1,261 research outputs found

    Stillbirth and intrauterine fetal death: factors affecting determination of cause of death at autopsy

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    Objectives There have been several attempts to classify cause of death (CoD) in stillbirth; however, all such systems are subjective, allowing for observer bias and making comparisons between systems challenging. This study aimed to examine factors relating to determination of CoD using a large dataset from two specialist centers in which observer bias had been reduced by classifying findings objectively and assigning CoD based on predetermined criteria. Methods Detailed autopsy reports from intrauterine deaths in the second and third trimesters during 2005–2013 were reviewed and findings entered into a specially designed database, in which CoD was assigned using predefined objective criteria. Data regarding CoD categories and factors affecting determination of CoD were examined. Results There were 1064 intrauterine deaths, including 246 early intrauterine fetal deaths (IUFD) (< 20 weeks), 179 late IUFDs (20–23 weeks) and 639 stillbirths (≥ 24 weeks' gestation). Overall, around 40% (n = 412) had a clear CoD identified, whilst around 60% (n = 652) were classified as ‘unexplained’, including around half with identified risk factors or lesions of uncertain significance, with the remaining half (n = 292 (45%)) being entirely unexplained. A stepwise increase in the proportion of unexplained deaths was observed with increasing maceration. Black and Asian women had significantly greater proportions of deaths due to ascending infection, whilst women aged over 40 years had significantly increased placenta-related CoDs. There was no significant difference in CoD distribution according to maternal body mass index or with increasing postmortem interval. Around half of those with an identifiable CoD could be identified from clinical review and external fetal examination or imaging, with most of the remainder being determined following placental examination. Conclusions Based on objective criteria, many intrauterine deaths throughout gestation remain unexplained despite autopsy examination. The rate of unexplained death varies from around 30% to 60% depending on interpretation of the significance of features. CoD determination is dependent on both the classification system used and subjective interpretation, such that variation in the proportion of ‘unexplained’ cases is based largely on speculation regarding mechanisms of death. Novel methods to determine objectively the mechanism of death at postmortem examination are required

    Stillbirth and intrauterine fetal death: contemporary demographic features of >1000 cases from an urban population

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    OBJECTIVES: Of 780 000 births annually in the UK, around 3300 are stillborn, a rate of approximately 4 per 1000 births. Traditional epidemiological associations are based on historic data. The aim of this study was to document contemporary demographic findings in a large series of > 1000 deaths in utero in London and compare these with national datasets. METHODS: From a dedicated database, including > 400 data fields per case, of fetal, infant and pediatric autopsies performed at Great Ormond Street Hospital and St George's Hospital, London, we extracted information on all intrauterine deaths, excluding terminations of pregnancy, from 2005 to 2013, inclusive. Demographic data were analyzed according to the gestational age at which fetal death occurred (second-trimester intrauterine fetal death (IUFD), subdivided into early (1000 autopsies in cases of intrauterine death, these data highlight the increased risk for fetal loss associated with maternal demographic factors in contemporary clinical practice, particularly associations with increased maternal age and body mass index. Among women in whom an intrauterine death occurs, maternal ethnicity, mode of conception and gynecological history are associated with differing timing of fetal loss. Further research is required to understand the mechanisms involved in such maternal factors in order to develop preventative strategies

    Stillbirth and intrauterine fetal death: role of routine histological organ sampling to determine cause of death.

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    OBJECTIVES: Guidelines for the investigation of intrauterine death and sudden unexpected death in infancy (SUDI) recommend, based on expert opinion, autopsy procedures and tissue sampling strategies for histological analysis. Although stillbirth is much more common than SUDI, there have been no large-scale studies published which evaluate the usefulness of histological evaluation of specific organs in stillbirth for determining cause of death. Our aim was to evaluate the use of macroscopic and microscopic assessment of internal organs to determine cause of intrauterine death. METHODS: As part of a larger study evaluating several aspects of autopsy findings in intrauterine death, a dedicated database was used to collate antenatal and postmortem examination details for cases of intrauterine death examined between 2005 and 2013 at two tertiary specialist centers in London, UK. Histological findings for all organs were examined in relation to the final cause of death, as determined by objective criteria. RESULTS: Among 1064 intrauterine deaths, the majority (> 80%) of cases had internal organs that were normal on both macroscopic and microscopic examination. There was no case in which histological cardiac examination provided the cause of death when the macroscopic appearance of the heart was normal. Microscopic examination of lung tissue revealed 13 (1%) cases with histological abnormalities that provided the cause of death when the macroscopic appearance was normal, but there was only one (0.1%) case in which the diagnosis would not have been apparent on placental examination: a case of congenital cytomegalovirus infection. There was no case in which microscopic examination of macroscopically normal liver, kidneys, adrenals, spleen, thymus, intestines, pancreas, brain or thyroid provided the cause of death. CONCLUSION: In this large series of autopsies in cases of intrauterine death, only around 1% of cases demonstrated histological abnormalities which provided the cause of death when the internal organs appeared normal macroscopically. There was no case in which routine histological examination of most tissues provided diagnostically useful information that was not apparent from other examinations, such as placental pathology. There is little benefit, purely in terms of determining cause of death, in obtaining tissue from most macroscopically normal organs for routine histological examination

    Coriolus versicolor Yun-Zhi could delay deterioration of patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer

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    Pengembangan Lembar Kegiatan Siswa (Lks) Kimia Sma/ma Berbasis Learning Cycle 5e Pada Materi Laju Reaksi

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mengembangkan Lembar Kegiatan Siswa (LKS) berbasis Learning Cycle 5E, (2) mengetahui kualitas Lembar Kegiatan Siswa (LKS) berbasis Learning Cycle 5E, (3) mengetahui efektivitas Lembar Kegiatan Siswa (LKS) berbasis Learning Cycle 5E untuk meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa. Penelitian dan pengembangan Lembar Kegiatan Siswa (LKS) berbasis Learning Cycle 5E menggunakan prosedur penelitian dan pengembangan dari Borg and Gall yang disederhanakan menjadi 9 tahapan yaitu: (1) penelitian pendahuluan dan pengumpulan data, (2) perencanaan, (3) pengembangan produk, (4) uji coba lapangan awal, (5) revisi produk awal, (6) uji coba pelaksanaan lapangan, (7) penyempurnaan produk hasil uji coba lapangan, (8) uji coba pelaksanaan lapangan, (9) penyempurnaan produk akhir. Analisis Data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan: (1) telah berhasil dikembangkan Lembar Kegiatan Siswa (LKS) berbasis Learning Cycle 5E pada materi Laju Reaksi yang dilakukan berdasarkan tahapan penelitian dan pengembangan R&amp;D yang terdiri dari 9 tahapan, (2) kualitas Lembar Kegiatan Siswa (LKS) berbasis Learning Cycle 5E pada materi Laju Reaksi memiliki kualitas sangat baik pada aspek komponen kelayakan isi, bahasa, penyajian dan kegrafisan dengan persentase sebesar 84,06% berdasarkan penilaian siswa dan 90,88% berdasarkan penilaian guru, (hasil uji efektivitas pada aspek pengetahuan terdapat perbedaan antara kelas eksperimen (pembelajaran dengan menggunakan model Learning Cycle 5E disertai Lembar Kegiatan Siswa (LKS) berbasis Learning Cycle 5E ) dan kelas baseline (pembelajaran dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran Learning Cycle 5E tanpa disertai Lembar Kegiatan Siswa (LKS) berbasis Learning Cycle 5E ),, sedangkan pada aspek sikap dan keterampilan tidak terdapat perbedaan

    Next generation sequencing reveals novel genetic variants (SRY, DMRT1, NR5A1, DHH, DHX37) in adults with 46,XY DSD

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    Context: The genetic basis of human sex development is slowly being elucidated and more than 40 different genetic causes of differences (or disorders) of sex development (DSD) have now been reported. However, reaching a specific diagnosis using traditional approaches can be difficult, especially in adults where limited biochemical data may be available. / Objective: We used a targeted next-generation sequencing approach to analyze known and candidate genes for DSD in individuals with no specific molecular diagnosis. / Partcipants and Design: We studied 52 adult 46,XY women attending a single-center adult service, who were part of a larger cohort of 400 individuals. Classic conditions such as17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase deficiency type 3, 5α-reductase deficiency type 2 and androgen insensitivity syndrome were excluded. The study cohort had broad working diagnoses of complete gonadal dysgenesis (CGD) (n=27) and partially-virilised 46,XY DSD (pvDSD) (n=25), a group that included partial gonadal dysgenesis (PGD) and those with a broad ”partial androgen insensitivity syndrome” label. Targetted sequencing of 168 genes was undertaken. / Results: Overall a likely genetic cause was found in 16/52 (30.8%) individuals (22.2% CGD; 40.0% pvDSD). Pathogenic variants were found in SRY (n=3), DMRT1 (n=1), NR5A1/SF-1 (n=1) and DHH (n=1) in the CGD group, and in NR5A1 (n=5), DHH (n=1) and DHX37 (n=4) in the pvDSD group. / Conclusions: Reaching a specific diagnosis can have clinical implications and provides insight into the role of these proteins in sex development. Next-generation sequencing approaches are invaluable, especially in adult populations or where diagnostic biochemistry is not possible

    Data mining and neural networks to determine the financial market prediction

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    Predicting stock market movements has been a complex task for years by gaining the increasing interest of researchers and investors present all around the world. These have tried to get ahead of the way in order to know the levels of return and thus reduce the risk they face in investments [1]. Capital markets are areas of fundamental importance for the development of economies and their good management that favors the transition from savings to investment through the purchase and sale of shares [2]. These actions are so important that they are influenced by economic, social, political, and cultural variables. Therefore, it is reasonable to consider the value of an action in an instant not as a deterministic variable but as a random variable, considering its temporal trajectory as a stochastic process

    Multi analyte profiling and variability of inflammatory markers in blood and induced sputum in patients with stable COPD

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>We analyzed serial concentrations of multiple inflammatory mediators from serum and induced sputum obtained from patients with stable COPD and controls. The objective was to determine which proteins could be used as reliable biomarkers to assess COPD disease state and severity.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Forty-two subjects; 21 with stable COPD and 21 controls, were studied every 2 weeks over a 6-week period. Serum and induced sputum were obtained at each of 3 visits and concentrations of 19 serum and 22 sputum proteins were serially assessed using multiplex immunoassays. We used linear mixed effects models to test the distribution of proteins for an association with COPD and disease severity. Measures of within- and between-subject coefficients of variation were calculated for each of the proteins to assess reliability of measurement.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>There was significant variability in concentrations of all inflammatory proteins over time, and variability was greater for sputum proteins (median intra-subject coefficient of variation 0.58) compared to proteins measured in serum (median intra-subject coefficient of variation 0.32, P = 0.03). Of 19 serum proteins and 22 sputum proteins tested, only serum CRP, myeloperoxidase and VEGF and sputum IL-6, IL-8, TIMP-1, and VEGF showed acceptable intra and inter-patient reliability and were significantly associated with COPD, the severity of lung function impairment, and dyspnea.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Levels of many serum and sputum biomarkers cannot be reliably ascertained based on single measurements. Multiple measurements over time can give a more reliable and precise estimate of the inflammatory burden in clinically stable COPD patients.</p

    Somatostatin receptor in human hepatocellular carcinomas: Biological, patient and tumor characteristics

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    Background/Aim: The evidence on the efficacy of somatostatin analogues in the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in humans is conflicting. A variety of human tumors demonstrate somatostatin receptors. All subtypes bind human somatostatin with high affinity, while somatostatin analogues bind with high affinity to somatostatin receptor subtype 2 (sst2). We investigated the sst2 expression in HCC and examined whether HCCs expressing sst2 are a distinct subgroup. Patients and Methods: Forty-five human HCCs were tested for sst2 expression and biological alterations. The proliferative capacity was determined with Ki67 immunostaining and the DNA ploidy status was measured by fluorescent in situ hybridization with a chromosome 1-specific repetitive DNA probe. Expression of tumor suppressor genes (p16, p53 and Rb1) was measured by immunohistochemistry. Results: sst2 expression was detected in 30 tumors (67%). No correlation existed between sst2 expression and the immunoprofiles of the tumor suppressor genes, aneuploidy, proliferation, age, gender, α-fetoprotein levels, tumor size, tumor grade and underlying liver disease. Conclusion: In 67% of the patients with HCC, sst2 could be detected in the tumor. No clinical, pathological or biological characteristics were specific for sst2-positive tumors. Copyrigh