61 research outputs found

    Konflik Wilayah Laut Tiongkok Selatan dan Kejahatan Lintas Negara serta Implikasinya terhadap Ketahanan Nasional

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    This research aims to grasp to an understanding the influence of conflict of the Southern Tiongkok Sea and Transnational Organized Crime (TOC) to ASEAN peaceful and security region, as well as to the National Resilience of the Republic of Indonesia. Research method use a normative by examining relevant legal rules. Meanwhile, it is used analysis of substantive legal rules and the functioning of institutional government. The research findings are included as a follow (1) the Tiongkok government’s claim on the nine-dash lines over territory has no international legal basis. (2) The Indonesian government considers Transnational Organized Crimes, such as drug and narcotic trafficking, etc can therefore be categorized as more serious treath to the National Resilience of RI. The Indonesian government needs to take a countermeasure against Transnational Organized Crimes rather than the conflict of the Southern Tiongkok Sea. It is therefore the Indonesian government expected to take strictly control Transnational Organized Crimes over the entire territory

    Peranan PBB dalam Pembentukan Masyarakat Sipil Global

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    The ambition of the United Nation to improve its integrity as in International organization indeed much depends on its organizational structure and the already existing leadership models. An attempt to restructure its organization as reflected in the increase of main institution and other related agencies of the United Nations has led the UN functional role in accordance with the goal achievement of the world order and security. Hence, the desire to intensity civil society development has been a vital concern for the United Nation. The process of democratization in the developing countries can fully be delayed

    Bilateral Cooperation Between the Government of Indonesia Malaysia on Management Border Territory

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    This study reveals that bilateral cooperation between the government of Indonesia-Malaysia began to continue since 1960. It was untul 1974, two Governments signed MoU and followed to by 25 join diplomacy meetings in persuing border problem. In practice however, it is found it difficult for Indonesian government to progress people development in border area. Not only because the Indonesian and Malaysian negotiation diplomacy are less effective to prevent and control border area, but rather because too many factors are faced by central and local governments of Indonesian, to issue a special regulation which is internally relevant to solve the problem of border area

    Kewenangan Daerah Dalam Melaksanakan Hubungan Luar Negeri (Studi Kasus Di Propinsi Jawa Barat Dan DIY )

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    Local governments, though they may establish International collaboration, they can not be considered as a subject of law in the International law, but rather as an auxiliary instrument of the central government. From the perspective of International law, the responsibilities raised by such International collaboration or International agreement is not in the hand of local government. Another significant point with regards to the said collaboration is that this is also does not contradict with the principle of national unity (NKRI). Because, the local government is merely as an agent of the state which is a subject of International law. In case of any disputes that may the agreements cause shall also be emphasized to be settled within national legal system of Indonesia

    Yerusalem Tanah Suci Agama Samawi dalam Perspektif Hukum dan Perdamaian

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    The sincere confessing of Jerussalem as a holy land for three major religions would indicate new paradigm ofpeace issues through redefinement from absolute nationalism into reiative islamic nationalism

    The Impact of Climate Change on the Protection of Human Rights in Developing Countries

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    The paper is aimed to examine the impacts of climate change on the legal protection of human rights in developing countries. Climate change has already variedly affected human rights, such as the right to live, the right to food, the right to water, the right to health, the right to enjoy a healthy environment and the right to self-determination. The various kinds of human rights are disturbed by the impacts of climate change. Climate change affects all aspects of human life, including social, economic, and cultural rights. Developing countries are more vulnerable and suffering if compared to developed countries due to the impacts of climate change. The research aims to comprehensively examine the protection of human rights in developing countries due to the effects of global warming, examine the obstacles, and find solutions to the protection of human rights. The research is normative juridical research by employing conceptual and statutory approaches. The result of the study indicates that: first, climate change affects the protection of all human rights; second, the protection of human rights in developing countries due to the impacts of climate change needs the assistance of developed countries; third, there are some solutions to address the protection of human rights in developing countries. Keywords: Climate Change, Developing Countries, Impacts, Human Rights, Protectio

    Effectuating Food Sovereignty without Violating the Rights of Indigenous People: A Case Study of the Merauke Integrated Food and Energy Estate Project

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    This study aimed to examine how the Merauke Integrated Food and Energy Estate (MIFEE) project negatively affected the human rights of the surrounding communities and what steps the government should undertake to achieve food sovereignty without infringing on the rights of the indigenous peoples involved in the initiative. This study employed a conceptual and historical approach and was analyzed qualitatively. The findings of this research indicated that the affected communities, particularly the Malind Anim tribe, experienced human rights violations, including those related to land rights; the right to work; the right to a reasonable standard of living; the right to a safe and healthy environment; the right to food and clothing since they were no longer able to meet and produce their own food needs, and infringement of the rights to culture; self-determination; and free, initiative, and informed consent; as well as the rights to freedom of expression; expression of opinion; and the right to gather. As a result of these violations, the ability of the environment to support life is lost, which has the potential to alight genocide. The suggested solution is to reinstate MIFEE’s original intent, implement moratoriums, evaluate the projects that negatively impacted indigenous peoples’ anthropology and ecology, and provide access to comprehensive forest conversion information. Affected communities are also encouraged to participate fully and effectively, and the granting of permits must consider the principle of justice. Keywords: Food sovereignty, human rights, Malind Ani

    Pengaruh Undang-Undang Keistimewaan Jogyakarta Terhadap Kesejahteraan Masyarakat Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

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    This study intends to analyze the relationship between Law Number 13 of 2012 concerning the Privileges of Jogyakarta to the conditions of social and economic welfare of the Jogyakartan communities. The problem that will be analyzed is why does Act Number 13 of 2012 not yet function effectively in improving the welfare of the Jogyakartan communities. This study uses the socio-legal method. The results of this study indicate that even though the existence of Law Number 13 of 2012 received a positive response from the Jogkartan communities, it has also been implemented in a number of Jogjakarta Special Regional Regulations such as the appointment of public offices, civil service and cultural civilization, but in its failed to improve the Jogyakartan communities welfare because of the availability of factors in the local representative people considering the conflict of interest between members of the Palace families
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