24 research outputs found

    The electromagnetic counterpart of the binary neutron star merger LIGO/Virgo GW170817. I. Discovery of the optical counterpart using the Dark Energy Camera

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    We present the Dark Energy Camera (DECam) discovery of the optical counterpart of the first binary neutron star merger detected through gravitational wave emission, GW170817. Our observations commenced 10.5 hours post-merger, as soon as the localization region became accessible from Chile. We imaged 70 deg2 in the i and z bands, covering 93% of the initial integrated localization probability, to a depth necessary to identify likely optical counterparts (e.g., a kilonova). At 11.4 hours post-merger we detected a bright optical transient located 10:600 from the nucleus of NGC4993 at redshift z = 0:0098, consistent (for H0 = 70 km s-1 Mpc-1) with the distance of 40±8 Mpc reported by the LIGO Scientific Collaboration and the Virgo Collaboration (LVC). At detection the transient had magnitudes i=17.3 and z=17.4, and thus an absolute magnitude of Mi = -15.7, in the luminosity range expected for a kilonova. We identified 1,500 potential transient candidates. Applying simple selection criteria aimed at rejecting background events such as supernovae, we find the transient associated with NGC4993 as the only remaining plausible counterpart, and reject chance coincidence at the 99.5% confidence level. We therefore conclude that the optical counterpart we have identified near NGC4993 is associated with GW170817. This discovery ushers in the era of multi-messenger astronomy with gravitational waves, and demonstrates the power of DECam to identify the optical counterparts of gravitational-wave sources

    First Sagittarius A* Event Horizon Telescope results. I. The shadow of the supermassive black hole in the center of the Milky Way

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    First Sagittarius A* event horizon telescope results. II. EHT and multiwavelength observations, data processing, and calibration

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    A Fuzzy System for Fetal Heart Rate Assessment

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    Abstract. The clinical interpretation of fetal heart rate traces is a difficult task that has led to the development computerised assessment systems. These systems are limited by their inability to represent uncertainty. This paper describes the first stage in the development of a fu2zy expert system for fetal heart rate assessment. A preliminary evaluation study comparing the initial fuzzy system with three clinicians and an existing crisp expert system is presented. The fuzzy system improved on the crisp system and achieved the highest overall performance. The use of fuzzy systems for analysis of fetal heart rate traces and similar time varying signals is shown to have potential benefit.