10 research outputs found

    Densidad mineral ósea y su asociación con la composición corporal y biomarcadores metabólicos del eje insulino-glucosa, hueso y tejido adiposo en mujeres

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    Existen pocas investigaciones que integren las causas comunes de la osteoporosis y la obesidad (desórdenes de la composición corporal). Un primer paso es investigar correlaciones entre sus fenotipos biológicos para determinar su fisiología común integrativa.Objetivo: Correlacionar la variabilidad normal de la densidad mineral ósea (DMO) con fenotipos de composición corporal y biomarcadores metabólicos de fisiología ósea, eje insulino-glucosa y tejido adiposo. Metodología: Estudio transversal. n = 75 mujeres (18-45 años). Mediciones: índice de masa corporal (IMC), cintura, masa grasa, masa magra por absorciometría dual de rayos X (DXA) , glucosa, insulina, osteocalcina, leptina, TNF-α. Análisis estadísticos: modelo lineal general multivariado (MLGM), SPSS V.22, p < 0.05. Resultados: Edad: 32.08 ± 7.33. MLGM1 de contenido mineral óseo (CMO) con 2 fenotipos excluidos (glucosa, insulina) coeficiente de β estandarizada: osteocalcina (β = -.228, p = .011), leptina (β = -.238, p = .023), masa magra (β = .606, p = .001) y masa grasa (β = 1.237, p = .001) en 62.0%. El MLGM2 DMO total con 3 fenotipos excluidos (IMC, glucosa, TNF-α): insulina (β = .250, p = .024), osteocalcina (β = -.362, p = .001), leptina (β = -.313, p = .025), masa magra (β = .512, p = .001) y masa grasa (β = .701, p = .001) en 46.3%. Conclusiones: Los resultados muestran que una composición corporal con una mayor cantidad masa magra es benéfica para el hueso. Este estudio reafirma la importancia de la recomendación de efectuar ejercicio físico regular, para prevenir la pérdida de masa muscular

    Facilitating Reuse in Multi-goal Test-Suite Generation for Software Product Lines

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    Abstract. Software testing is still the most established and scalable quality-assurance technique in practice. However, generating effective test suites remains computationally expensive, consisting of repetitive reachability analyses for multiple test goals according to a coverage cri-terion. This situation is even worse when testing entire software prod-uct lines, i.e., families of similar program variants, requiring a sufficient coverage of all derivable program variants. Instead of considering ev-ery product variant one-by-one, family-based approaches are variability-aware analysis techniques in that they systematically explore similarities among the different variants. Based on this principle, we present a novel approach for automated product-line test-suite generation incorporating extensive reuse of reachability information among test cases derived for different test goals and/or program variants. We present a tool imple-mentation on top of CPA/tiger which is based on CPAchecker, and provide evaluation results obtained from various experiments, revealing a considerable increase in efficiency compared to existing techniques

    Six-minute stepper test: a valid clinical exercise tolerance test for COPD patients

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    JM Grosbois,1,2 C Riquier,3 B Chehere,4 J Coquart,5 H B&eacute;hal,6 F Bart,2 B Wallaert,2,3 C Chenivesse3 1FormAction Sant&eacute;, P&eacute;renchies, France; 2Department of Respiratory Medicine, Centre Hospitalier Germon et Gauthier, B&eacute;thune, France; 3Department of Respiratory Medicine Immunology and Allergy, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Lille, Competence Center for rare lung diseases, University Lille&nbsp;2, Lille, France; 4EA 7369, URePSSS, Multidisciplinary Research Unit in Sport Health Society, University Lille 2, Lille, France; 5Faculty of Sport Sciences, Sports and Physical Activity, Center for Ecology and Transformation, University of Rouen, Mont Saint Aignan, France; 6Department of Statistical Methods and Biostatistics, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Lille, University of Lille Nord, Lille, France Introduction: Exercise tolerance testing is an integral part of the pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) management of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The 6-minute stepper test (6MST) is a new, well-tolerated, reproducible exercise test, which can be performed without any spatial constraints.Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the results of the 6MST to those obtained during a 6-minute walk test (6MWT) and cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) in a cohort of COPD patients.Methods: Ninety-one COPD patients managed by outpatient PR and assessed by 6MST, 6MWT, and CPET were retrospectively included in this study. Correlations between the number of steps on the 6MST, the distance covered on the 6MWT, oxygen consumption, and power at the ventilatory threshold and at maximum effort during CPET were analyzed before starting PR, and the improvement on the 6MST and 6MWT was compared after PR.Results: The number of steps on the 6MST was significantly correlated with the distance covered on the 6MWT (r=0.56; P&lt;0.0001), the power at maximum effort (r=0.46; P&lt;0.0001), and oxygen consumption at maximum effort (r=0.39; P&lt;0.005). Performances on the 6MST and 6MWT were significantly improved after PR (570 vs 488 steps, P=0.001 and 448 vs 406 m, respectively; P&lt;0.0001). Improvements of the 6MST and 6MWT after PR were significantly correlated (r=0.34; P=0.03).Conclusion: The results of this study show that the 6MST is a valid test to evaluate exercise tolerance in COPD patients. The use of this test in clinical practice appears to be particularly relevant for the assessment of patients managed by home PR. Keywords: 6-minute stepper test, 6-minute walk test, exercise tolerance, pulmonary rehabilitation, cardiopulmonary exercise testing, validit

    Towards a Framework for Constraint-Based Test Case Generation

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    In this paper, we propose an approach for automated test case generation based on techniques from constraint programming (CP). We advocate the use of standard CP search strategies in order to express preferences on the generated test cases and to obtain the desired degree of coverage. We develop our framework in the concrete context of an imperative language and show that the technique is sufficiently powerful to deal with arbitrary pointer-based data-structures allocated on the heap.status: publishe