110 research outputs found

    Effective action in a higher-spin background

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    We consider a free massless scalar field coupled to an infinite tower of background higher-spin gauge fields via minimal coupling to the traceless conserved currents. The set of Abelian gauge transformations is deformed to the non-Abelian group of unitary operators acting on the scalar field. The gauge invariant effective action is computed perturbatively in the external fields. The structure of the various (divergent or finite) terms is determined. In particular, the quadratic part of the logarithmically divergent (or of the finite) term is expressed in terms of curvatures and related to conformal higher-spin gravity. The generalized higher-spin Weyl anomalies are also determined. The relation with the theory of interacting higher-spin gauge fields on anti de Sitter spacetime via the holographic correspondence is discussed.Comment: 40 pages, Some errors and typos corrected, Version published in JHE

    Topologically protected quantum bits from Josephson junction arrays

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    All physical implementations of quantum bits (qubits), carrying the information and computation in a putative quantum computer, have to meet the conflicting requirements of environmental decoupling while remaining manipulable through designed external signals. Proposals based on quantum optics naturally emphasize the aspect of optimal isolation, while those following the solid state route exploit the variability and scalability of modern nanoscale fabrication techniques. Recently, various designs using superconducting structures have been successfully tested for quantum coherent operation, however, the ultimate goal of reaching coherent evolution over thousands of elementary operations remains a formidable task. Protecting qubits from decoherence by exploiting topological stability, a qualitatively new proposal due to Kitaev, holds the promise for long decoherence times, but its practical physical implementation has remained unclear so far. Here, we show how strongly correlated systems developing an isolated two-fold degenerate quantum dimer liquid groundstate can be used in the construction of topologically stable qubits and discuss their implementation using Josephson junction arrays.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Criticality in correlated quantum matter

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    At quantum critical points (QCP) \cite{Pfeuty:1971,Young:1975,Hertz:1976,Chakravarty:1989,Millis:1993,Chubukov:1 994,Coleman:2005} there are quantum fluctuations on all length scales, from microscopic to macroscopic lengths, which, remarkably, can be observed at finite temperatures, the regime to which all experiments are necessarily confined. A fundamental question is how high in temperature can the effects of quantum criticality persist? That is, can physical observables be described in terms of universal scaling functions originating from the QCPs? Here we answer these questions by examining exact solutions of models of correlated systems and find that the temperature can be surprisingly high. As a powerful illustration of quantum criticality, we predict that the zero temperature superfluid density, ρs(0)\rho_{s}(0), and the transition temperature, TcT_{c}, of the cuprates are related by Tcρs(0)yT_{c}\propto\rho_{s}(0)^y, where the exponent yy is different at the two edges of the superconducting dome, signifying the respective QCPs. This relationship can be tested in high quality crystals.Comment: Final accepted version not including minor stylistic correction

    Topological Crystalline Insulators in the SnTe Material Class

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    Topological crystalline insulators are new states of matter in which the topological nature of electronic structures arises from crystal symmetries. Here we predict the first material realization of topological crystalline insulator in the semiconductor SnTe, by identifying its nonzero topological index. We predict that as a manifestation of this nontrivial topology, SnTe has metallic surface states with an even number of Dirac cones on high-symmetry crystal surfaces such as {001}, {110} and {111}. These surface states form a new type of high-mobility chiral electron gas, which is robust against disorder and topologically protected by reflection symmetry of the crystal with respect to {110} mirror plane. Breaking this mirror symmetry via elastic strain engineering or applying an in-plane magnetic field can open up a continuously tunable band gap on the surface, which may lead to wide-ranging applications in thermoelectrics, infrared detection, and tunable electronics. Closely related semiconductors PbTe and PbSe also become topological crystalline insulators after band inversion by pressure, strain and alloying.Comment: submitted on Feb. 10, 2012; to appear in Nature Communications; 5 pages, 4 figure

    Higher-Spin Interactions: four-point functions and beyond

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    In this work we construct an infinite class of four-point functions for massless higher-spin fields in flat space that are consistent with the gauge symmetry. In the Lagrangian picture, these reflect themselves in a peculiar non-local nature of the corresponding non-abelian higher-spin couplings implied by the Noether procedure that starts from the fourth order. We also comment on the nature of the colored spin-2 excitation present both in the open string spectrum and in the Vasiliev system, highlighting how some aspects of String Theory appear to reflect key properties of Field Theory that go beyond its low energy limit. A generalization of these results to n-point functions, fermions and mixed-symmetry fields is also addressed.Comment: 66 pages, 10 figures, 1 table, LaTex. Several statements clarified. Final version to appear in JHE

    Occupational differences, cardiovascular risk factors and lifestyle habits in South Eastern rural Australia

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    BACKGROUND: In rural and remote Australia, cardiovascular mortality and morbidity rates are higher than metropolitan rates.This study analysed cardiovascular and other chronic disease risk factors and related health behaviours by occupational status, to determine whether agricultural workers have higher cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk than other rural workers. METHODS: Cross-sectional surveys in three rural regions of South Eastern Australia (2004-2006). A stratified random sample of 1001 men and women aged 25-74 from electoral rolls were categorised by occupation into agricultural workers (men = 214, women = 79), technicians (men = 123), managers (men = 148, women = 272) and 'home duties' (women = 165). Data were collected from self-administered questionnaire, physical measurements and laboratory tests. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) and coronary heart disease (CHD) risk were assessed by Framingham 5 years risk calculation. RESULTS: Amongst men, agricultural workers had higher occupational physical activity levels, healthier more traditional diet, lower alcohol consumption, lower fasting plasma glucose, the lowest proportion of daily smokers and lower age-adjusted 5 year CVD and CHD risk scores.Amongst women, managers were younger with higher HDL cholesterol, lower systolic blood pressure, less hypertension, lower waist circumference, less self-reported diabetes and better 5 year CVD and CHD risk scores.Agricultural workers did not have higher cardiovascular disease risk than other occupational groups. CONCLUSIONS: Previous studies have suggested that farmers have higher risks of cardiovascular disease but this is because the risk has been compared with non-rural populations. In this study, the comparison has been made with other rural occupations. Cardiovascular risk reduction programs are justified for all. Programs tailored only for agricultural workers are unwarranted

    Quasiparticle interference and strong electron-mode coupling in the quasi-one-dimensional bands of Sr2RuO4

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    The single-layered ruthenate Sr2_2RuO4_4 has attracted a great deal of interest as a spin-triplet superconductor with an order parameter that may potentially break time reversal invariance and host half-quantized vortices with Majorana zero modes. While the actual nature of the superconducting state is still a matter of controversy, it has long been believed that it condenses from a metallic state that is well described by a conventional Fermi liquid. In this work we use a combination of Fourier transform scanning tunneling spectroscopy (FT-STS) and momentum resolved electron energy loss spectroscopy (M-EELS) to probe interaction effects in the normal state of Sr2_2RuO4_4. Our high-resolution FT-STS data show signatures of the \beta-band with a distinctly quasi-one-dimensional (1D) character. The band dispersion reveals surprisingly strong interaction effects that dramatically renormalize the Fermi velocity, suggesting that the normal state of Sr2_2RuO4_4 is that of a 'correlated metal' where correlations are strengthened by the quasi 1D nature of the bands. In addition, kinks at energies of approximately 10meV, 38meV and 70meV are observed. By comparing STM and M-EELS data we show that the two higher energy features arise from coupling with collective modes. The strong correlation effects and the kinks in the quasi 1D bands may provide important information for understanding the superconducting state. This work opens up a unique approach to revealing the superconducting order parameter in this compound

    The role of the pion cloud in the interpretation of the valence light-cone wavefunction of the nucleon

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    The pion cloud renormalises the light-cone wavefunction of the nucleon which is measured in hard, exclusive photon-nucleon reactions. We discuss the leading twist contributions to high-energy exclusive reactions taking into account both the pion cloud and perturbative QCD physics. The nucleon's electromagnetic form-factor at high Q2Q^2 is proportional to the bare nucleon probability ZZ and the cross-sections for hard (real at large angle or deeply virtual) Compton scattering are proportional to Z2Z^2. Our present knowledge of the pion-nucleon system is consistent with Z=0.7±0.2Z = 0.7 \pm 0.2. If we apply just perturbative QCD to extract a light-cone wavefunction directly from these hard exclusive cross-sections, then the light-cone wavefunction that we extract measures the three valence quarks partially screened by the pion cloud of the nucleon. We discuss how this pion cloud renormalisation effect might be understood at the quark level in terms of the (in-)stability of the perturbative Dirac vacuum in low energy QCD.Comment: Expanded Discussion of Phenomenology and Spin Physic