SRG, RG, and EG patients were 63.5% (SE 5.6%), 66.6% (SE 4.2%), and 63.3% (SE 12.0%), respectively. SRG patients receiving protocol II fared better than patients not receiving protocol II (5-year EFS 76.7% [SE 7.7] and 54.5% [SE 7.5], respectively). No difference in 8-year EFS was observed in RG patients randomized to receive or not to receive late intensification with protocol S. The overall CNS relapse rate at 5 years was 5.5%. The incidence rate at 5 years was 11.4% in SRG patients not receiving protocol II, whereas no CNS relapses occurred in SRG patients receiving protocol II. Six children died in first complete remission and 2 children developed a second malignancy (thyroid carcinoma and acute nonlymphoblastic leukemia). Systemic high-dose methotrexate (MTX) and intrathecal chemotherapy is a safe and effective method of CNS prophylaxis in the context of BFM-oriented treatment for all children with ALL, regardless of the risk group (with the possible exception of T-ALL patients with high white blood cell counts). The results of the DCLSG ALL-7 study confirm those of the ALL-BFM-86 study showing that early reinduction with protocol II is essential in the treatment of SRG patients and that late intensification with protocol S does not improve the prognosis for RG patients. (C) 1999 by The American Society of Hematology