3 research outputs found

    Low-dimensional nano-patterned surface fabricated by direct-write UV-chemically induced geometric inscription technique

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    We investigate a nano-patterning process which creates reproducible periodic surface topological features that range in size from ∼100 μm to ∼20 μm. Specifically, we have fabricated multi-layered thin films consisting of germanium/silicon strata on a planar substrate, with each layer having nanometers thickness. The material processing exploits focused 244 nm ultra-violet laser light and an opto-mechanical setup typically applied to the inscription of fiber gratings, and is based upon the well-known material compaction interaction of ultra-violet light with germanium oxides. We show this process can be extended to create arrays of metal nano-antennas by adding a metal overlay to the thin film. This results in arrays with dimensions that span nanometer- to centimeter-length scales. Also, each nano-antenna consists of “nano-blocks.” Experimental data are presented that show the UV irradiance dosage used to create these metal nanostructures on D-shaped optical fibers has a direct relationship to their transmission spectral characteristics as plasmonic devices

    Analysis of laser radiation using the Nonlinear Fourier transform

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    Modern high-power lasers exhibit a rich diversity of nonlinear dynamics, often featuring nontrivial co-existence of linear dispersive waves and coherent structures. While the classical Fourier method adequately describes extended dispersive waves, the analysis of time-localised and/or non-stationary signals call for more nuanced approaches. Yet, mathematical methods that can be used for simultaneous characterisation of localized and extended fields are not yet well developed. Here, we demonstrate how the Nonlinear Fourier transform (NFT) based on the Zakharov-Shabat spectral problem can be applied as a signal processing tool for representation and analysis of coherent structures embedded into dispersive radiation. We use full-field, real-time experimental measurements of mode-locked pulses to compute the nonlinear pulse spectra. For the classification of lasing regimes, we present the concept of eigenvalue probability distributions. We present two field normalisation approaches, and show the NFT can yield an effective model of the laser radiation under appropriate signal normalisation conditions