11 research outputs found


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    Penerapan metode pembelajaran jarak jauh yang diterapkan secara darurat dan tiba-tiba selama pandemi Covid-19 menimbulkan berbagai kendala yang disinyalir berdampak pada kualitas pembelajaran bagi siswa. Dengan menggunakan data panel fixed effect rata-rata nilai UTBK tahun 2020-2022 di 660 sekolah, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat dampak pembelajaran jarak jauh terhadap capaian nilai siswa sekolah menengah atas di Indonesia. Penelitian ini juga melihat capaian nilai siswa dari sisi kemampuan kuantitatif, membaca dan menulis, penalaran umum serta pengetahuan dan pemahaman umum siswa. Hasil regresi memperlihatkan tidak adanya perubahan yang signifikan dari nilai UTBK siswa dari penambahan lamanya pembelajaran jarak jauh. Pada bagian akhir, penelitian ini memberikan rekomendasi kepada pemerintah untuk meminimalisir dampak penurunan capaian pembelajaran siswa dalam jangka panjang


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    Penelitian ini menganalisis pengaruh internet terhadap pendapatan pada pemilik usaha di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan data pooled cross section yaitu SAKERNAS Agustus 2018-2021. Model yang digunakan adalah Instrumental Variabel (IV) dengan Two-Stage Least Square (2SLS). Hasil estimasi first stage menunjukkan bahwa jumlah Base Transceiver Station (BTS) per Kabupaten berpengaruh positif pada tingkat pemakaian internet. Selanjutnya hasil estimasi second stage menunjukkan bahwa pemakaian internet berpengaruh positif pada pendapatan pemilik usaha. Terdapat perbedaan pemakaian internet (promosi, komunikasi, transaksi, penjualan via email dan sosial media, serta penjualan via web/marketplace) terhadap pendapatan pemilik usaha. Selain itu, ditemukan bahwa transmisi internet lebih besar pengaruhnya untuk kegiatan usaha pada promosi dan transaksi daripada komunikasi

    Hubungan Vertical Fiscal Imbalance dan Local Taxing Power di Indonesia: Perbandingan Daerah Induk vs Daerah Otonom Baru, 2010 - 2020

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    Penelitian ini ingin menjawab pertanyaan tentang bagaimana hubungan antara vertical fiscal imbalance dan local taxing power? Apakah ketika vertical fiscal imbalance mengalami penurunan akan menyebabkan local taxing power mengalami kenaikan? atau sebaliknya. Kemudian seberapa besar magnitude dari perubahan vertical fiscal imbalance ini terhadap local taxing power di level kabupaten dan kota, baik yang merupakan daerah induk maupun daerah otonom baru. Dengan menggunakan model fixed effect, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ketika ketergantungan terhadap transfer pemerintah pusat berkurang, baik kabupaten maupun kota di daerah otonom baru cenderung menunjukkan performa yang lebih baik dibandingkan kabupaten/kota di daerah induk

    Bagaimana Dampak Kebijakan Insentif PPnBM Ditanggung Pemerintah Terhadap Kinerja Industri Kendaraan Bermotor? Bukti Dari Indonesia

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    This study discusses the impact of the Government borne PPnBM incentive policy for the motor vehicle industry which was carried out during the Covid-19 pandemic by analyzing motor vehicle sales data for 2020-2021. This study is a quantitative study that measures the impact of policies using the difference-in-difference (DiD) method. From the results of research using the DiD method, it was found that in the short term the PPnBM incentive policy had a positive impact on increasing vehicle sales by 46.1%. Meanwhile, in the long-term evaluation, it was found that the PPnBM incentive policy did not have a significant impact on motor vehicle sales in Indonesia as long as the policy was implemented. Studi ini membahas mengenai dampak kebijakan insentif PPnBM Ditanggung Pemerintah untuk industri kendaraan bermotor yang dijalankan selama pandemi Covid-19 dengan menganalisis data penjualan kendaraan bermotor selama tahun 2020-2021. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif yang mengukur dampak kebijakan dengan menggunakan metode difference-in-difference (DiD). Dari hasil penelitian dengan menggunakan metode DiD ditemukan bahwa dalam jangka pendek kebijakan insentif PPnBM memberikan dampak positif pada peningkatan penjualan kendaraan sebesar 46,1%. Sementara dalam evaluasi jangka panjang ditemukan bahwa kebijakan insentif PPnBM justru tidak memberikan dampak signifikan pada penjualan kendaraan bermotor di Indonesia selama kebijakan dilaksanakan.  Penelitian ini akan menganalisis dampak kebijakan insentif PPnBM Ditanggung Pemerintah terhadap kinerja industry kendaraan bermotor melalui data penjualan selama 2020-2021. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan metode difference-in-difference (DiD). Dari hasil penelitian dengan menggunakan metode DiD tanpa mengikutsertakan variabel kontrol ditemukan bahwa unit analisis yang menerima fasilitas insentif PPnBM memiliki penjualan yang lebih tinggi sebesar 59,8% jika dibandingkan dengan control group.  Potongan harga yang didapatkan akibat insentif PPnBM ini juga memberikan dampak yang lebih tinggi terhadap tingkat penjualan selama kebijakan berlangsun

    Essays on the Political Economy of Development

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    This thesis presents essays on the political economy of development in Indonesia. It consists of three chapters exploring some of the important aspects in the political economy literature. Chapter 2 asks how does political competition in a newly democratised and decentralised country like Indonesia affect local government performance? While a large literature on the topic already exists for well democratised and developed country, the impacts of political competition in developing countries, especially Indonesia remains understudied. Using a novel dataset of local election results between 1999 and 2009, I find that stiffer political competition improves local government performances and economic outcomes. Chapter 3 focuses on the role of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in policymaking. This study examines the impacts of the mobile phone adoption on leaders’ decisionmaking. Using Indonesian Village census data, I find robust evidence that the introduction of mobile phone increases the probability of the village head to implement policies to improve infrastructure, to provide training and grants and to increase civic engagement activities among the villagers. This chapter suggests that villagers usage of the mobile phone and spillover effects affects village leaders’ policies. Chapter 4 examines the role of the Islamic party on policy choice and economic performance. Using Indonesian mayoral election results and a regression discontinuity design (RDD), I show that districts where the Islamic party barely won the election tend to have lower local state capacity. I show that partisan alignment and the implementation of Islamic laws are the key drivers of these results. The mechanisms suggest that districts with Islamic mayors will receive lower central government transfers and generate less local tax revenues

    Siasat gerakan kota : jalan menuju masyarakat baru

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    The Aviation Industry Development and The Economic Growth in Indonesia

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    Competition in the air transportation service business is currently experiencing very rapid development. This study looks at the effect of economic growth, population density, and provincial land transportation in Indonesia on the number of passengers and the number of cargo. This study uses statistical data on air transportation released by the Central Statistics Agency (BPS). The regression method used is the Fixed Effect. This study indicates that GDP per capita and government policies regarding upper and lower limit fares showed a significant positive effect on the number of passengers when not using the time trend. Furthermore, trucks are indicated to significantly affect cargo when they do not use the time trend. The policy to impose tariff limits can upset the market balance. When applying the upper limit rate is below the equilibrium price, it can cause excess demand

    Political Dynasties and Local Spending in Indonesia

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    Does political dynasty affect local spending in Indonesia?  Only a few articles have taken up the political economy issues in Indonesia This study provides empirical analysis that focuses on explaining the effect of the political competition through dynasty winning in the mayoral election to the local spending that focuses on functional-classified expenditure at the district level. Using the Regression Discontinuity Design (RDD) estimation, this study examines whether the dynasty mayor has different trends in the way to spend local expenditure compared to the non-dynasty mayors. Due to the limited political competition, this study finds the magnitude effect of the dynasty mayor on local spending that used to drive the regional economy. Compared to the non-dynasty mayors on a separate sub-dataset, this study finds different effects of a dynasty between the incumbent and the non-incumbent dynasty mayor on local spending. The incumbent dynasty mayor negatively affects ‘visible’ expenditure’ e.g., grant and social assistance expenditure, social protection expenditure, housing and public amenities expenditure, education expenditure, dan current expenditure. This study also finds negative effects of the political dynasty on local spending from the dynasty mayor elected during the period of simultaneous mayoral election (2015-2018)


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    We investigate the effects of COVID-19 lockdowns on frequency of online search on mental well-being and religiosity-related terms in Indonesia using high-frequency data from Google Trends and Bank Indonesia Consumer Survey from January 1st, 2018, to February 28th, 2021. Monthly search terms and consumer survey data are merged at the provincial level, which results in a total of 131,300 individual observations. Using event analysis and instrumental variable approaches, our study suggests that lockdown policy is significantly associated with higher search intensity of mental well-being and religiosity-related terms compared to the pre-lockdown period. Our findings suggest that mentally disturbed people tend to lean on religion to cope with stressful events during a crisis. Our study has substantial policy implications on ensuring appropriate government interventions that minimize the detrimental effect of COVID-19 on mental well-being