927 research outputs found

    mitoTALEN Eliminates Mutant mtDNA Genomes in Neurons

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    Mutations in the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) commonly cause severe encephalopathies. Because most of these mtDNA alterations are heteroplasmic, we used a mitochondrial-targeted TALEN (mitoTALEN) to specifically eliminate the mutant mtDNA in the CNS of a mouse model harboring a heteroplasmic mutation in the mitochondrial tRNA alanine gene (m.5024C>T). Delivery to neurons was achieved by using AAV-PHP.eB and neuronal expression was obtained by using a neuronal-specific synapsin promoter. We found that most CNS regions were effectively transduced and showed a significant reduction in mutant mtDNA. This reduction was accompanied by an increase in mitochondrial tRNA alanine level, which is drastically reduced by the mutation. These results showed, for the first time, that mitochondrial-targeted gene editing can be effective in reducing CNS mutant mtDNA in vivo, paving the way for clinical trials in patients with mitochondrial encephalopathies

    Digital PCR methods improve detection sensitivity and measurement precision of low abundance mtDNA deletions

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    Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutations are a common cause of primary mitochondrial disorders, and have also been implicated in a broad collection of conditions, including aging, neurodegeneration, and cancer. Prevalent among these pathogenic variants are mtDNA deletions, which show a strong bias for the loss of sequence in the major arc between, but not including, the heavy and light strand origins of replication. Because individual mtDNA deletions can accumulate focally, occur with multiple mixed breakpoints, and in the presence of normal mtDNA sequences, methods that detect broad-spectrum mutations with enhanced sensitivity and limited costs have both research and clinical applications. In this study, we evaluated semi-quantitative and digital PCR-based methods of mtDNA deletion detection using double-stranded reference templates or biological samples. Our aim was to describe key experimental assay parameters that will enable the analysis of low levels or small differences in mtDNA deletion load during disease progression, with limited false-positive detection. We determined that the digital PCR method significantly improved mtDNA deletion detection sensitivity through absolute quantitation, improved precision and reduced assay standard error

    Five-Year Follow-Up of Parapapillary Atrophy: The Beijing Eye Study

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    Purpose: To assess longitudinal changes in parapapillary atrophy in the adult population of Greater Beijing. Methods: The population-based Beijing Eye Study 2006 included 3251 subjects who had participated in the Beijing Eye Study 2001 and returned for re-examination. The mean age was 60.4610.1 years. Using optic disc photographs, we measured parapapillary atrophy which was divided into alpha zone and beta zone. Results: Overall progression rate of alpha zone was seen in 0.660.1 % (95 % confidence interval (CI):0.3,0.9) of the subjects and of beta zone in 8.260.5 % (95%CI:7.2,9.1) of the subjects. In binary regression analysis, rate of progression of alpha zone was significantly associated higher age (P = 0.04) and the co-progression of zone Beta (P,0.001). Rate of progression of beta zone was significantly associated with higher age (P,0.001; odds ratio (OR):1.11;95%CI:1.10,1.14), higher intraocular pressure (P,0.001;OR:1.10;95%CI:1.05,1.14), higher myopic refractive error (P,0.001;OR:0.71; 95%CI:0.67,0.75), rural region of habitation (P = 0.002;OR: 0.58; 95%CI:0.41,0.82), presence of glaucomatous optic nerve damage (P,0.001;OR:2.89; 95%CI:1.62,5.14), co-progression of alpha zone (P,0.001;OR:7.13;95%CI:2.43,20.9), absence of arterial hypertension (P = 0.03;OR: 0.70; 95%CI:0.51,0.96), and thicker central corneal thickness (P = 0.02;OR:1.01;95%CI:1.00,1.01). Subjects with a non-glaucomatous optic nerve damage (n = 22) as compared to the remaining subjects did not vary in the progression rate of alpha zone (0.0 % versus 0.660.1%; P = 1.0) and beta zone (8.260.5 % versus 6.360.6%;P = 1.0)

    Relationship between vigorous physical activity and health care costs among adolescents: ABCD Growth Study

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    Availability of data and materials: The data collected and analyzed during this study are stored by the authors upon authorization by the leader of the Laboratory of InVestigation in Exercise (LIVE) which involves the ABCD Growth Study.Copyright © The Author(s) 2022. Background: The relationship between physical activity and health care costs among adolescents is not yet clear in the literature. Objective: To analyze the relationship between physical activity and annual health care costs among adolescents. Methods: The present sample was composed of 85 adolescents of both sexes with ages ranging from 11 to 18 years (mean age 15.6 ± 2.1). Health care costs were self‐reported every month for 12 months, and information on health care values was verified with local pharmacies, private health care plans, and the National Health Service. The time spent in different physical activity intensities was objectively measured by accelerometers. Confounding variables were: sex, age, somatic maturation, body fatness, blood pressure, and components of dyslipidemia and insulin resist‐ ance. Multivariate models were generated using generalized linear models with gamma distribution and a log‐link function. Results: The overall annual health care cost was US733.60/R 733.60/ R 2,342.38 (medication: US400.46/R 400.46 / R 1,278.66; primary and secondary care: US333.14/R 333.14 / R 1,063.70). The time spent in vigorous physical activity (minutes/day) was negatively related to health care costs (r = ‐0.342 [95% CI: ‐0.537,—0.139]; β = ‐0.06 cents (95% CI: ‐0.089, ‐0.031). Conclusion: Vigorous physical activity seems to be associated with lower health care costs among adolescents.CNPq (Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico); CAPES (Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - Brasil - Finance Code 001); São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP RAF (Process: 2018/22593-7); WT (Process: 2018/09131-4))

    Effects of bromopride on the healing of left colon anastomoses of rats

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    Objetivo: Avaliar os efeitos da bromoprida sobre a formação de aderências e a cicatrização de anastomoses de cólon esquerdo de ratos. Métodos: Foram incluídos 40 ratos, divididos em dois grupos contendo 20 animais, para administração de bromoprida (grupo de estudo- E) ou solução fisiológica (grupo controle- C). Cada grupo foi dividido em subgrupos contendo 10 animais cada, para eutanásia no terceiro (E3 e C3) ou no sétimo dia (E7 e C7) de pós-operatório. Os ratos foram submetidos à secção do cólon esquerdo e anastomose término-terminal. No dia da relaparotomia, foi avaliada a quantidade total de aderências e removido um segmento colônico contendo a anastomose para análise histopatológica, da força de ruptura e da concentração de hidroxiprolina. Resultados: Não houve diferença entre os grupos em relação à evolução clínica. Dois animais do grupo de estudo apresentaram deiscência de anastomose bloqueada. Os animais que receberam bromoprida apresentaram número de aderências intracavitárias e aderências à anastomose semelhantes ao grupo controle. As anastomoses dos animais do grupo E3 apresentaram menor resistência de ruptura do que as do grupo C3 (p=0,04). Este efeito não ocorreu no sétimo dia de pós-operatório (p=0,37). Não houve diferença significativa entre os grupos em relação à histopatologia ou concentração de hidroxiprolina das anastomoses. Conclusão: O uso da bromoprida está associado à diminuição da resistência tênsil de anastomoses do cólon esquerdo de ratos no terceiro dia de pós-operatório.Objective: To evaluate the effects of bromopride on the formation of adhesions and anastomotic healing in the left colon of rats. Methods: We divided 40 rats into two groups of 20 animals, administration of bromopride (study group-E) or saline (control group- C). Each group was divided into subgroups containing 10 animals each for euthanasia in the third (C3 and E3) or the seventh (E7 and C7) postoperative days. The rats were submitted to section of the left colon and end-to-end anastomosis. On the day of reoperation, we evaluated the total amount of adhesions and removed a colonic segment containing the anastomosis for histopathological analysis, assessment of rupture strength and hydroxyproline concentration. Results: There was no difference between groups in relation to clinical outcome. Two animals in the study group had blocked anastomotic leakage. The animals that received bromopride had the number of intracavitary adhesions and adhesions to the anastomosis similar to the control group. The anastomoses from the group E3 animals showed lower resistance to rupture the one from the C3 group (p = 0.04). This effect did not occur on the seventh postoperative day (p = 0.37). There was no significant difference between groups in relation to histopathology and hydroxyproline concentration in the anastomoses. Conclusion: The use of bromopride was associated with decreased tensile strength of left colon anastomosis in rats in the third postoperative day

    Association of decreased mitochondrial DNA content with ovarian cancer progression

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    Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) content in ovarian carcinomas was assessed by quantitative PCR. Results show that mtDNA content in tumour cell was significantly higher than that in normal ovary. Change in mtDNA content was not related with patients' age or tumour stages. However, the average mtDNA copy number in pathological low-grade tumours was over two-fold higher than that in high-grade carcinomas (P=0.012). Moreover, type I carcinomas also had a significantly higher mtDNA copy number than in type II carcinomas (P=0.019). Change in mtDNA content might be an important genetic event in the progression of ovarian carcinomas