328 research outputs found

    Quantifying Aphid Predation Rates of Generalist Predators in the Field

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    The community of predators within agroecosystems has the potential to restrict aphid populations, especially early in the season before exponential increases in density and prior to the arrival of specialist natural enemies. Although direct observations of predation, laboratory feeding trials and manipulative field studies have been used to estimate levels of biological control exerted by different species (or potentially negative interactions between them), it is often difficult to extrapolate results to naturally occurring interactions in the field. Over 100 investigations have utilized gut-content analysis to estimate aphid predation rates by predators. Throughout the last century, gut dissection, which enables the visual identification of aphid body parts, has been used in over 50% of studies although accurate identification and quantification of predation is difficult. Other techniques have included radio-labelling of prey, dissection of faecal samples, electrophoresis, stable isotope analysis and use of polyclonal antisera. In recent studies of invertebrate predation, monoclonal antibodies have been the most frequently applied technique but advances in molecular biology have enabled the detection of species-specific DNA sequences. The use of these applications to quantify predation by aphidophagous predators will be reviewed, with emphasis on potential sources of error and difficulties of quantitative interpretation. Despite the considerable focus currently directed towards molecular approaches, antibody-based techniques are likely to remain an important tool for studying predation rates of pests in the field, especially when antibodies have already been developed. However, the study of multiple predation events within complex generalist predator food webs is only likely through the detection of species-specific DNA sequences using molecular techniques

    Pollen interception by linyphiid spiders in a corn agroecosystem: Implications for dietary diversification and risk-assessment

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    Dietary diversification, including consumption of plant tissues such as pollen, can enhance the fecundity of generalist predators, resulting in improved control of pest prey. Supplemental pollen feeding has been observed in many natural enemies, including sheet-web spiders (Araneae: Linyphiidae), which represent a major component of food webs in agroecosystems. Their horizontal, ground-based webs have the potential to intercept pollen grains during anthesis of crop plants, providing the opportunity for consumption of pollen to occur. In laboratory feeding trials, Frontinella communis and Tennesseellum formicum (Araneae: Linyphiidae) readily fed on pollen grains dusted on their webs, with 82 and 92% of spiders consuming pollen within the 210 min trial. These results revealed a strong potential for dietary supplementation with pollen in ground-based sheet-web spiders, indicating that pollen feeding may be an important component of the feeding biology of linyphiids. To measure pollen and prey interception in simulated linyphiid webs, a 20 m × 20 m grid of miniature sticky traps was established within and downwind of a corn agroecosystem. Traps were exposed for 24 h, all intercepted material was transferred to the laboratory for subsequent identification, and replaced with additional traps for 28 consecutive days in July and August 2008, to encompass periods before, during and after anthesis. Over 150,000 corn pollen grains and 5,000 prey items (dominated by Collembola and Hemiptera) were intercepted at simulated web-sites. Dates of peak anthesis resulted in pollen counts as high as 4,000 grains per web-site in the interior of the cornfield. Spatial Analysis by Distance Indices (SADIE) indicated significant temporal and spatial variability in pollen interception within and outside the corn field, but interestingly there was no significant spatial association between pollen and prey. Furthermore, transgenic Bacillus thuringiensis corn expresses insecticidal proteins in pollen, posing an exposure risk to non-target arthropods. Consumption of corn pollen may be a route to transgenic protein exposure in this important taxon of generalist predators

    \u3ci\u3eBacillus thuringiensis\u3c/i\u3e: Transgenic Crops

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    Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) crops, genetically modified to express insecticidal toxins that target key pests of corn, cotton, rice, potato, and other crops, have been rapidly adopted and have become dominant fixtures in agroecosystems throughout the world. Due to the constitutive nature of Bt toxin expression, insecticidal proteins may be found in nearly all plant tissues, presenting multiple sources for Bt toxins to enter the environment, thus creating complex direct and indirect pathways for non-target organisms to be exposed to insecticidal proteins. The environmental impacts of Bt crops have been widely debated, although both benefits and risks do exist. Benefits of Bt crop adoption include reduced risks to non-target organisms when compared with conventional spray applications of insecticides, as well as economic savings to growers and increased global food security. Conversely, impacts on non-target organisms, presence in the human food supply, pleiotropic effects of genetic transformation, and gene escape to wild plant populations are all considered as viable risks of Bt technology. To address the potential risks of Bt crop technology, proposed approaches to the environmental management of Bt crops are discussed, including within-plant modifications, reduction in Bt toxin and transgene escape, and large-scale integration into integrated pest and resistance management programs. Additionally, continued study of the effects of Bt toxins on non-target organisms at multiple tiers is necessary for intelligent use of this valuable pest management tool. The global area planted to Bt crops is expanding, and new Bt products and combinations are in various stages of development. Although Bt technology may offer an environmentally superior alternative to many insecticide applications, further risk assessment research addressing the impacts of Bt crops on agroecosystem function are needed to promote environmental safety

    Quantification of Bt-endotoxin exposure pathways in carabid food webs across multiple transgenic events

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    Despite the reported specificity of Bacillus thuringiensis proteins against target pests, a number of studies have indicated that the uptake of Bt-endotoxins from bioengineered crops could have negative effects on natural enemies. It is therefore essential to quantify exposure pathways in non-target arthropod food webs across multiple transgenic events. Adult ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) were collected from transgenic corn fields expressing lepidopteran-specific Cry1Ab, coleopteran-specific Cry3Bb1, and both Cry1Ab and Cry3Bb1 (stacked event), as well as a non-transgenic isoline. Carabid gut-contents were screened for Cry1Ab Bt-endotoxin using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Significant numbers of carabids tested positive for Cry1Ab from the lepidopteran-specific field: Harpalus pensylvanicus (39%, 25 of 64), Stenolophus comma (4%, 6 of 136), Cratacanthus dubius (50%, 1 of 2), Clivina bipustulata (50%, 1 of 2), and Cyclotrachelus sodalis (20%, 1 of 5). The highest proportion of Bt-endotoxin uptake was 4–6 weeks postanthesis. Only one species, H. pensylvanicus (5%, 4 of 75), screened positive for Cry1Ab from the stacked line, despite similar expression of this endotoxin in plant tissue harvested from both lines. This difference in Cry1Ab uptake could be due to changes in the non-target food web or differential rates of Bt-endotoxin decay between genetic events. This study has quantified the differential uptake of Cry1Ab Bt-endotoxin by the carabid community across multiple transgenic events, thus forming the framework for future risk-assessment of transgenic crops

    Comparative Genetic Studies of Native and Introduced Coccinellidae in North America

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    During the past four decades, several species of aphidophagous Coccinellidae became established in North America, including Coccinella septempunctata, Harmonia axyridis, Hippodamia variegata, and Propylea quatuordecimpunctata. After their establishment, unknown circumstances favoured a rapid increase in population densities and distribution of H. axyridis and C. septempunctata at localities hundreds and thousands of kilometers from their release sites. Propylea quatuordecimpunctata and Hippodamia variegata have spread more slowly after becoming established in northeastern North America. Comparative studies based upon allozyme variation in these four introduced species and in six native North American species of ladybird beetles revealed no significant differences in genetic diversities. Genetic variation, assessed by allelic diversity and heterozygosity, was uncorrelated with the establishment and spread of these predatory species in North America. All ladybirds studied show a remarkable degree of dispersion with little detectable population subdivision

    Molecular gut-content analysis reveals high frequency of \u3ci\u3eHelicoverpa zea\u3c/i\u3e (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) consumption by \u3ci\u3eOrius insidiosus\u3c/i\u3e (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae) in sweet corn

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    Management of corn earworm Helicoverpa zea in sweet corn grown for processing can be challenging due to the lack of effective transgenic and chemical control options. However, biological control by generalist predators can provide a significant impact on pests in this cropping system. One of the most ubiquitous predators of H. zea and other lepidopterans is the insidious flower bug, Orius insidiosus. This small hemipteran has been observed as an important mortality agent of H. zea in several cropping systems, but the strength of the trophic connection between these species has not been documented in sweet corn. Molecular gut-content analysis was conducted to test field-collected O. insidiosus for the presence of H. zea DNA using species-specific PCR primers developed and optimized for this project. Controlled feeding trials determined that the detectability half-life of this technique was 2.32 h. At peak predation in late August, 32% of O. insidiosus tested positive for H. zea DNA. The date of peak predation also corresponded with peak silking of sweet corn plants, which is the most attractive crop growth stage to both H. zea and O. insidiosus. These results indicate that within a short window prior to collection from the field, on the peak date of predation, approximately one third of O. insidiosus in sweet corn had consumed one to two H. zea eggs and/or first instar larvae. The demonstration of this high frequency of predation allows for the assertion that O. insidiosus is a critical mortality agent of H. zea in sweet corn, and conservation biological control practices should be explored to protect and promote this key predator

    Dietary supplementation with pollen enhances survival and Collembola boosts fitness of a web-building spider

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    Uncertainties exist about the value of non-prey food for predators that are commonly food-limited, and the dietary conditions where non-prey foods are beneficial for carnivorous species. Prior studies show that large quantities of pollen grains are intercepted in the webs of web-building spiders. We examined the nutritional benefits of pollen as a non-prey food for a common ground-dwelling, sheet web-building spider, Mermessus fradeorum (Berland) (Araneae: Linyphiidae). These predators were provided diets of prey or no prey in the presence and absence of pollen. Treatment effects were quantified by measuring predator body nutrient composition, survival, body size, and offspring production. Per unit dry weight, pollen had less nitrogen and lipids than prey, although relative quantities of these nutrients per meal were not measured. Dietary treatments altered the body tissue composition of the spiders, leading to the highest N content and lipid reserves in spiders provided with Collembola. Supplementing diets with pollen increased both juvenile and adult survival, and the greatest survivorship and offspring production was observed when spiders were provided diets of Collembola supplemented with pollen. Our results show that Collembola are high-quality prey for spiders and pollen has positive effects on nutritional status and survival of a carnivorous species. Foraging on plant material potentially promotes population growth at early and late developmental stages by supplementing diets of poor-quality prey, and preventing starvation when prey are scarce

    Integration of Plant Defense Traits with Biological Control of Arthropod Pests: Challenges and Opportunities

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    Crop plants exhibit a wide diversity of defensive traits and strategies to protect themselves from damage by herbivorous pests and disease. These defensive traits may be naturally occurring or artificially selected through crop breeding, including introduction via genetic engineering. While these traits can have obvious and direct impacts on herbivorous pests, many have profound effects on higher trophic levels, including the natural enemies of herbivores. Multi-trophic effects of host plant resistance have the potential to influence, both positively and negatively, biological control. Plant defense traits can influence both the numerical and functional responses of natural enemies; these interactions can be semiochemically, plant toxin-, plant nutrient-, and/or physically mediated. Case studies involving predators, parasitoids, and pathogens of crop pests will be presented and discussed. These diverse groups of natural enemies may respond differently to crop plant traits based on their own unique biology and the ecological niches they fill. Genetically modified crop plants that have been engineered to express transgenic products affecting herbivorous pests are an additional consideration. For the most part, transgenic plant incorporated protectant (PIP) traits are compatible with biological control due to their selective toxicity to targeted pests and relatively low non-target impacts, although transgenic crops may have indirect effects on higher trophic levels and arthropod communities mediated by lower host or prey number and/or quality. Host plant resistance and biological control are two of the key pillars of integrated pest management; their potential interactions, whether they are synergistic, complementary, or disruptive, are key in understanding and achieving sustainable and effective pest management

    Predation on stink bugs (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) in cotton and soybean agroecosystems

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    Stink bugs (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) are significant pests of cotton and soybeans in the southeastern United States with annual control costs exceeding $14 million in these crops. Three of the most prominent stink bug pests are the southern green (Nezara viridula), brown (Euschistus servus) and green (Chinavia hilaris) stink bugs. To determine trophic linkages between generalist arthropod predators and these pests, species-specific 16S molecular markers were designed and used to detect the presence of prey DNA in predator gut-contents. Over 2700 predators were collected over two growing seasons in cotton and soybean in southern Georgia in 2011 and 2012 and screened for stink bug DNA. Trophic linkages were analyzed relative to prey availability, crop type and field location. The frequency of stink bug DNA in predator guts was negligible on E. servus (0.23%) and C. hilaris (0.09%). Overall gut content detection of N. viridula was 3.3% and Geocoris sp. (Hemiptera: Geocoridae), Orius sp. (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae) and Notoxus monodon (Coleoptera: Anthicidae) were the primary predators. This contrasts with previous studies that reported a much more diverse suite of predators consuming stink bugs with much higher frequency of gut-content positives. The discrepancy between studies highlights the need for replicating studies in space and time, especially if the goal is to implement effective and durable conservation biological control in integrated pest management
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