478 research outputs found

    A need for dynamic hematology and serum biochemistry reference tools: Novel use of sine wave functions to produce seasonally varying reference curves in platypuses (Ornithorhynchus anatinus)

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    Seasonal changes in hematology and serum biochemistry results, described by separate reference intervals for different seasons, have been reported in many animals. We developed a novel method to investigate seasonal variation in values and a reference tool (the reference curve) based on sine wave functions that, for suitable variables, represents data more appropriately than a fixed reference interval. We applied these techniques to values observed in blood samples from 126 adult wild platypuses (Ornithorhynchus anatinus; 58 females and 68 males). Samples were collected under isoflurane anesthesia from animals captured in the Inglis Catchment in northwest Tasmania. In general, packed cell volume (PCV), red cell count (RCC), and hemoglobin (Hb) values appeared to be lower than those in two studies that previously reported platypus hematology reference intervals. This likely resulted from reduced stress-related splenic contraction or isoflurane-associated splenic sequestration of red blood cells in our study. Reference curves were described for five variables (PCV, RCC, Hb, albumin, and magnesium). We found evidence that this seasonal variation may result from metabolic changes associated with seasonal variations in environmental temperature. These observations suggest that it is important for researchers reporting platypus hematology and serum biochemistry to look for seasonal changes in their data to ensure it is appropriately interpreted

    Investigation into the characteristics, triggers and mechanism of apnoea and bradycardia in the anaesthetized platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus)

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    Health and conservation research on platypuses (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) may require anaesthesia to reduce stress and the risk of injury to both the animal and the researcher, as well as to facilitate examination and sample collection. Platypus anaesthesia can be difficult to manage, with reports of periods of apnoea and bradycardia described. This study investigated the conditions around sudden-onset apnoea and bradycardia in 163 field-anaesthetized platypuses as part of a health study. Anaesthesia was induced and maintained using isoflurane delivered in oxygen by face mask. Sudden-onset apnoea and bradycardia was observed in 19% of platypuses, occurring either at induction of anaesthesia, during recovery, or both. At induction, occurrence was more often recorded for adults (P = 0.19) and was correlated with low body temperature (P < 0.001), season (P = 0.06; greater incidence in summer) and longer pre-anaesthetic holding time (P = 0.16). At recovery, sudden-onset apnoea and bradycardia occurred only in platypuses that had been placed in dorsal recumbency as part of their examination, and correlated with poor body condition (P = 0.002), time in dorsal recumbency (P = 0.005), adults (P = 0.06), number of fieldworkers (P = 0.06) and females (P = 0.11). The sudden-onset apnoea and bradycardia we observed is likely to result from the irritant nature of isoflurane (stimulating the trigeminal nerve via nasal chemoreceptors). We propose that this mechanism is analogous to that of submersion of the face/nasal cavity in cold water during a natural dive response, but that the term ‘nasopharyngeal response’ would more appropriately describe the changes observed under isoflurane anaesthesia. Although we did not record any long-term adverse effects on platypuses that had undergone this response, the nasopharyngeal response could complicate the diagnosis of anaesthetic dose-dependent apnoea and bradycardia. Therefore, we suggest that these responses during anaesthesia of platypuses might be avoided by minimizing the stress around capture and handling, as well as reducing the time in dorsal recumbency

    Novel use of in-stream microchip readers to monitor wild platypuses

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    A variety of techniques have been used to monitor platypus populations to assess the impacts of the threats they face, but each technique has limitations. In this study we investigated the novel use of in-stream microchip readers, to remotely monitor the movements of microchipped wild platypuses. Over 13 months, we recorded movements of 18 microchipped individuals past nine fixed locations in the Inglis Catchment in northwest Tasmania, using three units of which all were capable of detecting Trovan® unique microchips and two were additionally capable of detecting ISO microchips. Each site was monitored one or two times, for durations of 8–39 days. We undertook direction of movement investigations during two monitoring periods, by placing the antennas from two systems in the same creek within 3 m of each other. In a total of 264 days of monitoring, 528 platypus observations were made from 18 individual platypuses, consisting of 13 of 18 (72%) platypuses captured at the monitoring sites within 16 months prior to monitoring, two platypuses captured at other sites in the same time period, and three of seven (43%) individuals microchipped 3–5 years previously. This number of platypus observations, in combination with the stable number of platypuses observed per day, the range of movement behaviours recorded and the results of the direction of movement investigations, indicates that at appropriate sites, in-stream microchip readers are an effective method of monitoring the movements and survivorship of microchipped wild platypuses

    Investigation into individual health and exposure to infectious agents of platypuses (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) in two river catchments in northwest Tasmania

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    Changes in the health of individuals within wildlife populations can be a cause or effect of population declines in wildlife species. Aspects of individual platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) health have been reported. However, holistic studies investigating potential synergistic effects of both pathogens and environmental factors are needed to expand understanding of platypus individual health. We collected baseline data on the health of platypuses in two Tasmanian river catchments (including evidence of the potentially fatal fungal disease mucormycosis) and on individual, demographic, and geographic patterns associated with health data results. We examined 130 wild platypuses from the Inglis River Catchment and 24 platypuses from the Seabrook Creek Catchment in northwest Tasmania between 29 August 2011 and 31 August 2013. More than 90% of captured platypuses were infected with ticks, Theileria spp., and trypanosomes. Evidence of exposure to other infections, including Salmonella spp., Leptospira spp., and intestinal parasites, was low (<10%). Three platypuses had single fungal granulomas in the webbing of a forefoot, but no evidence of mucormycosis was found in any of the study animals. Possible subclinical hepatopathies or cholangiohepatopathies were found in six platypuses. Exposure to infectious agents did not cluster geographically, demographically, or in individuals, and there was minimal evidence of morbidity resulting from infection. This study has provided important baseline data for monitoring the effects of threatening processes, including mucormycosis, on the health of infected populations

    Neutrino-Deuteron Scattering in Effective Field Theory at Next-to-Next-to Leading Order

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    We study the four channels associated with neutrino-deuteron breakup reactions at next-to-next to leading order in effective field theory. We find that the total cross-section is indeed converging for neutrino energies up to 20 MeV, and thus our calculations can provide constraints on theoretical uncertainties for the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory. We stress the importance of a direct experimental measurement to high precision in at least one channel, in order to fix an axial two-body counterterm.Comment: 32 pages, 14 figures (eps

    Insight into nucleon structure from generalized parton distributions

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    The lowest three moments of generalized parton distributions are calculated in full QCD and provide new insight into the behavior of nucleon electromagnetic form factors, the origin of the nucleon spin, and the transverse structure of the nucleon.Comment: 3 pages, Lattice2003(Theoretical developments

    Moments of nucleon spin-dependent generalized parton distributions

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    We present a lattice measurement of the first two moments of the spin-dependent GPD H-tilde(x,xi,t). From these we obtain the axial coupling constant and the second moment of the spin-dependent forward parton distribution. The measurements are done in full QCD using Wilson fermions. In addition, we also present results from a first exploratory study of full QCD using Asqtad sea and domain-wall valence fermions.Comment: Lattice2003(Theory), 3 pages, 3 figures, to appear in the Proceedings of Lattice 200

    Hadronic physics with domain-wall valence and improved staggered sea quarks

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    With the advent of chiral fermion formulations, the simulation of light valence quarks has finally become realistic for numerical simulations of lattice QCD. The simulation of light dynamical quarks, however, remains one of the major challenges and is still an obstacle to realistic simulations. We attempt to meet this challenge using a hybrid combination of Asqtad sea quarks and domain-wall valence quarks. Initial results for the proton form factor and the nucleon axial coupling are presented.Comment: Two Talks presented at Lattice2004(spectrum), LaTex, 6 pages, 6 eps figure
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