19 research outputs found

    Biodiversity: SDGs and Aichi Targets

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    The Aichi biodiversity targets were established by the UN convention of biological Diversity and consist of 20 specific targets to address and mitigate biodiversity loss across the globe. We determine how well OECD countries are achieving the Aichi targets. We use the Sustainable Development Goals to make the determination. The Biodiversity and Habitat issue category assesses countries’ actions toward retaining natural ecosystems and protecting the full range of biodiversity within their borders. It consists of seven indicators: terrestorial biome protection (weighted for national and global rarity of biomes), marine protected areas, Protected Areas Representativeness Index, Species Habitat Index, Species Protection Index, and Biodiversiy Index, [4]. We determine the similarity between the rankings determined by the weighted average values and the Environmental Performance Index (EPI) scores

    Zadeh’s influence on mathematics

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    AbstractThe purpose of this paper is to present Lotfi Zadeh’s influence on mathematics. Mathematics rests on the foundation of logic and set theory. L.A. Zadeh’s seminal paper on fuzzy sets laid the groundwork for fuzzy logic and thus the foundation of fuzzy mathematics

    Fuzzy Mealy machines

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