487 research outputs found

    Relative contribution of abundant and rare species to species–energy relationships

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    A major goal of ecology is to understand spatial variation in species richness. The latter is markedly influenced by energy availability and appears to be influenced more by common species than rare ones; species–energy relationships should thus be stronger for common species. Species–energy relationships may arise because high-energy areas support more individuals, and these larger populations may buffer species from extinction. As extinction risk is a negative decelerating function of population size, this more-individuals hypothesis (MIH) predicts that rare species should respond more strongly to energy. We investigate these opposing predictions using British breeding bird data and find that, contrary to the MIH, common species contribute more to species–energy relationships than rare ones

    Dilaton black holes in grand canonical ensemble near the extreme state

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    Dilaton black holes with a pure electric charge are considered in a framework of a grand canonical ensemble near the extreme state. It is shown that there exists such a subset of boundary data that the Hawking temperature smoothly goes to zero to an infinite value of a horizon radius but the horizon area and entropy are finite and differ from zero. In string theory the existence of a horizon in the extreme limit is due to the finiteness of a system only.Comment: 8 pages, RevTex 3.0. Presentation improved, discussion on metrics in string theory simplified. To be published in Phys.Rev.

    No-Hair Theorem for Spontaneously Broken Abelian Models in Static Black Holes

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    The vanishing of the electromagnetic field, for purely electric configurations of spontaneously broken Abelian models, is established in the domain of outer communications of a static asymptotically flat black hole. The proof is gauge invariant, and is accomplished without any dependence on the model. In the particular case of the Abelian Higgs model, it is shown that the only solutions admitted for the scalar field become the vacuum expectation values of the self-interaction.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, RevTeX; some changes to match published versio

    The "physical process" version of the first law and the generalized second law for charged and rotating black holes

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    We investigate both the ``physical process'' version of the first law and the second law of black hole thermodynamics for charged and rotating black holes. We begin by deriving general formulas for the first order variation in ADM mass and angular momentum for linear perturbations off a stationary, electrovac background in terms of the perturbed non-electromagnetic stress-energy, ÎŽTab\delta T_{ab}, and the perturbed charge current density, ÎŽja\delta j^a. Using these formulas, we prove the "physical process version" of the first law for charged, stationary black holes. We then investigate the generalized second law of thermodynamics (GSL) for charged, stationary black holes for processes in which a box containing charged matter is lowered toward the black hole and then released (at which point the box and its contents fall into the black hole and/or thermalize with the ``thermal atmosphere'' surrounding the black hole). Assuming that the thermal atmosphere admits a local, thermodynamic description with respect to observers following orbits of the horizon Killing field, and assuming that the combined black hole/thermal atmosphere system is in a state of maximum entropy at fixed mass, angular momentum, and charge, we show that the total generalized entropy cannot decrease during the lowering process or in the ``release process''. Consequently, the GSL always holds in such processes. No entropy bounds on matter are assumed to hold in any of our arguments.Comment: 35 pages; 1 eps figur

    All the Four Dimensional Static, Spherically Symmetric Solutions of Abelian Kaluza-Klein Theory

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    We present the explicit form for all the four dimensional, static, spherically symmetric solutions in (4+n)(4+n)-d Abelian Kaluza-Klein theory by performing a subset of SO(2,n)SO(2,n) transformations corresponding to four SO(1,1)SO(1,1) boosts on the Schwarzschild solution, supplemented by SO(n)/SO(n−2)SO(n)/SO(n-2) transformations. The solutions are parameterized by the mass MM, Taub-Nut charge aa, nn electric Q⃗\vec{\cal Q} and nn magnetic P⃗\vec{\cal P} charges. Non-extreme black holes (with zero Taub-NUT charge) have either the Reissner-Nordstr\" om or Schwarzschild global space-time. Supersymmetric extreme black holes have a null or naked singularity, while non-supersymmetric extreme ones have a global space-time of extreme Reissner-Nordstr\" om black holes.Comment: 8 pages, uses RevTex, improved version to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    A comparison of Noether charge and Euclidean methods for Computing the Entropy of Stationary Black Holes

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    The entropy of stationary black holes has recently been calculated by a number of different approaches. Here we compare the Noether charge approach (defined for any diffeomorphism invariant Lagrangian theory) with various Euclidean methods, specifically, (i) the microcanonical ensemble approach of Brown and York, (ii) the closely related approach of Ba\~nados, Teitelboim, and Zanelli which ultimately expresses black hole entropy in terms of the Hilbert action surface term, (iii) another formula of Ba\~nados, Teitelboim and Zanelli (also used by Susskind and Uglum) which views black hole entropy as conjugate to a conical deficit angle, and (iv) the pair creation approach of Garfinkle, Giddings, and Strominger. All of these approaches have a more restrictive domain of applicability than the Noether charge approach. Specifically, approaches (i) and (ii) appear to be restricted to a class of theories satisfying certain properties listed in section 2; approach (iii) appears to require the Lagrangian density to be linear in the curvature; and approach (iv) requires the existence of suitable instanton solutions. However, we show that within their domains of applicability, all of these approaches yield results in agreement with the Noether charge approach. In the course of our analysis, we generalize the definition of Brown and York's quasilocal energy to a much more general class of diffeomorphism invariant, Lagrangian theories of gravity. In an appendix, we show that in an arbitrary diffeomorphism invariant theory of gravity, the ``volume term" in the ``off-shell" Hamiltonian associated with a time evolution vector field tat^a always can be expressed as the spatial integral of taCat^a {\cal C}_a, where Ca=0{\cal C}_a = 0 are the constraints associated with the diffeomorphism invariance.Comment: 29 pages (double-spaced) late

    Entropy and Action of Dilaton Black Holes

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    We present a detailed calculation of the entropy and action of U(1) 2U(1)~2 dilaton black holes, and show that both quantities coincide with one quarter of the area of the event horizon. Our methods of calculation make it possible to find an explanation of the rule S=A/4S = A/4 for all static, spherically symmetric black holes studied so far. We show that the only contribution to the entropy comes from the extrinsic curvature term at the horizon, which gives S=A/4S = A/4 independently of the charge(s) of the black hole, presence of scalar fields, etc. Previously, this result did not have a general explanation, but was established on a case-by-case basis. The on-shell Lagrangian for maximally supersymmetric extreme dilaton black holes is also calculated and shown to vanish, in agreement with the result obtained by taking the limit of the expression obtained for black holes with regular horizon.The physical meaning of the entropy is discussed in relation to the issue of splitting of extreme black holes.Comment: 15 p., SU-ITP-92-2

    Topology, Entropy and Witten Index of Dilaton Black Holes

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    We have found that for extreme dilaton black holes an inner boundary must be introduced in addition to the outer boundary to give an integer value to the Euler number. The resulting manifolds have (if one identifies imaginary time) topology S1×R×S2S^1 \times R \times S^2 and Euler number χ=0\chi = 0 in contrast to the non-extreme case with χ=2\chi=2. The entropy of extreme U(1)U(1) dilaton black holes is already known to be zero. We include a review of some recent ideas due to Hawking on the Reissner-Nordstr\"om case. By regarding all extreme black holes as having an inner boundary, we conclude that the entropy of {\sl all} extreme black holes, including [U(1)]2[U(1)]^2 black holes, vanishes. We discuss the relevance of this to the vanishing of quantum corrections and the idea that the functional integral for extreme holes gives a Witten Index. We have studied also the topology of ``moduli space'' of multi black holes. The quantum mechanics on black hole moduli spaces is expected to be supersymmetric despite the fact that they are not HyperK\"ahler since the corresponding geometry has torsion unlike the BPS monopole case. Finally, we describe the possibility of extreme black hole fission for states with an energy gap. The energy released, as a proportion of the initial rest mass, during the decay of an electro-magnetic black hole is 300 times greater than that released by the fission of an 235U{}^{235} U nucleus.Comment: 51 pages, 4 figures, LaTeX. Considerably extended version. New sections include discussion of the Witten index, topology of the moduli space, black hole sigma model, and black hole fission with huge energy releas


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    Static, four-dimensional (4-d) black holes (BH's) in (4+n4+n)-d Kaluza-Klein (KK) theory with Abelian isometry and diagonal internal metric have at most one electric (QQ) and one magnetic (PP) charges, which can either come from the same U(1)U(1)-gauge field (corresponding to BH's in effective 5-d KK theory) or from different ones (corresponding to BH's with U(1)M×U(1)EU(1)_M\times U(1)_E isometry of an effective 6-d KK theory). In the latter case, explicit non-extreme solutions have the global space-time of Schwarzschild BH's, finite temperature, and non-zero entropy. In the extreme (supersymmetric) limit the singularity becomes null, the temperature saturates the upper bound TH=1/4Ï€âˆŁQP∣T_H=1/4\pi\sqrt{|QP|}, and entropy is zero. A class of KK BH's with constrained charge configurations, exhibiting a continuous electric-magnetic duality, are generated by global SO(n)SO(n) transformations on the above classes of the solutions.Comment: 11 pages, 2 Postscript figures. uses RevTeX and psfig.sty (for figs) paper and figs also at ftp://dept.physics.upenn.edu/pub/Cvetic/UPR-645-
