307 research outputs found

    Analiza grešaka pri upotrebi nefinitnih klauza kod studenata anglistike

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    This doctoral dissertation describes and analyses the errors made by EFL university students when using the nonfinite clauses in the syntactic functions of complements and modifiers. Students’ errors are defined as a special kind of learning strategy – avoidance of the mentioned structures. They are identified in the corpus containing students’ translations of the Serbian sentences from the questionnaire. The starting premise is that these errors, evident in the use of the English nonfinite clauses, are not so much the product of the students’ incompetence in English as of the interference of the mother tongue, Serbian. Thus, they are to be examined as the unavoidable consequences of the structural differences between the two languages. The methods used are contrastive and empirical, together with description and classification. Grammatical structures of both languages are described with a special focus on the empirical part for the classification of the students’ errors. The Serbian sentences from the questionnaire are specially constructed to contain the finite nominal, relative and adverbial clauses in the syntactic functions of complements and modifiers since these structures are expected to create the mother tongue interference when translated into English. The final results of the dissertation, based on the theoretical part (contrastive analysis, error analysis and the grammatical and syntactic framework of English and Serbian) and the empirical part are three original contrastive models (English, Serbian and English- Serbian) and three sub-models within them. These contrastive models are an original contribution to the contrastive analysis of English and Serbian since the examined finite and nonfinite clauses are described, classified and contrasted in a comprehensive way. The conclusions are: overlapping of the English and Serbian finite and nonfinite clauses in their general syntactic functions and differences regarding the number of individual syntactic functions, frequency of their use and formal variety. The implications are thus twofold: scientific and pedagogical. The contrastive analysis of the English and Serbian clauses, nonfinite in particular, regarding their syntactic properties, is a modest contribution to a further development of syntax in both languages. The results of the empirical research are of a great pedagogical significance, especially for EFL tertiary level teaching, since they indicate the interference of the mother tongue in the students

    Resistance of CEM III/B based materials to acid attack

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    Cementni materijali u poljoprivrednim i drugim industrijskim objektima izloženi su dejstvu kiselina. Zbog toga vek konstrukcija zavisi od trajnosti maltera ili betonskih elemenata u agresivnoj sredini. U radu je predstavljena otpornost na koroziju koja je uzrokovana sulfatnom, nitratnom, ureom, mlečnom i sirćetnom kiselinom. Skenirajuća elektronska mikroskopija (SEM) korišćena je da se ispita efekat agresivnih rastvora na mikrostrukturu i mehaničke osobine maltera. Hemijska otpornost prizmi od maltera i dve vrste betona testirana je prema metodi Koch-Steinegger. Kako je uslov za otpornost na agresivne rastvore taj da zatezna čvrstoća maltera nije manja od 70% u odnosu na referentne prizme negovane u vodi, može se zaključiti da su malter i beton, napravljeni sa CEM III/B, u ovom istraživanju otporni na sve kiseline kojima su tretirani. .Cement based materials in the agricultural and other industrial structures are exposed to acid attack. That is the reason why the service life of structure depends on the durability of mortar or concrete elements in aggressive environment. Resistance to corrosion caused by sulphate, nitrate, carbamide, lactic acid and acetic acid was presented. Optical and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to examine the effect of aggressive solutions on the microstructure and mechanical properties of mortar. The chemical resistance of mortar prisms and two types of concrete were tested according to the Koch-Steinegger method. As the condition for resistance in aggressive solution is that flexural strength of mortar prisms is no less than 70 % compared to referent prisms cured in water it can be concluded that mortar and concrete made with CEM III/B in this investigation are resistant to all treated acids

    Interactive approach for the sustainable stormwater management in medium-sized cities in Serbia – case study Pancevo

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    In the Republic of Serbia, stormwater systems are managed by the municipal public utility companies. Due to the political, economic and sociological situation in the last 25 years, development was not continuous, resulting in the numerous issues that need to be addressed. Most of them are related to the socio-economic aspects, capacity building and data. Example problems and viable solutions, for achieving sustainable management by public or private utility companies, are presented through the case study of city of Pancevo

    Population doses from terrestrial gamma exposure in Serbia

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    Background: Terrestrial radiation emitted from naturally occurring radionuclides, such as 40K and radionuclides from the 238U and 232Th series and their decay products represent the main external source of irradiation to the human body. The purpose of this study was to provide a preliminary assessment of the doses from terrestrial exposure of population in Serbia and to estimate a potential radiation hazard for population inhabiting investigated areas. Methods: The gamma dose rates, external hazard indexes, and annual effective doses due to terrestrial naturally occurring radionuclides (238U, 232Th and 40K) were calculated based on their activities in soil samples in Serbia as determined by gamma-ray spectrometry. Results: The total absorbed gamma dose rate due to these radionuclides varied from 16.9 to 125 nGy h-1, with a mean of 62.8 nGy h-1. Assuming a 20% occupancy factor, the corresponding annual effective dose varied from 2.07 to 15.4×10-5 Sv with the mean value of 7.7×10-5 Sv, i.e. annual effective dose was in range of the world wide average values. Conclusion: According to the values of external hazard index obtained in this study (mean Hex = 0.35), the radiation hazard was insignificant for the population living in investigated areas

    Investigation of the mortar and concrete resistance in aggressive solutions

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    U radu je prikazan utjecaj dva agresivna rastvora – sulfata i nitrata na žbuku i beton. U eksperimentalnom radu ispitivane su prizme od žbuke s 5 % specijalnog dodatka. Četiri vrste betona su također izložene agresivnim rastvorima. Kemijska otpornost ispitivana je prema metodi Koch-Steinegger. Kako je uvjet za otpornost kod agresivnih rastvora da zatezna čvrstoća žbuke nije niža od 70 % u odnosu na referentne prizme njegovane u vodi, može se zaključiti da žbuka i beton izrađeni s kombinacijom cementa i dodataka, prikazani u ovom istraživanju, nisu otporni na rastvor amonijak nitrata ali jesu na sulfatnu koroziju.Testing the influence of two aggressive solutions - sulphate and nitrate on mortar and concrete was presented in this paper. Experimental work included testing of mortar prisms with 5 % special admixture. Also, four types of concrete were exposed to aggressive solutions. The chemical resistance was tested according to the Koch-Steinegger method. As a condition for resistance in aggressive solution means that flexural strength of mortar prisms is no less than 70 % of referent prisms cured in water it can be concluded that mortar and concrete made with combination of cement and admixture presented in this investigation are not resistant to ammonium nitrate solution, but are resistant to sulphate corrosion

    Non-tuberculous mycobacteria

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    Danas je poznato oko 150 vrsta netuberkuloznih mikobakterija. Ovi okolišni patogeni, premda niskog patogenog potencijala, mogu u čovjeka uzrokovati niz bolesti. Općenito uzrokuju četiri klinička entiteta: plućnu bolest, limfadenitis, kožne promjene te diseminiranu bolest, najčešće kod imunokompromitiranih osoba. Postavljanje dijagnoze mikobakterioze nije nimalo jednostavno te su u tu svrhu razrađeni kriteriji koji uključuju kliničku prezentaciju, mikrobiološke nalaze te radiološke promjene. Samo liječenje ovih bolesti dugotrajno je i komplicirano. Preporučuje se primjena kombinacije lijekova, ovisno o vrsti mikobakterije, te trajanje liječenja najmanje 12 mjeseci od negativizacije kulture. U Hrvatskoj se danas godišnje otkriva između 150–450 izolata te oko dvadesetak bolesnika s mikobakteriozom. Od ukupnog broja izolata prevladava M. gordonae, saprofitna mikobakterija koja samo iznimno dovodi do razvoja bolesti. Od patogenih mikobakterija, uzročnika mikobakterioze, u Hrvatskoj su najznačajnije M. avium, M. intracellulare, M. xenopi, M. kansasii, M. chelonae i M. abscessus.Currently, there are approximately 150 Mycobacterium species identified. Despite their low pathogenic potential, these organisms are able to cause a variety of diseases in humans including lung disease, lymphadenitis, cutaneous infections and disseminated disease, most commonly in immunocompromised persons. The diagnosis of mycobacteriosis is challenging and includes criteria that combine clinical presentation of disease, microbiological findings and radiographic appearance. The treatment of non-tuberculous mycobacteria infections is also troublesome and long lasting. Current guidelines propose the specific drug regimens depending on the species isolated and duration of therapy for at least 12 months after culture conversion. In Croatia, about 150–450 isolates of non-tuberculous mycobacteria are detected per year, but the number of patients is significantly lower, around 20 per year. The most frequently isolated species is M. gordonae, a saprophytic organism that rarely causes disease. In Croatia, the most significant non-tuberculous mycobacteria causing disease are M. avium, M. intracellulare, M. xenopi, M. kansasii, M. chelonae and M. abscessus

    The estimation of compressive strength of normal and recycled aggregate concrete

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    Procena čvrstoće pri pritisku se postavlja kao važan zadatak proizvođačima betona, naročito pri projektovanju betonskih mešavina i obezbeđenju zahtevanog kvaliteta proizvedenog betona. U radu je prikazano poređenje eksperimentalnih rezultata čvrstoće pri pritisku betona sa prirodnim i recikliranim agregatom sa rezultatima dobijenim na osnovu jednačina prikazanih u tehničkoj regulativi. Prikazan je koeficijent determinacije eksperimentalnih podataka i rezultata dobijenih na osnovu preračuna prema jednačinama datim u EN 1992-1-1, ACI 209 i tabeli za preračun datoj u SRPS U.M1.048. Prikaz zavisnosti čvrstoće pri pritisku betona na osnovu jednačina datih u radu se odnosi na određivanje zavisnosti u odnosu na vrstu upotrebljenog cementa i starosti betona negovanog na konstantnoj temperaturi.Estimation of concrete strength is an important issue in ready-mixed concrete industry, especially, in proportioning new mixtures and for the quality assurance of the concrete produced. In this article, on the basis of the existing experimental data of compressive strength of normal and recycled aggregate concrete and equation for compressive strength calculating given in Technical regulation are compared. The accuracies of prediction by experimental data obtained in laboratory as well as by EN 1992-1-1, ACI 209 and SRPS U.M1.048 are compared on the basis of the coefficient of determination. The determination of the compressive strengths by the equation described here relies on determination of type of cement and age of concrete with the constant curing temperature

    Tricarbonyltechnetium (I) labelled ligands with nso donor atom set: in vitro and in vivo evaluation

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    There is an increasing interest for the 99mTc labelling of biomolecules by using bifunctional chelating agents. To find new ligand, which can be linked to the small biomolecules and coordinated with technetium-99m tricarbonyl complexes, is a challenging task. The investigated NSC and NSC5 ligands allow the preparation 99mTc(I) stable complexes in high yield. The 99mTc complexes were characterized by comparing their HPLC profiles with those of the respective Re(I) compounds. Biodistribution and stability studies were carried out, including challenge with histidine. These complexes also proved to be stable in vivo and showed a very good biological behaviour. The radiochemical and biological features of the novel 99mTc complexes, as well as, the nature of the ligands, make them very promising candidates for labelling of tumour specific biomolecules.Physical chemistry 2006 : 8th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 26-29 September 200