679 research outputs found

    Heterogeneous Timed Machines

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    International audienceWe present an algebra of discrete timed input/output au- tomata that execute in the context of different clock granularities -- timed machines -- as models of systems that can be dynamically inter- connected at run time in a heterogeneous context. We show how timed machines can be refined to a lower granularity of time and how timed machines with different clock granularities can be composed. We propose techniques for checking whether timed machines are consistent or feasi- ble. Finally, we investigate how consistency and feasibility of composition can be proved at run-time without computing products of automata

    Inhibition of death receptor signals by cellular FLIP.

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    The widely expressed protein Fas is a member of the tumour necrosis factor receptor family which can trigger apoptosis. However, Fas surface expression does not necessarily render cells susceptible to Fas ligand-induced death signals, indicating that inhibitors of the apoptosis-signalling pathway must exist. Here we report the characterization of an inhibitor of apoptosis, designated FLIP (for FLICE-inhibitory protein), which is predominantly expressed in muscle and lymphoid tissues. The short form, FLIPs, contains two death effector domains and is structurally related to the viral FLIP inhibitors of apoptosis, whereas the long form, FLIP(L), contains in addition a caspase-like domain in which the active-centre cysteine residue is substituted by a tyrosine residue. FLIPs and FLIP(L) interact with the adaptor protein FADD and the protease FLICE, and potently inhibit apoptosis induced by all known human death receptors. FLIP(L) is expressed during the early stage of T-cell activation, but disappears when T cells become susceptible to Fas ligand-mediated apoptosis. High levels of FLIP(L) protein are also detectable in melanoma cell lines and malignant melanoma tumours. Thus FLIP may be implicated in tissue homeostasis as an important regulator of apoptosis

    The Footprint of F-theory at the LHC

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    Recent work has shown that compactifications of F-theory provide a potentially attractive phenomenological scenario. The low energy characteristics of F-theory GUTs consist of a deformation away from a minimal gauge mediation scenario with a high messenger scale. The soft scalar masses of the theory are all shifted by a stringy effect which survives to low energies. This effect can range from 0 GeV up to ~ 500 GeV. In this paper we study potential collider signatures of F-theory GUTs, focussing in particular on ways to distinguish this class of models from other theories with an MSSM spectrum. To accomplish this, we have adapted the general footprint method developed recently for distinguishing broad classes of string vacua to the specific case of F-theory GUTs. We show that with only 5 fb^(-1) of simulated LHC data, it is possible to distinguish many mSUGRA models and low messenger scale gauge mediation models from F-theory GUTs. Moreover, we find that at 5 fb^(-1), the stringy deformation away from minimal gauge mediation produces observable consequences which can also be detected to a level of order ~ +/- 80 GeV. In this way, it is possible to distinguish between models with a large and small stringy deformation. At 50 fb^(-1), this improves to ~ +/- 10 GeV.Comment: 85 pages, 37 figure

    Women are more likely than men to blame structural factors for women's political under-representation: evidence from 27 countries

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    Over time, gender and politics research has made progress in identifying those factors that result in low numbers of women in political institutions and in making evidence-informed suggestions about how to ameliorate them. These factors include discrimination in party recruitment processes, male-dominated political culture and broader gender inequalities in society. In contrast, little is known about public opinion regarding these drivers of women's political under-representation, especially whether to who or what women assign blame for the under-representation of women in politics differs from men. This article provides the first discussion and analysis of blame assignment for women's numeric under-representation in politics. In doing so, it outlines and operationalises a framework that distinguishes between meritocratic explanations of women's under-representation, whereby the blame for women not holding political office in greater numbers is assigned to women themselves, and structural explanations, whereby social forces external to women are seen to result in their numeric under-representation. Cross-national data from 27 European countries is used to show that women are significantly more likely than men to assign blame for women's numeric under-representation to structural factors. The hierarchical nature of the dataset is exploited using multilevel models and significant differences in levels of structural blame assignment between countries is found as well as between-country variation in the probability of women assigning blame to structural explanations for women's under-representation. Finally, the category of structural explanations is disaggregated in order to assess their relative prominence and to provide strong corroborative evidence that women predominantly assign blame for women's under-representation to political culture over other structural blame factors. The article concludes with a discussion of the implications of the study's findings for policy makers contemplating the pursuit of gender equality policies aimed at increasing women's political representation and makes suggestions for the direction of future research in this area.</p

    Sparticle masses in deflected mirage mediation

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    We discuss the sparticle mass patterns that can be realized in deflected mirage mediation scenario of supersymmetry breaking, in which the moduli, anomaly, and gauge mediations all contribute to the MSSM soft parameters. Analytic expression of low energy soft parameters and also the sfermion mass sum rules are derived, which can be used to interpret the experimentally measured sparticle masses within the framework of the most general mixed moduli-gauge-anomaly mediation. Phenomenological aspects of some specific examples are also discussed.Comment: 43 pages, 17 figures, references adde

    Intracellular trafficking and replication of Burkholderia cenocepacia in human cystic fibrosis airway epithelial cells

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    We investigated the trafficking of Burkholderia cenocepacia , an opportunistic respiratory pathogen of persons with cystic fibrosis (CF), in immortalized CF airway epithelial cells in vitro . Our results indicate that bacteria enter cells in a process involving actin rearrangement. Whereas both live and heat-killed bacteria reside transiently in early endosomes, only live bacteria escape from late endosomes to colocalize in vesicles positive for lysosomal membrane marker LAMP1, endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane marker calnexin, and autophagosome marker monodansylcadavarine (MDC). Twenty-four hours after infection, microcolonies of live bacteria were observed in the perinuclear area colocalizing with calnexin. In contrast, after ingestion, dead bacteria colocalized with late endosome marker Rab7, and lysosome markers LAMP1 and cathepsin D, but not with calnexin or MDC. Six to eight hours after ingestion of dead bacteria, degraded bacterial particles were observed in the cytoplasm and in vesicles positive for cathepsin D. These results indicate that live B. cenocepacia gain entry into human CF airway cells by endocytosis, escape from late endosomes to enter autophagosomes that fail to fuse with mature lysosomes, and undergo replication in the ER. This survival and replication strategy may contribute to the capacity of B. cenocepacia to persist in the lungs of infected CF patients.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/75744/1/j.1462-5822.2006.00724.x.pd

    Chemostratigraphy of Neoproterozoic carbonates: implications for 'blind dating'

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    The delta C-13(carb) and Sr-87/Sr-86 secular variations in Neoproteozoic seawater have been used for the purpose of 'isotope stratigraphy' but there are a number of problems that can preclude its routine use. In particular, it cannot be used with confidence for 'blind dating'. The compilation of isotopic data on carbonate rocks reveals a high level of inconsistency between various carbon isotope age curves constructed for Neoproteozoic seawater, caused by a relatively high frequency of both global and local delta C-13(carb) fluctuations combined with few reliable age determinations. Further complication is caused by the unresolved problem as to whether two or four glaciations, and associated negative delta C-13(carb) excursions, can be reliably documented. Carbon isotope stratigraphy cannot be used alone for geological correlation and 'blind dating'. Strontium isotope stratigraphy is a more reliable and precise tool for stratigraphic correlations and indirect age determinations. Combining strontium and carbon isotope stratigraphy, several discrete ages within the 590-544 Myr interval, and two age-groups at 660-610 and 740-690 Myr can be resolved

    <i>ATP5PO </i>levels regulate enteric nervous system development in zebrafish, linking Hirschsprung disease to Down Syndrome

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    Hirschsprung disease (HSCR) is a complex genetic disorder characterized by the absence of enteric nervous system (ENS) in the distal region of the intestine. Down Syndrome (DS) patients have a &gt;50-fold higher risk of developing HSCR than the general population, suggesting that overexpression of human chromosome 21 (Hsa21) genes contribute to HSCR etiology. However, identification of responsible genes remains challenging. Here, we describe a genetic screening of potential candidate genes located on Hsa21, using the zebrafish. Candidate genes were located in the DS-HSCR susceptibility region, expressed in the human intestine, were known potential biomarkers for DS prenatal diagnosis, and were present in the zebrafish genome. With this approach, four genes were selected: RCAN1, ITSN1, ATP5PO and SUMO3. However, only overexpression of ATP5PO, coding for a component of the mitochondrial ATPase, led to significant reduction of ENS cells. Paradoxically, in vitro studies showed that overexpression of ATP5PO led to a reduction of ATP5PO protein levels. Impaired neuronal differentiation and reduced mitochondrial ATP production, were also detected in vitro, after overexpression of ATP5PO in a neuroblastoma cell line. Finally, epistasis was observed between ATP5PO and ret, the most important HSCR gene. Taken together, our results identify ATP5PO as the gene responsible for the increased risk of HSCR in DS patients in particular if RET variants are also present, and show that a balanced expression of ATP5PO is required for normal ENS development.</p

    Wireless transmission of biosignals for hyperbaric chamber applications

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    [EN] This paper presents a wireless system to send biosignals outside a hyperbaric chamber avoiding wires going through the chamber walls. Hyperbaric chambers are becoming more and more common due to new indications of hyperbaric oxygen treatments. Metallic walls physically isolate patients inside the chamber, where getting a patient's vital signs turns into a painstaking task. The paper proposes using a ZigBee-based network to wirelessly transmit the patient's biosignals to the outside of the chamber. In particular, a wearable battery supported device has been designed, implemented and tested. Although the implementation has been conducted to transmit the electrocardiography signal, the device can be easily adapted to consider other biosignals.The authors would like to thanks the University of Balearic Islands (UIB), the Miguel Hernandez University (UMH), MEDIBAROX unit of the Perpetuo Socorro Hospital and the "Catedra de Medicina Hiperbarica" (UMH) for their support allowing the use of its facilities for this work. The authors would also like to thank Borja Mas Boned for his help designing the LabVIEW application. This research has been carried out with funding and promotion of "Catedra de Medicina Hiperbarica" of the Miguel Hernandez University. http://nbio.umh.es/es/2010/12/01/catedra-de-medicina-hiperbarica-medibarox/.Perez-Vidal, C.; Gracia Calandin, LI.; Carmona, C.; Alorda, B.; Salinas, A. (2017). Wireless transmission of biosignals for hyperbaric chamber applications. PLoS ONE. 12(3):1-19. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0172768S119123Sureda, A., Batle, J. M., Martorell, M., Capó, X., Tejada, S., Tur, J. A., & Pons, A. (2016). Antioxidant Response of Chronic Wounds to Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy. PLOS ONE, 11(9), e0163371. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0163371Branco, B. H. M., Fukuda, D. H., Andreato, L. V., Santos, J. F. da S., Esteves, J. V. D. C., & Franchini, E. (2016). The Effects of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy on Post-Training Recovery in Jiu-Jitsu Athletes. PLOS ONE, 11(3), e0150517. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0150517Xu, Y., Ji, R., Wei, R., Yin, B., He, F., & Luo, B. (2016). The Efficacy of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy on Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion in Animal Studies: A Meta-Analysis. PLOS ONE, 11(2), e0148324. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0148324Lin, B.-S., Lin, B.-S., Chou, N.-K., Chong, F.-C., & Chen, S.-J. (2006). RTWPMS: A Real-Time Wireless Physiological Monitoring System. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, 10(4), 647-656. doi:10.1109/titb.2006.874194Hu, S., Wei, H., Chen, Y., & Tan, J. (2012). A Real-Time Cardiac Arrhythmia Classification System with Wearable Sensor Networks. Sensors, 12(9), 12844-12869. doi:10.3390/s120912844Burns, A., Greene, B. R., McGrath, M. J., O’Shea, T. J., Kuris, B., Ayer, S. M., … Cionca, V. (2010). SHIMMER™ – A Wireless Sensor Platform for Noninvasive Biomedical Research. IEEE Sensors Journal, 10(9), 1527-1534. doi:10.1109/jsen.2010.2045498Gil, Y., Wu, W., & Lee, J. (2012). A Synchronous Multi-Body Sensor Platform in a Wireless Body Sensor Network: Design and Implementation. Sensors, 12(8), 10381-10394. doi:10.3390/s120810381Chin-Teng Lin, Kuan-Cheng Chang, Chun-Ling Lin, Chia-Cheng Chiang, Shao-Wei Lu, Shih-Sheng Chang, … Li-Wei Ko. (2010). An Intelligent Telecardiology System Using a Wearable and Wireless ECG to Detect Atrial Fibrillation. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, 14(3), 726-733. doi:10.1109/titb.2010.2047401W. Y. Chung, Y. D. Lee, and S. J. Jung, &apos;A Wireless Sensor Network Compatible Wearable U-Healthcare Monitoring System Using Integrated Ecg, Accelerometer and Spo2&apos;, Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, 2008 (2008), 1529–32.ZigBee Alliance; http://www.zigbee.org/Mahmood, A., Javaid, N., & Razzaq, S. (2015). A review of wireless communications for smart grid. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 41, 248-260. doi:10.1016/j.rser.2014.08.036J.S. Lee, Y.W. Su, and C.C. Shen, &quot;A comparative study of wireless protocols: Bluetooth, UWB, ZigBee, and Wi-Fi, 33rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON), 2007, pp. 46–51.P.P. Parikh, M.G. Kanabar, and T.S. Sidhu, &quot;Opportunities and challenges of wireless communication technologies for smart grid applications, IEEE PES General Meeting, 2010, pp. 1–7.Fadlullah, Z. M., Fouda, M. M., Kato, N., Takeuchi, A., Iwasaki, N., & Nozaki, Y. (2011). Toward intelligent machine-to-machine communications in smart grid. IEEE Communications Magazine, 49(4), 60-65. doi:10.1109/mcom.2011.5741147A.C. Olteanu, G.D. Oprina, N. Tapus, and S. Zeisberg, &quot;Enabling mobile devices for home automation using ZigBee, 19th IEEE International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science, 2013, pp. 189–195.Shang, Y. (2014). Vulnerability of networks: Fractional percolation on random graphs. Physical Review E, 89(1). doi:10.1103/physreve.89.012813R. Barea-Navarro. Biomedical Instrumentation. Chapter 3. University of Alcala

    The Kuiper Belt and Other Debris Disks

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    We discuss the current knowledge of the Solar system, focusing on bodies in the outer regions, on the information they provide concerning Solar system formation, and on the possible relationships that may exist between our system and the debris disks of other stars. Beyond the domains of the Terrestrial and giant planets, the comets in the Kuiper belt and the Oort cloud preserve some of our most pristine materials. The Kuiper belt, in particular, is a collisional dust source and a scientific bridge to the dusty "debris disks" observed around many nearby main-sequence stars. Study of the Solar system provides a level of detail that we cannot discern in the distant disks while observations of the disks may help to set the Solar system in proper context.Comment: 50 pages, 25 Figures. To appear in conference proceedings book "Astrophysics in the Next Decade