1,061 research outputs found

    NLO QCD corrections to tW' and tZ' production in forward-backward asymmetry models

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    We consider Z' and W' models recently proposed to explain the top forward-backward asymmetry at the Tevatron. We present the next-to-leading order QCD corrections to associated production of such vector bosons together with top quarks at the Large Hadron Collider, for centre-of-mass energies of 7 and 8 TeV. The corrections are significant, modifying the total production cross-section by 30-50%. We consider the effects of the corrections on the top and vector-boson kinematics. The results are directly applicable to current experimental searches, for both the ATLAS and CMS collaborations.Comment: 62 pages, 13 figures, 36 tables. v3 Updated to correspond to Journal version and incorporate supplementary materia

    A Formalism for the Systematic Treatment of Rapidity Logarithms in Quantum Field Theory

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    Many observables in QCD rely upon the resummation of perturbation theory to retain predictive power. Resummation follows after one factorizes the cross section into the rele- vant modes. The class of observables which are sensitive to soft recoil effects are particularly challenging to factorize and resum since they involve rapidity logarithms. In this paper we will present a formalism which allows one to factorize and resum the perturbative series for such observables in a systematic fashion through the notion of a "rapidity renormalization group". That is, a Collin-Soper like equation is realized as a renormalization group equation, but has a more universal applicability to observables beyond the traditional transverse momentum dependent parton distribution functions (TMDPDFs) and the Sudakov form factor. This formalism has the feature that it allows one to track the (non-standard) scheme dependence which is inherent in any scenario where one performs a resummation of rapidity divergences. We present a pedagogical introduction to the formalism by applying it to the well-known massive Sudakov form factor. The formalism is then used to study observables of current interest. A factorization theorem for the transverse momentum distribution of Higgs production is presented along with the result for the resummed cross section at NLL. Our formalism allows one to define gauge invariant TMDPDFs which are independent of both the hard scattering amplitude and the soft function, i.e. they are uni- versal. We present details of the factorization and resummation of the jet broadening cross section including a renormalization in pT space. We furthermore show how to regulate and renormalize exclusive processes which are plagued by endpoint singularities in such a way as to allow for a consistent resummation.Comment: Typos in Appendix C corrected, as well as a typo in eq. 5.6

    Lumbar spinal stenosis treatment with aperius perclid interspinous system

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    The purpose of this study is to report clinical outcome and imaging changes of percutaneous Aperius stand-alone implant in patients with degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis and neurogenic intermittent claudication, which did not respond to conservative treatment.Between January 2008 and July 2010, 37 patients (20 males and 17 females) with mean age of 64.3 years underwent surgery for the onset of claudicatio spinalis with Aperius PercLID interspinous device (Medtronic). In all patients, the diagnosis was: foraminal stenosis, in one case (2.7 \%) it was associated to a degenerative anterior listhesis (I grade), in three cases (8.1 \%) it was associated to an intraforaminal disc herniation. The mean follow-up was of 18 months (range 2-35 months). The patients were evaluated through the Oswestry disability index, Zurich Claudication Questionnaire (ZCQ), VAS scales. In all cases were obtained preoperative and in postoperative radiographs and magnetic resonance imaging.The VAS score decreased significantly after surgery: the patients presented a mean VAS of seven preoperatively and two postoperatively (p < 0.001). The ZCQ score significantly decreased postoperatively, with an average reduction of 21.89 \% (p < 0.001). The ODI score as well showed a significant reduction postoperatively of an average 26.09 \% (p < 0.001).Despite of the brief follow up, the preliminary results are encouraging, showing a significantly decrease of the disability parameters, a marked improvement of the function with the vanishing of the claudicatio spinalis and the following increase of the free interval during the walk. Aperius PercLID system seems to offer an alternative to the traditional decompression surgery

    High failure rate of the interspinous distraction device (X-Stop) for the treatment of lumbar spinal stenosis caused by degenerative spondylolisthesis

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    The X-Stop interspinous distraction device has shown to be an attractive alternative to conventional surgical procedures in the treatment of symptomatic degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis. However, the effectiveness of the X-Stop in symptomatic degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis caused by degenerative spondylolisthesis is not known. A cohort of 12 consecutive patients with symptomatic lumbar spinal stenosis caused by degenerative spondylolisthesis were treated with the X-Stop interspinous distraction device. All patients had low back pain, neurogenic claudication and radiculopathy. Pre-operative radiographs revealed an average slip of 19.6%. MRI of the lumbosacral spine showed a severe stenosis. In ten patients, the X-Stop was placed at the L4–5 level, whereas two patients were treated at both, L3–4 and L4–5 level. The mean follow-up was 30.3 months. In eight patients a complete relief of symptoms was observed post-operatively, whereas the remaining 4 patients experienced no relief of symptoms. Recurrence of pain, neurogenic claudication, and worsening of neurological symptoms was observed in three patients within 24 months. Post-operative radiographs and MRI did not show any changes in the percentage of slip or spinal dimensions. Finally, secondary surgical treatment by decompression with posterolateral fusion was performed in seven patients (58%) within 24 months. In conclusion, the X-Stop interspinous distraction device showed an extremely high failure rate, defined as surgical re-intervention, after short term follow-up in patients with spinal stenosis caused by degenerative spondylolisthesis. We do not recommend the X-Stop for the treatment of spinal stenosis complicating degenerative spondylolisthesis

    Colored Resonant Signals at the LHC: Largest Rate and Simplest Topology

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    We study the colored resonance production at the LHC in a most general approach. We classify the possible colored resonances based on group theory decomposition, and construct their effective interactions with light partons. The production cross section from annihilation of valence quarks or gluons may be on the order of 400 - 1000 pb at LHC energies for a mass of 1 TeV with nominal couplings, leading to the largest production rates for new physics at the TeV scale, and simplest event topology with dijet final states. We apply the new dijet data from the LHC experiments to put bounds on various possible colored resonant states. The current bounds range from 0.9 to 2.7 TeV. The formulation is readily applicable for future searches including other decay modes.Comment: 29 pages, 9 figures. References updated and additional K-factors include

    Prognostic implications of the Quebec Task Force classification of back-related leg pain: An analysis of longitudinal routine clinical data

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    Background: Low back pain (LBP) patients with related leg pain have a more severe profile than those with local LBP and a worse prognosis. Pain location above or below the knee and the presence of neurological signs differentiate patients with different profiles, but knowledge about the prognostic value of these subgroups is sparse. The objectives of this study were (1) to investigate whether subgroups consisting of patients with Local LBP only, LBP + leg pain above the knee, LBP + leg pain below the knee, and LBP + leg pain and neurological signs had different prognoses, and (2) to determine if this was explained by measured baseline factors. Methods. Routine clinical data were collected during the first visit to an outpatient department and follow-ups were performed after 3 and 12 months. Patients were divided into the four subgroups and associations between subgroups and the outcomes of activity limitation, global perceived effect (GPE) after 3 months, and sick leave after 3 months were tested by means of generalised estimating equations. Models were univariate (I), adjusted for duration (II), and adjusted for all baseline differences (III). Results: A total of 1,752 patients were included, with a 76% 3-month and 70% 12-month follow-up. Subgroups were associated with activity limitation in all models (p &lt; 0.001). Local LBP had the least and LBP + neurological signs the most severe limitations at all time-points, although patients with neurological signs improved the most. Associations with GPE after 3 months were only significant in Model I. Subgroups were associated with sick leave after 3 months in model I and II, with sick leave being most frequent in the subgroup with neurological signs. No significant differences were found in any pairwise comparisons of patients with leg pain above or below the knee. Conclusions: Subgrouping LBP patients, based on pain location and neurological signs, was associated with activity limitation and sick leave, but not with GPE. The presence of neurological signs and pain in the leg both have prognostic implications but whether that leg pain without neurological signs is above or below the knee does not

    Naturalness of the Non-Universal MSSM in the light of the recent Higgs results

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    We analyse the naturalness of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) in the light of recent LHC results from the ATLAS and CMS experiments. We study non-universal boundary conditions for the scalar and the gaugino sector, with fixed relations between some of the soft breaking parameters, and find a significant reduction of fine-tuning for non-universal gaugino masses. For a Higgs mass of about 125 GeV, as observed recently, we find parameter regions with a fine-tuning of O(10), taking into account experimental and theoretical uncertainties. These regions also survive after comparison with simplified model searches in ATLAS and CMS. For a fine-tuning less than 20 the lightest neutralino is expected to be lighter than about 400 GeV and the lighter stop can be as heavy as 3.5 TeV. On the other hand, the gluino mass is required to be above 1.5 TeV. For non-universal gaugino masses, we discuss which fixed GUT scale ratios can lead to a reduced fine-tuning and find that the recent Higgs results have a strong impact on which ratio is favoured. We also discuss the naturalness of GUT scale Yukawa relations, comparing the non-universal MSSM with the CMSSM.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figures; version accepted for publication in JHE