9 research outputs found

    Assessment of Perceived Corrupt Practices in Marketing of Agricultural Produce Among Women Marketers in Ogbomoso Agricultural of Oyo State, Nigeria

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    This study assessed the corrupt practices in marketing of agricultural produce among women marketers in Ogbomoso Agricultural Zone of Oyo State, Nigeria. Multistage sampling technique was adopted in the selection of respondents for the study; while structured interview schedule was employed to obtain data from fifty (50) women marketers from five selected markets in each LGA of the zone. Data collected were analyzed with both descriptive and inferential statistical tools. The study revealed that (40.0%) of the sampled women were above 50 years of age; and most (70.0%) the women sampled were married and literate with different educational backgrounds and years of marketing experience. The Sampled women engaged in marketing of tomato/pepper (32.0%); rice/bean (32.0%); maize (26.0%); yam/cassava (38.0%); orange/pineapple (8.0%). The study identified different corrupt practices associated with marketing of agricultural produce in which adulteration of processed agricultural products ranked first with WMS of 2.36; while sales of poor quality produce ranked least with WMS of 0.20. There is significant relationship between selected socio-economic characteristics of women marketers and their perceived level of severity of identified corrupt practices associated with marketing of agricultural produce. The study therefore recommended that government should improve on her effort in standardizing the measurement unit and enforce its usage through the regulatory bodies set up for this task

    Contribution of Non-Timber Forest Products to Household Food Security among Rural Women in Iseyin Local Government Area of Oyo State, Nigeria

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    The study examined the contribution of non-timber forest products gathering on household food security among rural women in Iseyin Local Government Area of Oyo State, Nigeria.  Simple random sampling technique was adopted in the selection of respondents for the study, while structured interview schedule was used to obtained relevant information from the sample of one hundred and thirty (130) rural women in the area. Data collected were analyzed with appropriate statistical tools. The respondents sampled are aware of availability of different NTFPs in the study area and they are involved in NTFPs gathering at different levels. The NTFPs gathered by rural women include: vegetables, mango fruit/orange fruits, firewood and herbs.Result further revealed that the rural women derived a variety of benefits from gathering of NTFPs and it has helped to improve their household food security level of the respondents in the study area. Majority (76.1%) of the respondents were food secure. The study found significant relationship between some selected socio-economic characteristic variables such as education (X2 = 6.240, p< 0.05), household size (X2 = 10.296, p<0.05), Marital status (X2= 5.126, p< 0.05), income (X2= 7.088, p< 0.05) and level of involvement of respondents in gathering of NTFPs. Also positive and significant relationship exists between level of household food security of the respondents and their level of involvement in gathering of NTFPs. The study therefore recommended that, there is need to encourage rural women in the gathering of NTFPs as part of the means of livelihood in the rural area of Nigeria due to varieties of benefits attached to it, which could assist to curb the menace of food insecurity in the Nigeria. Keywords: Contribution, Non-Timber, Rural , Women, Forest, Food Security, Nigeri


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    The study was carried out to identify and describe extension agents’ knowledge levels of food security in order to ascertain their education and training needs within the extension system. Simple random sampling technique was adopted in selecting 50% of all the extension agents across the four agricultural zones in the state. A total of 85 extension agents were proposed for the study but 82 extension agent were eventually considered due to number questionnaires retrieved from them. Majority (63.4%) of extension agents sampled were in the active age of 31 – 40 years with a mean age of 43 years. About 84.% of the extension agents were males and 85.4% were married. Majority of extension agents had higher educational qualifications. Some of the respondents participated in different food security related programmes which include National Food Programme on Food Security (NPFS) (32.9%), Root an Tuber Expansion Programme (RTEP) (17.0%) and 18.3% participated in Agro processing Marketing Expansion Group (AMEG). The means years of working experience in food security related programmes was 5 years The constraints militating against the implementation and attainment of food security related programmes as identified by the agents include inadequate/insufficient funds passive participation of farmers and financial indiscipline among the farmers. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) shows no significant difference between the extension agents’ educational background and their knowledge of food security programmes. The study concluded that knowledge levels of extension agents in food security were probably due to their exposure and participation in food security programmes and not educational background. Therefore agents need to be trained and encouraged to participate in food security programmes in to address the needs of their clienteles

    Awareness of Selected Information and Communication Technologies for Extension Training on Improved Agricultural Practices Among Extension Agents of Ogun and Oyo States, Nigeria

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    Over several decades agricultural production in Nigeria has improved through the extension services, coupled with the invention of ICTs in recent time. The application of any ICT gadget would be determined by its awareness and its appropriateness for the intended purpose desired to serve by the user. This study, therefore, assesses awareness of selected ICTs for disseminating agricultural information to farmers by the Extension Agents (EAs) of Ogun and Oyo States, Nigeria. Multistage sampling method was employed to obtain data from 287 EAs with interview schedule and Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Using both descriptive and inferential statistical tools, the paper analyses personal characteristics of the EAs in both States; agricultural crop information disseminated through the selected ICTs and level of awareness of the selected ICTs among the EAs. It was deduced in the study that the EAs and extension agency used different ICTs in disseminating agricultural information to farmers in the areas, though the EAs have different level of awareness on the usage of selected ICTs for such purpose, with GSM-phones ranked 1st (wms=4.76), radio (wms=4.63=2nd), extension bulletins/posters/newsmagazine ranked 3rd (wms=3.74) respectively. The PPMC analysis revealed that age (0.117*), educational level (0.145*) and years of working experience (0.176**) of EAs recorded a significant relationship with awareness level of selected ICTs at both 1% and 5%. The T-test analysis further revealed that a significant difference existed in the awareness level of the selected ICTs among the EAs of Ogun and Oyo States. The study, therefore, recommends the need to encourage the use of other ICT gadgets apart from GSM-phonesthrough adequate awareness on the use and appropriateness of ICTs for disseminating agricultural information to users and also socioeconomic characteristics of the applicants for extension service should be given consideration during recruitment exercise. Keywords: Awareness, ICT, Agriculture, Extension Agent DOI: 10.7176/RHSS/11-10-02 Publication date:May 31st 202


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    The study was carried out to examine the effect of training and visit system on professionalization of extension agents in Osun State Agricultural Development Programme of Nigeria. Seventy-five data were collected by intervieweing extension agents constituted the sample size and were interviewed through the aid of using a well-structured questionnaire and information obtained were analyzed using frequency counts, percentages and person correlation coefficient was used for testing the research hypothesis. The findings revealed that 80% of the respondents were between the age group of 30 -50 years, spent between 10 – 30 years in service (84%) and are married (98.7%). A large proportion (56%) of the respondents holds higher national diploma in general agriculture, exhibited favorable attitude towards the farmers (93.3%), specials in general agriculture (34.7%) and required training in one or more areas of agriculture (69.3%). Analysis performed shows that all the characteristics had positive relationship with effect of training and visit on professionalization of extension agents except years of service, which had a negative relationship though all characters were statistically insignificant. Hence, the more the numbers of years spent on the job the more experience you would be. Which indicated that personal characteristics of the respondent influenced the professionalization of the extension agents through training and visit system

    Assessment of Preference of Information and Communication Technologies in Training and Communicating Crop Farmers by Village Extension Agents of Ogun and Oyo States, Nigeria

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    The use of ICTs among the agricultural stakeholders is a prevalent phenomenon across the globe, which has significantly encouraged the information sharing on improved agricultural production. ICTs bridges the communication gap between the rural farmers and VEAs at least cost and lesser time. The study therefore assessed the ICTs preference in training and communicating crop farmers by VEAs. The study described the socio-economic characteristics of the VEAs in both States; identified and determined the frequency of use of the ICTs in training and communicating to farmers by the VEAs; and level of preference of ICTs for training and communicating farmers by the VEAs. The study revealed that more than half (57.5%) of the EAs in the selected States were between age of 31-40years and majority (90.6%) were males and literate with different educational qualifications and years of working experience in extension service. The study further revealed GSM-phone (=2.78 -1st), CD/DVD player (=2.35 – 2nd) and CD-ROM (=2.33 – 3rd) as ICTs that had highest mean values on basis of frequency of use; GSM-phone (=1.98 – 1st) and radio (=1.68 – 2nd) were also ranked first and second on the basis of most preferred ICTs in training and communicating farmers; age (0.514**), sex (0.432**), educational qualification (0.403**) and years of working experience (0.426**) of the EAs exhibited a significant relationship with their preference for ICTs in training and communicating farmers. The study therefore recommends the need to encourage the utilization of different ICTs that are considered to be appropriate for extension training and communication among the VEAs and the need for logistic support in form of acquisition of these ICT tools and provision of training on the application of different ICTs for extension services among the VEAs of the selected States

    Perceived Roles of Selected Information and Communication Technologies in Agricultural Extension/Farmers Training in Oyo and Ekiti Southwestern States of Nigeria

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    Perception plays a serious role in individual’s disposition and making rightful judgement of any event. Farmers’ interest, knowledge and experience over time in crop production may influence their attitude and participation in extension training activities. This study therefore determined perceived role of ICTs in agricultural extension/farmers training in Oyo and Ekiti States of Southwester Nigeria. Multistage sampling technique was used to select Two-Hundred and Thirty-Five (235) crop farmers. Data for the study was collected through structured interview schedule and analyzed with frequency counts, percentage, mean and ranking as main descriptive statistical tools, while Ordered probit inferential tool was employed to make inference between the variables. The mean age of the crop farmers was 49years, both male (61.3%) and female (38.7%) constituted the sampled population, majority (82.5%) of the crop farmers are literate with different educational background with 26years of farming experience. GSM-Phone (100.0%), Digital Camera/Video (100.0%each), Posters and Extension Bulletins (100.0%) are part of ICTs that are available and used for agricultural extension/farmers training. The crop farmers had different perception towards agricultural extension/farmers training. Some of the selected socio-economic variables (age- 3.41***, p sex- 1.72*, pmarital status- 5.17***, p; years spent in school- 1.77*, p and years of farming experience- 2.12, p exhited significant relationship with farmers perception on roles of ICTs in agricultural extension/farmers training

    Assessment Of Health Hazards Incurable From Charcoal Production And Its Usage In Ogbomoso Zone Of Oyo State

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    Charcoal has been a blessing to the rural populace who are either producers or users. It contribution to the society is evident and this has encouraged people to engage in the charcoal production and usage but nevertheless, it is associated with its own risk to both producers and users. This study therefore identified the health hazards and methods used to control health hazards incurable from the production and usage of charcoal in Ogbomoso zone of Oyo state. Data for this study were elicited through the use of a well-structured interview schedule and were analyzed with frequency counts, percentages, mean and Chi-square. The mean age of the respondents was 33.8 years, both male (68.9%) and female (31.1%) constituted the sampled population, almost all the respondents were literate with varied level of educational status with a mean of 6.7 years of experience in production and usage of charcoal. All (100%) the respondents indicated back pain and injuries while majority indicated headache as health hazard incurable. Bathing immediately after production and use of charcoal and use of nose pad when producing and utilizing charcoal produced. Chi-square revealed that selected socio-economic variables (sex- x2=76.364, p<0.01; primary occupation- 248.750, p<0.01; secondary- 157.648, p<0.01; membership to association -77.175**, p<0.01) exhibited significant association with health hazards incurable from charcoal production and usage. Subject matter specialist should make provision for availability of safety materials and seminars to curtail the side-effects of charcoal producers and users in the study area

    Perceived Effects Of Charcoal Production And Usage On Human Health In Ogbomoso Zone Of Oyo State

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    The production and usage of charcoal by rural dwellers as source of energy has contributed significantly to the development of the rural people but nevertheless, it has come with a huge price on the health status of individuals involved in its production and usage. This study therefore determined the perceived effects of charcoal production and usage on the health status of the rural dwellers in Oyo State. Multistage sampling technique was used to select Ninety (90) respondents (both producers and users). Data for this study was collected through structured interview schedule and analyzed with frequency counts, percentage, mean and ranking as main descriptive statistical tools while Pearson product moment correlation (PPMC) was employed to make inference between the variables. The mean age of the respondents was 33.8 years, both male (68.9%) and female (31.1%) constituted the sampled population, almost all the respondents were literate with varied level of educational status with a mean of 6.7 years of experience in production and usage of charcoal as a source of energy. All (100%) the respondents used earth mound method for charcoal production while none of the respondents indicated metal kiln as a method used for charcoal production. Body pains, injuries and wounds to charcoal producers and rural dwellers, laceration of hands due to production and body odour to users and charcoal producers were the major effects on health status of the respondents. Selected socio-economic variables (age- -0.285**, p<0.01; household size- 0.314**, p<0.01; years of experience- -0.375**, p<0.01; income- -0.413**, p<0.01; quantity of charcoal produced- -0.450**, p<0.01) exhibited significant relationship with respondents perception on effects of charcoal production and usage on health of rural dwellers. Subject matter specialist should enlighten rural dwellers and charcoal producers association on ways to curtail health hazard incurable from charcoal production and usage