94 research outputs found

    Remineralization of initial carious lesions in deciduous enamel after application of dentifrices of different fluoride concentrations

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    The aim of the present study was to evaluate the remineralization potential of five dentifrices with different fluoride concentrations. Initial caries lesions were created in 72 cylindrical enamel blocks from deciduous teeth. The specimens were randomly distributed among six experimental groups corresponding to six experimental periods. Each of the six volunteers carried two deciduous enamel specimens fixed in an intraoral appliance for a period of 4 weeks. They brushed their teeth and the enamel blocks at least two times a day with dentifrices containing 0 ppm (period 1), 250 ppm (period 2), and 500 ppm fluoride (period 3), respectively. A second group of volunteers (n = 6) used dentifrices with a fluoride content of 0 ppm (period 4), 1,000 ppm (period 5), or 1,500 ppm (period 6). At the end of the respective period, the mineral content was determined by transversal microradiography (TMR). The use of dentifrices containing 500 ppm fluoride (38% MR), 1,000 ppm fluoride (42% MR), and 1,500 ppm fluoride (42% MR) resulted in a statistically significant higher mineral recovery compared to the control group (0 ppm fluoride). Mineral recovery was similar after use of dentifrices containing 0 and 250 ppm fluoride (24%; 25%). It is concluded that it is possible to remineralize initial carious lesions in deciduous enamel in a similar way as it has been described for enamel of permanent teeth

    Immediate pre-meal water ingestion decreases voluntary food intake in lean young males

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    Purpose: Consuming 375-500 ml of water 30 min before a meal has been shown to reduce energy intake in older, but not younger adults. This study investigated the effects of ingesting a water preload immediately pre-meal (<1 min before eating) on within-meal ad-libitum energy intake in non-obese young males. Methods: Fourteen healthy males (mean (SD) age 27 (3) y, Height 1.83 (0.05) m, body weight 80.47 (9.89) kg, body fat 17.5 (4.0) %, body mass index 24.0 (2.5) kg/m2) completed a familiarisation trial and two experimental trials in randomised counterbalanced order. Subjects arrived at the laboratory overnight fasted and consumed an ad-libitum porridge breakfast. Immediately prior to the meal, subjects consumed either a 568 ml (1 pint) water preload (preload trial) or no preload (control trial). Visual analogue scale questionnaires to assess hunger, fullness and satisfaction were completed before and after the meal in both trials, as well as after the water preload. Results: Ad-libitum energy intake was greater (P<0.001) during control (2551 (562) kJ) than preload (1967 (454) kJ). Ad-libitum water intake was also greater (P<0.001) during control (318 (226-975) ml) than preload (116 (0-581) ml). The water preload increased fullness and satisfaction and decreased hunger compared to pre-trial (P<0.001) and the control trial (P<0.001). Conclusion: This study demonstrates that consumption of a 568 ml water preload immediately before a meal reduces energy intake in non-obese young males. This might therefore be an effective strategy to suppress energy intake in this population and possibly assist with weight management

    Dentifrices, mouthwashes, and remineralization/caries arrestment strategies

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    While our knowledge of the dental caries process and its prevention has greatly advanced over the past fifty years, it is fair to state that the management of this disease at the level of the individual patient remains largely empirical. Recommendations for fluoride use by patients at different levels of caries risk are mainly based on the adage that more is better. There is a general understanding that the fluoride compound, concentration, frequency of use, duration of exposure, and method of delivery can influence fluoride efficacy. Two important factors are (1) the initial interaction of relatively high concentrations of fluoride with the tooth surface and plaque during application and (2) the retention of fluoride in oral fluids after application

    What's New Is Old: Resolving the Identity of Leptothrix ochracea Using Single Cell Genomics, Pyrosequencing and FISH

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    Leptothrix ochracea is a common inhabitant of freshwater iron seeps and iron-rich wetlands. Its defining characteristic is copious production of extracellular sheaths encrusted with iron oxyhydroxides. Surprisingly, over 90% of these sheaths are empty, hence, what appears to be an abundant population of iron-oxidizing bacteria, consists of relatively few cells. Because L. ochracea has proven difficult to cultivate, its identification is based solely on habitat preference and morphology. We utilized cultivation-independent techniques to resolve this long-standing enigma. By selecting the actively growing edge of a Leptothrix-containing iron mat, a conventional SSU rRNA gene clone library was obtained that had 29 clones (42% of the total library) related to the Leptothrix/Sphaerotilus group (≤96% identical to cultured representatives). A pyrotagged library of the V4 hypervariable region constructed from the bulk mat showed that 7.2% of the total sequences also belonged to the Leptothrix/Sphaerotilus group. Sorting of individual L. ochracea sheaths, followed by whole genome amplification (WGA) and PCR identified a SSU rRNA sequence that clustered closely with the putative Leptothrix clones and pyrotags. Using these data, a fluorescence in-situ hybridization (FISH) probe, Lepto175, was designed that bound to ensheathed cells. Quantitative use of this probe demonstrated that up to 35% of microbial cells in an actively accreting iron mat were L. ochracea. The SSU rRNA gene of L. ochracea shares 96% homology with its closet cultivated relative, L. cholodnii, This establishes that L. ochracea is indeed related to this group of morphologically similar, filamentous, sheathed microorganisms

    Calf health from birth to weaning. III. housing and management of calf pneumonia

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    Calfhood diseases have a major impact on the economic viability of cattle operations. A three part review series has been developed focusing on calf health from birth to weaning. In this paper, the last of the three part series, we review disease prevention and management with particular reference to pneumonia, focusing primarily on the pre-weaned calf. Pneumonia in recently weaned suckler calves is also considered, where the key risk factors are related to the time of weaning. Weaning of the suckler calf is often combined with additional stressors including a change in nutrition, environmental change, transport and painful husbandry procedures (castration, dehorning). The reduction of the cumulative effects of these multiple stressors around the time of weaning together with vaccination programmes (preconditioning) can reduce subsequent morbidity and mortality in the feedlot. In most studies, calves housed individually and calves housed outdoors with shelter, are associated with decreased risk of disease. Even though it poses greater management challenges, successful group housing of calves is possible. Special emphasis should be given to equal age groups and to keeping groups stable once they are formed. The management of pneumonia in calves is reliant on a sound understanding of aetiology, relevant risk factors, and of effective approaches to diagnosis and treatment. Early signs of pneumonia include increased respiratory rate and fever, followed by depression. The single most important factor determining the success of therapy in calves with pneumonia is early onset of treatment, and subsequent adequate duration of treatment. The efficacy and economical viability of vaccination against respiratory disease in calves remains unclear