112 research outputs found

    Optical and Magnetooptical Spectroscopy of the Nanostructural Multilayered Films: Possible Applications

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    The aim of the paper is to show the potential of the spectroscopic ellipsometry and magnetooptical (MO) spectroscopy for probing of the multilayered films (MLF) with sublayer thickness of about a few nanometres. The main approach applied by us is based on the comparison of the experimental optical and MO properties with the simulated ones based on various models of the MLF. Specifically, as shown, such an approach can be useful for studying the nature of unusual MO properties and the interfaces in MLF comprising the noble and 3d-transition metals (3d-TM). The high sensitivity of the applied spectroscopic methods for the monitoring of the solid-state reactions in the 3d-TM/Si MLF induced by ion-beam treatment or by thermal annealing is also demonstrated. The optical properties of various silicides formed spontaneously or induced by various treatments at interfaces are evaluated experimentally and compared with the results of first-principle calculations.В данной работе показаны возможности спектральной эллипсометрии и магнитооптической (МО) спектроскопии для изучения структуры и особенностей физических свойств многослойных металлических пленок (МСП) с толщинами составляющих слоев порядка единиц нанометров. Основной подход исследования базируется на сравнении экспериментально измеренных оптических и МО свойств МСП с модельными, полученными для различных моделей структуры МСП. Было показано, что данный подход позволяет выяснить природу необычных МО свойств, а также структуру интерфейсной области в МСП, состоящих из слоев благородных и 3d-переходных металлов (ПМ). Также в работе продемонстрирована высокая чувствительность спектральной эллипсометрии для изучения твердотельных реакций в МСП 3d-ПМ/Si, вызванных ионной бомбардировкой или термическим отжигом. Оптические свойства различных силицидов 3d-ПМ, сформированных спонтанно либо в результате различных воздействий на МСП, были изучены экспериментально и сравнены с результатами теоретических первопринципных расчетов.В даній роботі показані можливості спектральної еліпсометрії та магнітооптичної (МО) спектроскопії для вивчення структури та особливостей фізичних властивостей багатошарових металевих плівок (БШП) з товщинами складаючих їх шарів порядку одиниць нанометрів. Основний підхід дослідження базується на порівнянні експериментально одержаних оптичних та МО властивостей БШП з модельними, що були одержані для різних моделей структури БШП. Було показано, що даний підхід дозволяє визначити природу незвичайних МО властивостей, а також природу інтерфейсної області БШП, що складаються з шарів благородних та 3d-перехідних металів (ПМ). В роботі також паказана висока чутливість спектральної еліпсометрії для вивчення твердотільних реакцій в БШП 3d-ПМ/Si, зумовлених іонним бомбардуванням або термічним відпалом. Оптичні властивості різних силіцидів 3d-ПМ, що було зформовані спонтанно або завдяки зовнішньому впливу, були вивчені експериментально та порівняні з результатами теоретичних першопринципних розрахунків

    Trends analysis of specialized palliative care services in 51 countries of the WHO European region in the last 14 years

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    Background: Service provision is a key domain to assess national-level palliative care development. Three editions of the European Association for Palliative Care (EAPC) Atlas of Palliative Care monitored the changes in service provision across Europe since 2005. Aim: To study European trends of specialized service provision at home care teams, hospital support teams, and inpatient palliative care services between 2005 and 2019. Design: Secondary analysis was conducted drawing from databases on the number of specialized services in 2005, 2012, and 2019. Ratios of services per 100,000 inhabitants and increase rates on number of services for three periods were calculated. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) analyses were conducted to determine significant changes and chi-square to identify countries accounting for the variance. Income-level and sub-regional ANOVA analysis were undertaken. Setting: 51 countries. Results: Forty-two countries (82%) increased the number of specialized services between 2005 and 2019 with changes for home care teams (104% increase-rate), inpatient services (82%), and hospital support teams (48%). High-income countries showed significant increase in all types of services (p < 0.001), while low-to-middle-income countries showed significant increase only for inpatient services. Central–Eastern European countries showed significant improvement in home care teams and inpatient services, while Western countries showed significant improvement in hospital support and home care teams. Home care was the most prominent service in Western Europe. Conclusion: Specialized service provision increased throughout Europe, yet ratios per 100,000 inhabitants fell below the EAPC recommendations. Western Europe ratios’ achieved half of the suggested services, while Central–Eastern countries achieved only a fourth. High-income countries and Western European countries account for the major increase. Central–Eastern Europe and low-to-middle-income countries reported little increase on specialized service provision

    Mapping pediatric palliative care development in the WHO-European Region: children living in low-middle income countries are less likely to access it

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    Context: Approximately 170,000 children in need of palliative care die every year in Europe without access to it. This field remains an evolving specialty with unexplored development. Objectives: To conduct the first regional assessment of pediatric palliative care (PPC) development and provision using data from the European Association for Palliative Care atlas of palliative care 2019. Methods: Two surveys were conducted. The first one included a single question regarding PPC service provision and was addressed by European Association for Palliative Care atlas informants. The second one included 10 specific indicators derived from an open-ended interview and rating process; a specific network of informants was enabled and used as respondents. Data were analyzed and presented in the map of the figure. Results: Data on PPC service provision were gathered from 51 of 54 (94%) European countries. Additional data were collected in 34 of 54 (62%) countries. A total of 680 PPC services were identified including 133 hospices, 385 home care services, and 162 hospital services. Nineteen countries had specific standards and norms for the provision of PPC. Twenty-two countries had a national association, and 14 countries offered education for either pediatric doctors or nurses. In seven countries, specific neonatal palliative care referral services were identified. Conclusion: PPC provision is flourishing across the region; however, development is less accentuated in low-to-middle-income countries. Efforts need to be devoted to the conceptualization and definition of the models of care used to respond to the unmet need of PPC in Europe. The question whether specialized services are required or not should be further explored. Strategies to regulate and cover patients in need should be adapted to each national health system

    Magnetic Phase Diagram of GdNi2B2C: Two-ion Magnetoelasticity and Anisotropic Exchange Couplings

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    Extensive magnetization and magnetostriction measurements were carried out on a single crystal of GdNi2B2C along the main tetragonal axes. Within the paramagnetic phase, the magnetic and strain susceptibilities revealed a weak anisotropy in the exchange couplings and two-ion tetragonal-preserving alpha-strain modes. Within the ordered phase, magnetization and magnetostriction revealed a relatively strong orthorhombic distortion mode and rich field-temperature phase diagrams. For H//(100) phase diagram, three field-induced transformations were observed, namely, at: Hd(T), related to the domain alignment; Hr(T), associated with reorientation of the moment towards the c-axis; and Hs(T), defining the saturation process wherein the exchange field is completely counterbalanced. On the other hand, For H//(001) phase diagram, only two field-induced transformations were observed, namely at: Hr(T) and Hs(T). For both phase diagrams, Hs(T) follows the relation Hs[1-(T/Tn)^2]^(1/2)kOe with Hs(T-->0)=128.5(5) kOe and Tn(H=0)=19.5 K. In contrast, the thermal evolution of Hr(T) along the c-axis (much simpler than along the a-axis) follows the relation Hr[1-T/Tr]^(1/3) kOe where Hr(T-->0)=33.5(5) kOe and Tr(H=0)=13.5 K. It is emphasized that the magnetoelastic interaction and the anisotropic exchange coupling are important perturbations and therefore should be explicitly considered if a complete analysis of the magnetic properties of the borocarbides is desired

    Phonon-mediated anisotropic superconductivity in the Y and Lu nickel borocarbides

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    We present scanning tunneling spectroscopy and microscopy measurements at low temperatures in the borocarbide materials RNi2B2C (R=Y, Lu). The characteristic strong coupling structure due to the pairing interaction is unambiguously resolved in the superconducting density of states. It is located at the superconducting gap plus the energy corresponding to a phonon mode identified in previous neutron scattering experiments. These measurements also show that this mode is coupled to the electrons through a highly anisotropic electron-phonon interaction originated by a nesting feature of the Fermi surface. Our experiments, from which we can extract a large electron-phonon coupling parameter lambda (between 0.5 and 0.8), demonstrate that this anisotropic electron-phonon coupling has an essential contribution to the pairing interaction. The tunneling spectra show an anisotropic s-wave superconducting gap function.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Additional indicators to assess palliative care development

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    This is a short compilation of Health Indicators Assessing the Level of Palliative Care Development at the International Level. These are additional indicators to another published book: Brief Manual on Health Indicators Monitoring Global Palliative Care Development (http://hdl.handle.net/10171/56523)

    Atlas of Palliative Care in the Eastern Mediterranean Region

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    BACKGROUND Information on the state of palliative care development in Eastern Mediterranean countries is scant. This study is the first of its kind in conducting a systematic descriptive analysis of palliative care development in the region. AIMS To describe the current status of palliative care in the Eastern Mediterranean Region according to the World Health Organization (WHO) public health strategy for integrating palliative care: policies, opioid accessibility, services availability, and educational programs plus palliative care professional activity. METHODS Surveys were sent by email to two leaders of palliative care in each country. A follow-up telephone interview was conducted with one leader from each available country. A scoping review of the state of palliative care in Eastern Mediterranean countries using the WHO palliative care public health strategy was conducted using PubMed, CINAHL, Embase, and Google Scholar. RESULTS Sixty eight percent (15/22) of countries in the EMRO region responded to the survey. Of the fifteen participating countries, Saudi Arabia had the highest number of total palliative care programs across the Eastern Mediterranean region, followed by Egypt and Jordan, while Iraq and the Occupied Palestinian Territories reported no palliative care programs. Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Lebanon have official licensing programs in palliative care for physicians, and a further four countries (Egypt, Jordan, Oman, and Qatar) have developed other advanced training programs (such as Masters or Diploma). In terms of education, Jordan, Oman, and Lebanon report having at least one medical school teaching palliative care as an independent subject, though four additional countries (Egypt, Kuwait, Pakistan, and Tunisia) report teaching palliative care integrated into other subjects. There are no nursing schools in the region that teach palliative care as an independent course. In terms of policies, only Tunisia has a stand-alone national palliative care plan. However, 73% (11/15) of participating countries reported having a section for palliative care within their national cancer plan/strategy. In terms of medicine availability, Saudi Arabia reported the highest opioid consumption in morphine equivalence, excluding methadone, at 33.55 mg/capita/year in 2015, with the next highest being Kuwait at 5.59 mg/capita/year. Finally, in terms of professional activity, Morocco, Tunisia, Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Iran reported having national palliative care associations, though not all are currently active. CONCLUSION Palliative care remains underdeveloped in most countries. Efforts and resources should be mobilized to address the gaps identified to ensure that palliative care becomes accessible across the region.The Atlas of Palliative Care in the Eastern Mediterranean Region is a joint project between the Lebanese Center for Palliative Care – Balsam and the ATLANTES Research Program at the Institute for Culture and Society, University of Navarra, Spain. The World Health Organization (WHO EMRO) contributed to the project offering financial support for the printed version of this Atlas. The International Association for Hospice and Palliative Care (IAHPC) provided funding for design and printing

    An analysis of palliative care development in Africa: a ranking based on region-specific macro-indicators

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    CONTEXT: To date, there is no study comparing palliative care (PC) development among African countries. OBJECTIVE: To analyze comparatively PC development in African countries based on region-specific indicators. METHODS: Data were obtained from the APCA Atlas of PC in Africa and a comparative analysis conducted. Nineteen indicators were developed and defined through qualitative interviews with African PC experts and a two-round modified Delphi consensus process with international experts on global PC indicators. Indicators were grouped by the WHO public health strategy for PC dimensions. These indicators were then sent as a survey to key informants in 52/54 African countries. Through an expert weighting process and ratings from the modified Delphi, weights were assigned to each indicator. RESULTS: Surveys were received from 89% (48/54) of African countries. The top three countries in overall PC development were, in order, Uganda, South Africa, and Kenya. Variability existed by dimension. The top three countries in specialized services were Uganda, South Africa, and Nigeria; in policies, it was Botswana followed by parity among Ethiopia, Rwanda, and Swaziland; in medicines, it was Swaziland, South Africa, then Malawi; in education, it was equivalent between Uganda and Kenya, then Ghana and Zambia. CONCLUSION: Uganda, South Africa, and Kenya are the highest performing countries and were the only ones with composite scores greater than 0.5 (50%). However, not one country universally supersedes all others across all four PC dimensions. The breakdown of rankings by dimension highlights where even high-performing African countries can focus their efforts to further PC development

    APCA Atlas of Palliative Care in Africa

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    BACKGROUND Since Wright & Clark’s book on palliative care in Africa in 2006, there has not been a comprehensive overview describing the state of palliative care development in African countries. AIMS To describe the current state of palliative care (PC) development in Africa according to the WHO’s Public Health Strategy for integrating PC: policies, availability and access to medicines, education, and service provision. METHODS Qualitative interviews were conducted with 16 Country Experts (March-August 2016). From those interviews, 367 indicators were derived, 130 after exclusion criteria and content analysis were performed. The Country Experts rated the indicators for validity & feasibility, a 14-member international committee of experts participated in a two-round modified UCLA-RAND Delphi consensus, and the co-authors (November-December 2016) ranked the indicators. The final 19 indicators were further defined and sent to 66 Key Country Informants from 51 African countries (January-March 2017). RESULTS Surveys were received from 89% (48/54) of African countries. Uganda, South Africa, and Kenya have the highest number of specialised hospice and PC services (71% of identified PC services); 19% (9/48) have no identified hospice and PC services. 22% (12/48) indicated having stand-alone PC policies, and 42% (20/48) reported having a dedicated person for PC in the Ministry. Zambia, Uganda, South Africa, Kenya, Ghana, and Egypt reported some official form of physician accreditation. Opioid consumption per capita was low (75% countries had <1 mg consumption/capita/year) compared to the global average (43mg/capita/year), with highest consumption in Mauritius, South Africa, Namibia, and Morocco. 54% (26/48) reported having a national PC association. CONCLUSIONS This study shows that there is limited PC development in Africa, but there is also a significant improvement in the number of countries with hospice and PC services, compared to previous reports. Improvements in advocacy were identified, with more than half of countries reporting a national PC association. Governments need to take the steps to improve education, increase the number of services, and ensure safe access to opioids