28 research outputs found

    Attitudes of Patients and Their Relatives Towards Artificial Intelligence in Neurosurgery

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    BACKGROUND: Artificial Intelligence (AI) may favorably support surgeons but may result in concern among patients and their relatives. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate attitudes of patients and their relatives towards the use of AI in neurosurgery. METHODS: In this two-stage cross-sectional survey, a qualitative survey was administered to a focus group of former patients to investigate their perception of AI and its role in neurosurgery. Five themes were identified and used to generate a case-based quantitative survey administered to inpatients and their relatives over a two-week period. Presented AI platforms were rated appropriate and acceptable using 5-point Likert scales. Demographic data was collected. A Chi Square test was performed to determine whether demographics influenced participants' attitudes. RESULTS: In the first stage, 20 participants responded. Five themes were identified: interpretation of imaging (4/20; 20%), operative planning (5/20; 25%), real-time alert of potential complications (10/20; 50%), partially autonomous surgery (6/20; 30%), fully autonomous surgery (3/20; 15%). In the second stage, 107 participants responded. The majority felt appropriate and acceptable to use AI for imaging interpretation (76.7%; 66.3%), operative planning (76.7%; 75.8%), real-time alert of potential complications (82.2%; 72.9%), and partially autonomous surgery (58%; 47.7%). Conversely, most did not feel that fully autonomous surgery was appropriate (27.1%) or acceptable (17.7%). Demographics did not have a significant influence on perception. CONCLUSIONS: The majority of patients and their relatives believed that AI has a role in neurosurgery and found it acceptable. Notable exceptions remain fully autonomous systems, with most wanting the neurosurgeon ultimately to remain in control

    The role of Allee effect in modelling post resection recurrence of glioblastoma

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    Resection of the bulk of a tumour often cannot eliminate all cancer cells, due to their infiltration into the surrounding healthy tissue. This may lead to recurrence of the tumour at a later time. We use a reaction-diffusion equation based model of tumour growth to investigate how the invasion front is delayed by resection, and how this depends on the density and behaviour of the remaining cancer cells. We show that the delay time is highly sensitive to qualitative details of the proliferation dynamics of the cancer cell population. The typically assumed logistic type proliferation leads to unrealistic results, predicting immediate recurrence. We find that in glioblastoma cell cultures the cell proliferation rate is an increasing function of the density at small cell densities. Our analysis suggests that cooperative behaviour of cancer cells, analogous to the Allee effect in ecology, can play a critical role in determining the time until tumour recurrence

    Multilocus Microsatellite Typing (MLMT) of Strains from Turkey and Cyprus Reveals a Novel Monophyletic L. donovani Sensu Lato Group

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    In eastern Mediterranean, leishmaniasis represents a major public health problem with considerable impact on morbidity and potential to spread. Cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) caused by L. major or L. tropica accounts for most cases in this region although visceral leishmaniasis (VL) caused by L. infantum is also common. New foci of human CL caused by L. donovani complex strains were recently described in Cyprus and Turkey. Herein we analyzed Turkish strains from human CL foci in Çukurova region (north of Cyprus) and a human VL case in Kuşadasi. These were compared to Cypriot strains that were previously typed by Multilocus Enzyme Electrophoresis (MLEE) as L. donovani MON-37. Nevertheless, they were found genetically distinct from MON-37 strains of other regions and therefore their origin remained enigmatic. A population study was performed by Multilocus Microsatellite Typing (MLMT) and the profile of the Turkish strains was compared to previously analyzed L. donovani complex strains. Our results revealed close genetic relationship between Turkish and Cypriot strains, which form a genetically distinct L. infantum monophyletic group, suggesting that Cypriot strains may originate from Turkey. Our analysis indicates that the epidemiology of leishmaniasis in this region is more complicated than originally thought

    Diagnosis and management of glutaric aciduria type I – revised recommendations

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    Glutaric aciduria type I (synonym, glutaric acidemia type I) is a rare organic aciduria. Untreated patients characteristically develop dystonia during infancy resulting in a high morbidity and mortality. The neuropathological correlate is striatal injury which results from encephalopathic crises precipitated by infectious diseases, immunizations and surgery during a finite period of brain development, or develops insidiously without clinically apparent crises. Glutaric aciduria type I is caused by inherited deficiency of glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase which is involved in the catabolic pathways of L-lysine, L-hydroxylysine and L-tryptophan. This defect gives rise to elevated glutaric acid, 3-hydroxyglutaric acid, glutaconic acid, and glutarylcarnitine which can be detected by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (organic acids) or tandem mass spectrometry (acylcarnitines). Glutaric aciduria type I is included in the panel of diseases that are identified by expanded newborn screening in some countries. It has been shown that in the majority of neonatally diagnosed patients striatal injury can be prevented by combined metabolic treatment. Metabolic treatment that includes a low lysine diet, carnitine supplementation and intensified emergency treatment during acute episodes of intercurrent illness should be introduced and monitored by an experienced interdisciplinary team. However, initiation of treatment after the onset of symptoms is generally not effective in preventing permanent damage. Secondary dystonia is often difficult to treat, and the efficacy of available drugs cannot be predicted precisely in individual patients. The major aim of this revision is to re-evaluate the previous diagnostic and therapeutic recommendations for patients with this disease and incorporate new research findings into the guideline

    Parameter induction in continuous univariate distributions: Well-established G families

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