349 research outputs found

    Case Study: Potential Trademark Infringements

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    This is a case study of trademark infringement disputes.  One of the authors (Cosgrove) incorporated The Econoclast, Inc. that owns a registered trademark (Econoclast®) that has provided capital market publications to financial and nonfinancial institutions since 1979.  Over the years, others have used the same name for similar services.  The case study explains the basics of trademark law and the meaning of trademark infringement.  The authors describe the practical steps Cosgrove undertook to prevent infringement of his trademark in three different situations. There remains an on-going dispute involving possible international infringement in one of the illustrations

    Characterisation of two alcohol acyltransferases from kiwifruit (Actinidia spp.) reveals distinct substrate preferences.

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    Volatile esters are key compounds of kiwifruit flavour and are formed by alcohol acyltransferases that belong to the BAHD acyltransferase superfamily. Quantitative RT-PCR was used to screen kiwifruitderived expressed sequence tags with proposed acyltransferase function in order to select ripeningspecific sequences and test their involvement in alcohol acylation. The screening criterion was for at least 10-fold increased transcript accumulation in ripe compared with unripe kiwifruit and in response to ethylene. Recombinant expression in yeast revealed alcohol acyltransferase activity for Actinidia-derived AT1, AT16 and the phylogenetically distinct AT9, using various alcohol and acyl-CoA substrates. Functional characterisation of AT16 and AT9 demonstrated striking differences in their substrate preferences and apparent catalytic efficiencies ðV0 max K�1 m Þ. Thus revealing benzoyl-CoA:alcohol O-acyltransferase activity for AT16 and acetyl-CoA:alcohol O-acyltransferase activity for AT9. Both kiwifruit-derived enzymes displayed higher reaction rates with butanol compared with ethanol, even though ethanol is the main alcohol in ripe fruit. Since ethyl acetate and ethyl benzoate are major esters in ripe kiwifruit, we suggest that fruit characteristic volatile profiles result from a combination of substrate availability and specificity of individual alcohol acyltransferases

    Case Study: Trademark Infringement Issues

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    This is a case study of trademark infringement disputes.  One of the authors (M. Cosgrove) incorporated The Econoclast, Inc. in 1979. The company provides capital market publications to financial and nonfinancial institutions, and owns the trademark Econoclast®. Over the years, others have attempted to use the same name for similar services. This case study presents the practical steps that Cosgrove undertook to prevent infringement of his trademark in various cases that occurred since our prior paper was published in 2005 (Cosgrove, Marsh and Chester.) The paper also explains the basics of trademark law, the meaning of trademark infringement, and obligations of the trademark owner.

    Measurement of wakefields in a 17 GHz photonic bandgap accelerator structure

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    Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome after Solid Organ Transplantation

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    Pinning of a solid--liquid--vapour interface by stripes of obstacles

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    We use a macroscopic Hamiltonian approach to study the pinning of a solid--liquid--vapour contact line on an array of equidistant stripes of obstacles perpendicular to the liquid. We propose an estimate of the density of pinning stripes for which collective pinning of the contact line happens. This estimate is shown to be in good agreement with Langevin equation simulation of the macroscopic Hamiltonian. Finally we introduce a 2--dimensional mean field theory which for small strength of the pinning stripes and for small capillary length gives an excellent description of the averaged height of the contact line.Comment: Plain tex, 12 pages, 3 figures available upon reques

    Representation of the Community Earth System Model (CESM1) CAM4-chem within the Chemistry-Climate Model Initiative (CCMI)

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    The Community Earth System Model (CESM1) CAM4-chem has been used to perform the Chemistry Climate Model Initiative (CCMI) reference and sensitivity simulations. In this model, the Community Atmospheric Model version 4 (CAM4) is fully coupled to tropospheric and stratospheric chemistry. Details and specifics of each configuration, including new developments and improvements are described. CESM1 CAM4-chem is a low-top model that reaches up to approximately 40km and uses a horizontal resolution of 1.9° latitude and 2.5° longitude. For the specified dynamics experiments, the model is nudged to Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications (MERRA) reanalysis. We summarize the performance of the three reference simulations suggested by CCMI, with a focus on the last 15 years of the simulation when most observations are available. Comparisons with selected data sets are employed to demonstrate the general performance of the model. We highlight new data sets that are suited for multi-model evaluation studies. Most important improvements of the model are the treatment of stratospheric aerosols and the corresponding adjustments for radiation and optics, the updated chemistry scheme including improved polar chemistry and stratospheric dynamics and improved dry deposition rates. These updates lead to a very good representation of tropospheric ozone within 20% of values from available observations for most regions. In particular, the trend and magnitude of surface ozone is much improved compared to earlier versions of the model. Furthermore, stratospheric column ozone of the Southern Hemisphere in winter and spring is reasonably well represented. All experiments still underestimate CO most significantly in Northern Hemisphere spring and show a significant underestimation of hydrocarbons based on surface observations

    Structural properties of Pb3Mn7O15 determined from high-resolution synchrotron powder diffraction

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    We report on the crystallographic structure of the layered compound Pb3Mn7O15. Previous analysis based on laboratory X-ray data at room temperature gave contradictory results in terms of the description of the unit cell. Motivated by recent magnetic bulk measurements of this system, we re-investigated the chemical structure with high-resolution synchrotron powder diffraction at temperatures between 15 K and 295 K. Our results show that the crystal structure of stoichiometric Pb3Mn7O15 has a pronounced 2-dimensional character and can be described in the orthorhombic space group Pnma.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, 2 table

    A reassessment of Kelmayisaurus petrolicus, a large theropod dinosaur from the Early Cretaceous of China

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    The Early Cretaceous fossil record of large−bodied theropods from Asia is poor, hindering comparison of Asian predatory dinosaur faunas with those from other continents. One of the few large Asian theropod specimens from this interval is a partial skull (maxilla and dentary) from the Lianmugin Formation (?Valanginian–Albian), the holotype of Kelmayisaurus petrolicus. Most authors have either considered this specimen as an indeterminate basal tetanuran or a nomen dubium. Weredescribe K. petrolicus and note that it possesses a single autapomorphy (a deep accessory groove on the lateral surface of the anterior dentary), as well as a unique combination of characters that differentiates it from other theropods, affirming its validity. A phylogenetic analysis recovers K. petrolicus as a basal carcharodontosaurid, which is supported by various features: very deep interdental plates (a carcharodontosaurid synapomorphy), fused interdental plates (present in carchardontosaurids and a limited number of other theropods), and the absence of diagnostic features of other clades of large−bodied theropods such as abelisaurids, megalosauroids, and coelurosaurs. As such, Kelmayisaurus is the second known carcharodontosaurid from Asia, and further evidence that this clade represented a global radiation of large−bodied predators during the Early–mid Cretaceous

    System parameters of three short-period cataclysmic variable stars

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    Using photometric ULTRACAM observations of three new short period cataclysmic variables, we model the primary eclipse lightcurves to extract the orbital separation, masses, and radii of their component stars. We find donor masses of 0.060 +/- 0.008 solar masses, 0.042 +/- 0.001 solar masses, and 0.042 +/- 0.004 solar masses, two being very low-mass sub-stellar donors, and one within 2 sigma of the hydrogen burning limit. All three of the new systems lie close to the modified, "optimal" model evolutionary sequence of Knigge et al. (2011). We briefly re-evaluate the long-standing discrepancy between observed donor mass and radius data, and theoretical CV evolutionary tracks. By looking at the difference in the observed period at each mass and the period predicted by the Knigge et al. (2011) evolutionary sequence, we qualitatively examine the form of excess angular momentum loss that is missing from the models below the period gap. We show indications that the excess angular momentum loss missing from CV models grows in importance relative to gravitational losses as the period decreases. Detailed CV evolutionary models are necessary to draw more quantitative conclusions in the future