946 research outputs found

    A Lower Bound for the Spectral Radius of Graphs with Fixed Diameter

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    AMS classifications: 05C50, 05E99;graphs;spectral radius;diameter;bound;degree/diameter

    Rectocele repair in women with obstructed defecation

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    Constipation is a symptom of many diseases of mixed origins and mechanisms. Although endocrine, metabolic, pharmacological, psychogenic and organic abnormalities may playa role in the pathogenesis of constipation, it is widely accepted that the main causes of constipation are a low fiber intake and sedentary work. Size of stool and stool consistency, decreased defecation frequency and obstructed defecation have been used to defllle constipation. However, size and consistency of stool are impractical to quantifY, and although obstructed defecation has been dermed as straining during attempted defecation in more than 25 percent of the time, this definition is limited by its subjectivityl", Defecation frequency is the most easy parameter to evaluate and it is generally accepted that in western cotUltries a 'nonnal! defecation frequency is three or more times per week, If the criterion of defecation frequency is applied, the estimated prevalence of constipation in the United States is two percent3 , Besides differences in prevalence of constipation in different age groups and different cultures, gender plays an important role, Studies of patients with severe constipation show that women comprise the overwhelming majority of patients, in aging people, women being three times more affected than men3 - S • Many subjects with constipation can be managed by simple measurements such as dietary changes, increased fluid intake, addition of bulk, regular physical exercise and use of laxatives and stool softeners. When these measurements are not successful and no causative abnormalities can be detected by conventional investigative procedures, further evaluation is necessary, as surgical treatment might be a therapeutic option

    Asymptotic Results on the Spectral Radius and the Diameter of Graphs

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    2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 05C50, 05E99;graphs;spectral radius;diameter;limit points;quipus

    Spectral Characterization of the Hamming Graphs

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    We show that the Hamming graph H(3; q) with diameter three is uniquely determined by its spectrum for q ¸ 36. Moreover, we show that for given integer D ¸ 2, any graph cospectral with the Hamming graph H(D; q) is locally the disjoint union of D copies of the complete graph of size q ¡ 1, for q large enough.Hamming graphs;distance-regular graphs;eigenvalues of graphs

    Cospectral Graphs and the Generalized Adjacency Matrix

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    AMS classifications: 05C50; 05E99;cospectral graphs;generalized spectrum;generalized adjacency matrix

    Verslag van de vergadering van de Nederlandse vereniging voor Procesrecht (NVvP) op 21 november 2008 te Amsterdam

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    Mr. J.H. van Dam-Lely doet verslag van de najaarsvergadering van de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Procesrecht van 21 november 2008 over de recente ontwikkelingen in het tuchtrecht. De inleidingen van prof. mr. F.A.W. Bannier, mr. H.F.M. Hofhuis en prof. mr. A.T. Ottow worden beknopt samengevat; van de discussie wordt uitgebreid verslag gedaan. Aan de orde komen ondermeer de aan de tuchtrechtrechtspraak te stellen eisen, nut en noodzaak van de harmonisering van het tuchtrecht, de catalogus van tuchtmaatregelen, de samenstelling van de tuchtcolleges, de verhouding tussen toezicht en tuchtrecht
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