13 research outputs found

    Mating and aggregative behaviors among basal hexapods in the Early Cretaceous

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    Among the many challenges in paleobiology is the inference and reconstruction of behaviors that rarely, if ever, leave a physical trace on the environment that is suitable for fossilization. Of particular significance are those behaviors tied to mating and courtship, individual interactions critical for species integrity and continuance, as well as those for dispersal, permitting the taxon to expand its distribution as well as access new habitats in the face of local or long-term environmental change. In this context, two recently discovered fossils from the Early Cretaceous amber of Spain (ca. 105 mya) give a detailed view of otherwise fleeting ethologies in Collembola. These occurrences are phylogenetically spaced across the class, and from species representing the two major clades of springtailsÐSymphypleona and Entomobryomorpha. Specifically, we report unique evidence from a symphypleonan male (Pseudosminthurides stoechus SaÂnchez-GarcÔÂa & Engel, 2016) with modified antennae that may have functioned as a clasping organ for securing females during mating on water's surface, and from an aggregation of entomobryomorphan individuals (Proisotoma communis SĂĄnchez-GarcĂ­a & Engel, 2016) purportedly representing a swarming episode on the forest floor. We demonstrate that the mating behavioral repertoire in P. stoechus, which is associated with considerable morphological adaptations, likely implied elaborate courtship and maneuvering for guarantee sperm transfer in an epineustic species. These discoveries reveal significant behaviors consistent with modern counterparts and a generalized stasis for some ancient hexapod ethologies associated with complex mating and courtship and social or pre-social aggregations, so critical to specific constancy and dispersal

    Collembola In Amber From The Dominican Republic

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    Volume: 85Start Page: 575End Page: 58

    A New Tribe For Corynothrix Borealis Tullberg 1876 And Complements To Its Description (Collembola: Entomobryidae: Orchesellinae)

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    Volume: 82Start Page: 675End Page: 68

    New records of springtails in New Zealand pasture: how well are our pastoral invertebrates known?

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    Twenty-four collembolan species are recorded from improved pastures and clovers in New Zealand, of which 17 can be named to species or probable species, the others only to genus. Of the 17 named species, nine have been recorded before from New Zealand but the other eight are new records for the country. All named species are considered as introduced to New Zealand, probably originally from Europe and are unlikely to colonise native habitats. As all named species reported as new records can be abundant at times, this indicates poor knowledge of a major part of New Zealand's agricultural fauna. Collembola are a group of important microarthropod detritivores that make a significant contribution to ecosystem services. The absence so far of quantification of the contribution this and other soil groups make to ecological resilience and function is a serious problem