9 research outputs found

    PADC nuclear track detector for ion spectroscopy in laser-plasma acceleration

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    [EN] The transparent polymer polyallyl-diglycol-carbonate (PADC), also known as CR-39, is widely used as detector for heavy charged particles at low fluence. It allows for detection of single protons and ions via formation of microscopic tracks after etching in NaOH or KOH solutions. PADC combines a high sensitivity and high specificity with inertness towards electromagnetic noise. Present fields of application include laser-ion acceleration, inertial confinement fusion, radiobiological studies with cell cultures, and dosimetry of nuclear fragments in particle therapy. These require precise knowledge of the energy-dependent response of PADC to different ion species. We present calibration data for a new type of detector material, Radosys RS39, to protons (0.2-3 MeV) and carbon ions (0.6-12 MeV). RS39 is less sensitive to protons than other types of PADC. Its response to carbon ions, however, is similar to other materials. Our data indicate that RS39 allows for measuring carbon ion energies up to 10 MeV only from the track diameters. In addition, it can be used for discrimination between protons and carbon ions in a single etching process.Project funded by CSIC, Grant No. 2018501082, and by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades, project MdM-2016-0692-17-2 via a predoctoral grant of type Maria de Maeztu FPI. Nuclear track detector material and readout equipment have been provided by Radosys Ldt. (Budapest). The authors acknowledge the contributions and commitment of the CNA accelerator operators. MS would like to thank L. Ballesteros and J. Ortiz for their support with precision equipment.Seimetz, M.; Peñas, J.; Llerena, JJ.; Benlliure, J.; García López, J.; Millán-Callado, MA.; Benlloch Baviera, JM. (2020). PADC nuclear track detector for ion spectroscopy in laser-plasma acceleration. Physica Medica. 76:72-76. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejmp.2020.06.005S727676Kodaira, S., Kitamura, H., Kurano, M., Kawashima, H., & Benton, E. R. (2019). Contribution to dose in healthy tissue from secondary target fragments in therapeutic proton, He and C beams measured with CR-39 plastic nuclear track detectors. Scientific Reports, 9(1). doi:10.1038/s41598-019-39598-0Scampoli, P., Casale, M., Durante, M., Grossi, G., Pugliese, M., & Gialanella, G. (2001). Low-energy light ion irradiation beam-line for radiobiological studies. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 174(3), 337-343. doi:10.1016/s0168-583x(00)00622-4WADA, S., KOBAYASHI, Y., FUNAYAMA, T., NATSUHORI, M., ITO, N., & YAMAMOTO, K. (2002). Detection of DNA Damage in Individual Cells Induced by Heavy-ion Irradiation with an Non-denaturing Comet Assay. 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