48 research outputs found
Stochastic emergence of inflaton fluctuations in a SdS primordial universe with large-scale repulsive gravity from a 5D vacuum
We develop a stochastic approach to study scalar field fluctuations of the
inflaton field in an early inflationary universe with a black-hole (BH), which
is described by an effective 4D SdS metric. Considering a 5D Ricci-flat SdS
static metric, we implement a planar coordinate transformation, in order to
obtain a 5D cosmological metric, from which the effective 4D SdS metric can be
induced on a 4D hypersurface. We found that at the end of inflation, the
squared fluctuations of the inflaton field are not exactly scale independent
and becomes sensitive with the mass of the BH.Comment: version accepted in European Physical Journal Plu
The bang of a white hole in the early universe from a 6D vacuum state: Origin of astrophysical spectrum
Using a previously introduced model in which the expansion of the universe is
driven by a single scalar field subject to gravitational attraction induced by
a white hole during the expansion (from a 6D vacuum state), we study the origin
of squared inflaton fluctuations spectrum on astrophysical scales.Comment: Final version to be published in Eur. Phys. J.
A 5D non compact and non Ricci flat Kaluza-Klein Cosmology
A model universe is proposed in the framework of 5-dimensional noncompact
Kaluza-Klein cosmology which is not Ricci flat. The 4D part as the
Robertson-Walker metric is coupled to conventional perfect fluid, and its
extra-dimensional part is coupled to a dark pressure through a scalar field. It
is shown that neither early inflation nor current acceleration of the 4D
universe would happen if the non-vacuum states of the scalar field would
contribute to 4D cosmology.Comment: 13 pages, major revision, published online in GR
A confirmation of agreement of different approaches for scalar gauge-invariant metric perturbations during inflation
We revisit an extension of the well-known formalism for gauge-invariant
scalar metric fluctuations, to study the spectrums for both, the inflaton and
gauge invariant (scalar) metric fluctuations in the framework of a single field
inflationary model where the quasi-exponential expansion is driven by an
inflation which is minimally coupled to gravity. The proposal here examined is
valid also for fluctuations with large amplitude, but for cosmological scales,
where vector and tensor perturbations can be neglected and the fluid is
irrotacional.Comment: Version accepted in EPJC with new title. 11 pages, no figure
Scalar cosmological perturbations from inflationary black holes
We study the correction to the scale invariant power spectrum of a scalar
field on de Sitter space from small black holes that formed during a
pre-inflationary matter dominated era. The formation probability of such black
holes is estimated from primordial Gaussian density fluctuations. We determine
the correction to the spectrum by first deriving the Keldysh propagator for a
massless scalar field on Schwarzschild-de Sitter space. Our results suggest
that the effect is strong enough to be tested -- and possibly even ruled out --
by observations.Comment: 41 pages, 11 figures, published versio
Induced inflation from a 5D purely kinetic scalar field formalism on warped product spaces
Considering a separable and purely kinetic 5D scalar field on a warped
product metric background we propose a new and more general approach for
inducing 4D scalar potentials on a 4D constant foliation of the 5D space-time.
We obtain an induced potential for a true 4D scalar field instead of a
potential for an effective 4D scalar field. In this formalism we can recover
the usual 4D inflationary formalism with a geometrically induced inflationary
potential. In addition the quantum confinement of the inflaton modes is
obtained naturally from the model for at least a class of warping factors.
Besides the 4D inflationary physics that results of this formalism is
independent of the 4D-hypersurface chosen.Comment: 8 pages Accepted for publication in European Physical Journal
Scale invariant scalar metric fluctuations during inflation: non-perturbative formalism from a 5D vacuum
We extend to 5D an approach of a 4D non-perturbative formalism to study
scalar metric fluctuations of a 5D Riemann-flat de Sitter background metric. In
contrast with the results obtained in 4D, the spectrum of cosmological scalar
metric fluctuations during inflation can be scale invariant and the background
inflaton field can take sub-Planckian values.Comment: final version to be published in Eur. Phys. J.
Conformally flat spacetimes and Weyl frames
We discuss the concepts of Weyl and Riemann frames in the context of metric
theories of gravity and state the fact that they are completely equivalent as
far as geodesic motion is concerned. We apply this result to conformally flat
spacetimes and show that a new picture arises when a Riemannian spacetime is
taken by means of geometrical gauge transformations into a Minkowskian flat
spacetime. We find out that in the Weyl frame gravity is described by a scalar
field. We give some examples of how conformally flat spacetime configurations
look when viewed from the standpoint of a Weyl frame. We show that in the
non-relativistic and weak field regime the Weyl scalar field may be identified
with the Newtonian gravitational potential. We suggest an equation for the
scalar field by varying the Einstein-Hilbert action restricted to the class of
conformally-flat spacetimes. We revisit Einstein and Fokker's interpretation of
Nordstr\"om scalar gravity theory and draw an analogy between this approach and
the Weyl gauge formalism. We briefly take a look at two-dimensional gravity as
viewed in the Weyl frame and address the question of quantizing a conformally
flat spacetime by going to the Weyl frame.Comment: LATEX - 18 page
Inducing the cosmological constant from five-dimensional Weyl space
We investigate the possibility of inducing the cosmological constant from
extra dimensions by embedding our four-dimensional Riemannian space-time into a
five-dimensional Weyl integrable space. Following approach of the induced
matter theory we show that when we go down from five to four dimensions, the
Weyl field may contribute both to the induced energy-tensor as well as to the
cosmological constant, or more generally, it may generate a time-dependent
cosmological parameter. As an application, we construct a simple cosmological
model which has some interesting properties.Comment: 7 page
Inflaton fluctuations in the presence of cosmological defects
[[abstract]]We study quantum fluctuations of a free massless scalar field during inflation in the presence of a point, line, or plane defect such as a black hole, cosmic string, or domain wall, using a perturbative expansion in powers of small defect parameters. We provide results for the scalar two-point correlation functions that show explicitly a small violation of translational invariance during inflation.[[notice]]補æ£å®Œ